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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 5 January 2024
            French report says the UK isn't cooperating enough to curb

            migrant crossings across the Channel

            By SYLVIE CORBET                                                                                                    but researchers from the Pew
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Research Center estimated
            PARIS  (AP)  —  The  United                                                                                         their numbers in 2017 to be
            Kingdom  is  not  sufficiently                                                                                      between 300,000 and 400,000,
            coordinating with France in                                                                                         in a country of 67 million in-
            efforts to reduce the number                                                                                        habitants. This is about three
            of migrants crossing the Eng-                                                                                       times fewer migrants with no
            lish Channel in small boats,                                                                                        legal status than in the U.K.
            according to a French report                                                                                        and Germany.
            that points to the "uncertain                                                                                       The Court of Account's report
            effectiveness" of illegal migra-                                                                                    assessed a series of other is-
            tion policies.                                                                                                      sues related to illegal immi-
            France is "struggling to devel-                                                                                     gration policies, which were
            op operational cooperation                                                                                          subject to 133 changes in law
            arrangements" with the U.K.,                                                                                        in the past decade.
            according to the report pub-                                                                                        It  pointed  to  the  difficulty
            lished Thursday by France's                                                                                         of  implementing  orders  to
            Court of Accounts, a body                                                                                           leave the national territory,
            in charge of auditing the use                                                                                       despite France carrying out
            of public funds, independent                                                                                        the most deportations in the
            from  the  government  and                                                                                          European Union. Over 150,000
            parliament.                  People thought to be migrants who undertook the crossing from France in small boats and were   such decisions were made
            The report refers in particular   picked up in the Channel, arrive to be disembarked from a small transfer boat which ferried them   in 2022 and only 10% of the
            to a joint intelligence unit cre-  from a larger British border force vessel that didn't come into the port, in Dover, south east England,   concerned people actually
            ated in 2020 to fight human   Friday, June 17, 2022.                                                                left, it said.
            smuggling and reduce the                                                                           Associated Press   Amid recent debate over an
            number of people risking their                                                                                      immigration bill that focused
            lives  to  cross  the  Channel.  Thursday that the report "is  estimated that crossings of  The Home Office said that  largely on how to speed up
            In 2022, it helped dismantle  based on out-of-date infor-  the English Channel by boat  another 26,000 "of these dan-  the deportation process, the
            seven    people-smuggling  mation  and  does  not  ac-    increased by at least 58% be-  gerous, illegal and unneces-  report said that "international
            networks.                    curately reflect our current  tween 2021 and 2022, a year  sary crossing attempts were  comparisons suggest that a
            The  court  "found  that  the  working relationship, includ-  that saw over 45,000 migrants  prevented in 2023 thanks to  change of scale is not realis-
            British don't provide usable  ing intelligence sharing, with  arrive on British shores.  our partnership with France."  tic" regarding such policies.
            information on the departures  France."                   The report said 56% of cross-  France in recent years has  U.K.  authorities  sent  back
            of small boats, and give very  "In  the  last  two  years,  we  ing attempts were prevented  stepped up efforts to prevent  about 3,500 people to their
            general, first-level information  have  taken  more  robust  that same year — unchanged  migrants  from  crossing  the  home country and Germa-
            that has not been counter-   action  alongside  them  to  from the year before.        Channel, including through  ny sent back about 13,000
            checked."                    crack down on vile people-   British Prime Minister Rishi Su-  more  police,  equipment  people  in  2022,  according
            Information on the circum-   smuggling gangs and stop  nak has pledged to stop peo-    and  facilities.  The  country  to statistics gathered by the
            stances  in  which  migrants  the boats," it said in a state-  ple making the dangerous  received  222  million  euros  French Interior Ministry.
            arrive and their nationalities  ment. "We continue to work  journey across a busy shipping  ($243 million) from the U.K.  Reasons listed in the report
            "appears to be very patchy,"  closely with French partners  lane. The British government  from 2018 to 2022 as part of  include French authorities' dif-
            the report said. "The relation-  at all levels, helping to drive  announced this week that the  a bilateral agreement, and  ficulty to prove the identity of
            ship between France and the  forward improvements in the  number of migrants crossing  Sunak in March promised 480  the concerned migrants, re-
            UK is therefore unbalanced  prevention  of  crossing  at-  fell by more than a third in  million pounds ($609 million  luctance from home countries
            in terms of information and  tempts, both on the beaches  2023, to just over 29,000 —  or 556 million euros) for the  to issue authorization to let
            intelligence exchange."      and long before they reach  though whether government  2023-2026 period.               them in and refusal by com-
            Britain' rejected the claims.  them.                      action or bad weather is the  The number of people living  mercial airlines and plane pi-
            The  U.K.  Home  Office  said  The  U.K.  Defense  Ministry  reason is debated.        illegally in France is unknown,  lots to take them onboard.q

            Neo-Nazi podcasters sent to prison on terror charges

            for targeting Prince Harry and his young son

            By BRIAN MELLEY              nistic views and encouraged  the Duke of Sussex should be
            Associated Press             listeners of their "Lone Wolf  "prosecuted  and  judicially
            LONDON (AP) — A neo-Nazi  Radio"  podcast  to  commit  killed for treason" and called
            podcaster who called for the  violent  acts  against  ethnic  Harry's son, Archie, who is now
            deaths of Prince Harry and his  minorities, authorities said.  4, a "creature" that "should
            young son received a prison  Using aliases on their show,  be put down."
            sentence Thursday along with  the pair said "the white race  Gibbons, 40, was sentenced
            his co-host Thursday. The sen-  was likely to be 'genocided'  to eight years in prison, the   This  photo  combination  provided  by  the  Metropolitan  Police
            tencing judge in London called  unless  steps  were  taken  to  Metropolitan  Police  said.   on Thursday, Jan. 4, 2024 shows Christopher Gibbons, left and
            the duo "dedicated and un-   fight back." They approved  Patten-Walsh, 34, was given   Tyrone Patten-Walsh.                     Associated Press
            apologetic white supremacists"  of a day when so-called race  a 7-year term. Both will be
            who encouraged terrorism.    traitors would be hanged, par-  on the equivalent of proba-  dominated by white people  Asians, to Jews and Muslims,
            Christopher Gibbons and Ty-  ticularly those in interracial  tion for three years after their  purely for white people. Your  to gays, to white liberals and
            rone Patten-Walsh espoused  relationships.  Prince  Harry's  release.                  distorted thinking is that the  to white people in mixed-race
            racist, antisemitic, Islamopho-  wife, Meghan, is biracial.  "The evidence demonstrates  white race has ceded too  relationships,"  Judge  Peter
            bic, homophobic and misogy-  On one episode, Gibbons said  that you desire to live in a world  much influence to Blacks and  Lodder said.q
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