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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 5 January 2024

            Offering extraordinary vacation experiences

            Playa Linda follows a proven path in the New Year

            (PalmBeach)—The prized va-
            cation experience for which
            Playa Linda Beach Resort is
            well known has a common
            denominator – the high level
            of guest care offered by its
            dedicated team of hospital-
            ity professionals. The popular,
            Palm Beach-based timeshare
            topped off another banner
            year, and is gearing up for a
            similarly successful 2024, in
            exceeding the high expec-
            tations of its members and
            guests,  by  recognizing  the
            people who make it possi-
            ble. Accolades were recently  well as resort members and
            awarded to the year’s ‘best  guests.
            of  the  best’  among  Playa
            Linda’s  many  invaluable,  With teamwork being a main
            talented associates.         factor behind the daily de-
                                         livery of extraordinary vaca-
            A year-end celebration, en-  tion experiences, Playa Linda
            livened  by  classic  Dande  also recognized the entirety
            tunes by Grupo di Betico, set  of the Front Office team, who
            the festive mood for well-de-  were collectively awarded
            served recognition provided  the winning title of Depart-
            to  various  members  of  the  ment of the Year.
            team, with honors going to
            Supervisor of the Year Jomar  General Manager Peter van
            Abian, Employee of the Year  Grinsven and Operations Di-
            Jacobo de Mey, Star of the  rector Sulaika Kelly led the
            Year Yahaira Jimenez, Rookie  celebration, expressing ap-  as  part  of  the  Playa  Linda  dining, shopping and activ-  cierge services, daily activity
            of the Year Mayra Guzman  preciation to all employees  family.                         ity options. Its 217 spacious  program and varied dining
            and Contractor of the Year  whose  tremendous  efforts                                 suites -- featuring ten different  and shopping options, cre-
            Ricardo Rodriguez. Each ex-  result in Playa Linda’s stellar  Playa  Linda  Beach  Resort  suite categories, each with  ate an upscale, community-
            emplifies the highest degree  reputation as one of friend-  Aruba  sits  beachside  on  fully-equipped kitchens – and  centered  environment  for
            of professionalism as well as  liest  resort  destinations  in  world famous Palm Beach,  resort amenities including on-  families, couples and friend
            a talent for always offering  Aruba, where members and  and  at  the  center  of  the  property  laundry  facilities,  groups seeking Aruba hos-
            their best to colleagues as  guests are always welcomed  island’s  best  selection  of  two pools, two Jacuzzis, con-  pitality at its finest. q

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