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              Wednesday 26 OctOber 2022
            Most in U.S. want more action on climate change: AP-NORC poll

                                                                                                                                right amount.
                                                                                                                                Democrats  are  more  likely
                                                                                                                                than  others  to  think  the
                                                                                                                                federal  government  is  do-
                                                                                                                                ing  too  little  on  climate:
                                                                                                                                79% say that, compared to
                                                                                                                                67%  of  independents  and
                                                                                                                                39% of Republicans. About
                                                                                                                                three-quarters of Black and
                                                                                                                                Hispanic  Americans  think
                                                                                                                                there’s  too  little  action,
                                                                                                                                compared to about half of
                                                                                                                                white Americans.
                                                                                                                                And  about  three-quarters
                                                                                                                                of  adults  under  45  think
                                                                                                                                there’s  too  little  action  on
                                                                                                                                climate,  significantly  high-
                                                                                                                                er than the roughly half of
                                                                                                                                those older who think that.
                                                                                                                                Robert  Stavins,  professor
                                                                                                                                of  energy  and  economic
                                                                                                                                development  at  the  Har-
                                                                                                                                vard Kennedy School, said
                                                                                                                                it makes sense for the gov-
                                                                                                                                ernment  to  step  in  to  pro-
                                                                                                                                mote renewable energy on
                                                                                                                                a large scale.
                                                                                                                                “Individual  action  is  not
                                                                                                                                going to be sufficient in 10
                                                                                                                                or even 20 years,” he said.
            President Joe Biden signs the Democrats' landmark climate change and health care bill in the State Dining Room of the White House
            in Washington, Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2022, as from left, Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of N.Y.,   “You  need  government
            House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., and Rep. Kathy Castor, D-Fla., watch.   policies  to  create  incen-
                                                                                                               Associated Press   tives  for  industry  and  indi-
                                                                                                                                viduals  to  move  in  a  car-
            Continued from Front         New  Hampshire,  said  he  in Congress, approved and  That includes incentives for  bon-friendly direction.’’
                                         thinks  Biden  has  “done  an  signed by Biden.           electric  vehicles  and  solar  Americans  want  to  own
            Yet the poll by The Associ-  amazing  amount  of  work”  The law was passed during  panels,  though  relatively  a  car,  “and  they  are  not
            ated  Press-NORC  Center  as president. “I’m sort of in  the  summer,  when  people  few  say  they  are  inclined  going  to  buy  one  that’s
            for  Public  Affairs  Research  awe  of  what  he’s  done,’’  traditionally pay less atten-  to pursue either in the next  expensive,’’  Stavins  said,
            finds that 61% of U.S. adults  said Katz, a Democrat and  tion to news, “and it takes  three years.                 so  government  needs  to
            say they know little to noth-  retired  photographer.  Still,  time  to  explain  it,’’  espe-  About  half  of  Americans  lower  costs  for  electric  ve-
            ing about it.                asked his opinion of the In-  cially  since  many  of  the  think  government  action  hicles  and  encourage  au-
            While  the  law  was  widely  flation Reduction Act, Katz  law’s  provisions  have  not  that  targets  companies  tomakers to produce more
            heralded as the largest in-  said,  “I’m  not  acquainted  yet kicked in, Stokes said.  with  restrictions  is  very  im-  EVs,  including  widespread
            vestment in climate spend-   with” it.                    Biden  and  congressional  portant,  the  poll  shows,  availability of charging sta-
            ing in history, 49% of Ameri-  After  learning  about  the  Democrats  “delivered  in  a  while about a third say that  tions. Biden has set a goal
            cans  say  it  won’t  make  law’s  provisions,  Katz  said  big  way  on  climate,’’  she  about  restrictions  on  indi-  to  install  500,000  charging
            much  of  a  difference  on  he    supports   increased  said,  but  now  must  focus  viduals. A majority of Ameri-  stations  across  America  as
            climate change, 33% say it  spending for wind and solar  on  helping  the  public  un-  cans, 62%, say companies’  part of the 2021 infrastruc-
            will help and 14% think it will  power,  along  with  incen-  derstand the law and “win-  refusal  to  reduce  energy  ture law.
            do more to hurt it.          tives  to  purchase  electric  ning the win.’’            use  is  a  major  problem  for  On   renewable   energy,
            The measure, which passed  vehicles.                      Meredith   McGroarty,    a  efforts  to  reduce  climate  nearly  two-thirds  of  U.S.
            without a single Republican  Even  stronger  measures  waitress      from   Pontiac,  change,  while  just  about  adults  say  offshore  wind
            vote in either chamber, of-  —  such  as  restrictions  on  Michigan, said she was un-  half  say  people  not  willing  farms should be expanded,
            fers  nearly  $375  billion  in  rebuilding  in  coastal  areas  familiar  with  the  new  law  to reduce their energy use  and about 6 in 10 say solar
            incentives  to  accelerate  damaged by Hurricane Ian  but  supports  increased  cli-   is a major problem.          panel  farms  should  be  ex-
            expansion  of  clean  ener-  or other storms — are war-   mate  action.  “I  have  chil-  Slightly more than half also  panded. Biden has moved
            gy  such  as  wind  and  solar  ranted,  Katz  said,  but  he  dren I’m leaving behind to  say  it’s  a  major  problem  to  expand  offshore  wind
            power,  speeding  the  tran-  doubts  they’ll  ever  be  ap-  this world,’’ she said.  that  the  energy  industry  is  and  solar  power  as  presi-
            sition away from fossil fuels  proved.                    McGroarty,  40,  a  Demo-    not  doing  enough  to  sup-  dent.
            such as oil, coal and natu-  “People want their dreams  crat, urged Biden and other  ply power from renewable  Americans  are  divided  on
            ral  gas  that  largely  cause  to  come  true:  to  live  near  leaders to talk more about  sources  such  as  wind  and  offshore  drilling  for  oil  and
            climate change.              the ocean in a big house,’’  the  climate  law’s  “effects  solar,  and  about  half  say  natural gas. Around a third
            Combined  with  spending  he said.                        on  normal,  everyday  peo-  the  government  is  not  in-  say  such  drilling  should  be
            by  states  and  the  private  Leah  Stokes,  an  environ-  ple. Let us know what’s go-  vesting  enough  in  renew-  expanded,  while  about  as
            sector, the law  could  help  mental  policy  professor  at  ing on a little more.’’   able energy.                 many  say  it  should  be  re-
            shrink U.S. carbon emissions  the University of California,  Americans   are   gener-  Overall,  62%  of  U.S.  adults  duced;  another  third  say
            by about two-fifths by 2030  Santa Barbara, said she was  ally  more  likely  to  support  say  the  government  is  do-  neither.
            and  chop  emissions  from  not  surprised  the  climate  than  oppose  many  of  the  ing  too  little  to  reduce  cli-  Republicans  were  more
            electricity  by  as  much  as  law  is  so  little  known,  de-  government  actions  on  mate  change,  while  19%  likely than Democrats to be
            80%, advocates say.          spite massive media cover-   climate  change  included  say  it’s  doing  too  much  in  favor  of  expanding  off-
            Michael Katz, 84, of Temple,  age when it was debated  in  the  law,  the  poll  shows.  and 18% think it’s doing the  shore drilling, 54% to 20%.q
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