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U.S. NEWSWednesday 27 January 2016
American Living:
Factory village’s trail of cancer leads to tap water probe
MARY ESCH of cancer there, particu- plant, 500 yards from the
Associated Press larly rare, aggressive forms.
HOOSICK FALLS, N.Y. (AP) The 44-year-old Martinez village’s main water wells.
— After his factory worker himself is in remission from
father died a painful death atypical bronchial carci- “Saint-Gobain Perfor-
from kidney cancer at age noid tumor, a rare form of
68 in 2013, Michael Hickey lung cancer. mance Plastics is com-
made it his mission to find When the two men sug-
out why so many people gested testing the village mitted to helping the vil-
in his hometown along the water supply, part-time
Hoosic River were getting Mayor David Borge at first lage of Hoosick Falls with
sick. refused, citing state guide-
Two years later, the U.S. lines. New York state classi- this situation,” company
Environmental Protection fies PFOA as an “unspeci-
Agency has warned resi- fied organic contaminant” spokesman Carmen Ferri-
dents of Hoosick Falls not and doesn’t require testing
to drink or cook with water for it. gno said. While the source
from municipal wells, and The EPA has a non-enforce-
a plastics plant has agreed able guidance level of 400 of the PFOA contamina-
to install a $2 million car- parts per trillion — roughly 4
bon filtration system at the teaspoons in enough water tion hasn’t been identified,
village water treatment to fill a 10-mile string of rail
plant. tankers. Saint-Gobain has been
Hickey’s campaign began Hickey used his own money
with suspicion about indus- in summer 2014 to have wa- paying for bottled water
trial pollution in the factory ter from his kitchen tap and
village near the Vermont other sources tested. The for residents since Novem-
border. His father had results showed PFOA at 540
worked for 35 years at a ppt from Hickey’s home, ber and has agreed to pay
plant that made high-per- exceeding the EPA’s guid-
formance plastics similar to ance. Village officials sub- for filtration to remove the
Teflon, so Hickey searched sequently tested the mu-
online for “cancer” and nicipal supply and found chemical from the public
“Teflon.” PFOA at similar levels.
What he found: PFOA. Michael Hickey, left, Dr. Marcus Martinez, center, and lawyer Saint-Gobain Performance water supply, he said.
Perfluorooctanoic acid, David Engel pose for a photo in Hickey’s dining room in Hoosick Plastics, part of a Paris-
a water and oil repellent, Fall, N.Y. They formed the grass-roots group Healthy Hoosick based global conglomer- Hickey and Martinez, along
had been used since the Water to press officials to investigate and find a solution after ate, in 1999 became the
1940s in products including lab tests paid for by Hickey detected the chemical PFOA in the fifth owner of a plastics fac- with Albany environmen-
non-stick cookware, stain- municipal water supply of Hoosick Falls. tory in Hoosick Falls. It con-
resistant carpeting and ducted tests in the sum- tal lawyer David Engel,
microwave popcorn bags. (AP Photo/Mary Esch) mer of 2015 and reported
Manufacturers agreed to a PFOA level of 18,000 ppt weren’t satisfied. They
phase it out by the end of in groundwater under its
wanted people to be told
not to drink the tap water,
2015 shortly after DuPont documented that the vil- along with a full investiga-
reached a $16.5 million set- lage has an unusually high
tlement with the EPA over cancer rate, but Hickey tion and remediation.
the company’s failure to and a local doctor had
report possible health risks heard enough anecdotal Engel contacted Judith
associated with PFOA. evidence that they felt it
A scientific panel that con- should be addressed. Enck, who heads the EPA
ducted health studies as “There’s always been talk
part of a DuPont settlement around town about how region that includes New
of a West Virginia class- there’s a lot of cancer,”
action lawsuit concluded Hickey said. “When my York.
there was a “probable link” dad, who didn’t drink or
between PFOA exposure smoke, was diagnosed She issued a statement in
and kidney cancer, testicu- with kidney cancer, that
lar cancer, thyroid disease, made it more personal.” December warning resi-
high cholesterol, ulcerative Dr. Marcus Martinez, the
colitis and pregnancy-in- family doctor for many of dents not to drink or cook
duced hypertension. the village’s 3,500 residents,
In Hoosick Falls, nobody added there certainly with village water. Until
has ever scientifically seemed to be a high rate
then, state and village offi-
cials had told residents the
water was unlikely to cause
health problems.
On Jan. 14, Enck and a
panel of leading EPA sci-
entists addressed a stand-
ing-room-only crowd at
Hoosick Falls’ high school