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              Wednesday 26 OctOber 2022

            Japan steps up push to get public buy-in to digital IDs

            By YURI KAGEYAMA                                                                                                    mation, given how unpop-
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  ular it is.
            TOKYO  (AP)  —  Japan  has                                                                                          “There  is  a  microchip  in
            stepped  up  its  push  to                                                                                          it,  and  that  means  there
            catch  up  on  digitization                                                                                         could  be  fraud,”  said  Fuji-
            by  telling  a  reluctant  pub-                                                                                     mori,  who  has  a  My  Num-
            lic  they  have  to  sign  up                                                                                       ber  but  doesn’t  intend  to
            for  digital  IDs  or  possibly                                                                                     get  the  new  card.  “If  a
            lose  access  to  their  public                                                                                     machine  is  reading  all  the
            health insurance.                                                                                                   information,  that  can  lead
            As the naming implies, the                                                                                          to  mistakes  in  the  medical
            initiative is about assigning                                                                                       sector, too.”
            numbers  to  people,  similar                                                                                       “If this was  coming from a
            to  Social  Security  numbers                                                                                       trustworthy  leadership  and
            in the U.S. Many Japanese                                                                                           the  economy  was  thriv-
            worry the information might                                                                                         ing, maybe we would think
            be  misused  or  that  their                                                                                        about it, but not now,” Fuji-
            personal information might                                                                                          mori said.
            be stolen.                                                                                                          Something    drastic   may
            Some view the My Number                                                                                             have to happen for people
            effort as a violation of their                                                                                      to  accept  such  changes,
            right to privacy.                                                                                                   just  as  it  took  a  devastat-
            So  the  system  that  kicked                                                                                       ing  defeat  in  World  War  II
            off  in  2016  has  never  fully   Japanese actor Masato Sakai shows a sample of My Number card during a promotional event in   for Japan to transform itself
            caught  on.  Fax  machines   Tokyo on March 8, 2021.                                                                into  an  economic  power-
            are   still   commonplace,                                                                         Associated Press   house, said Hidenori Wata-
            and  many  Japanese  con-    to  drivers  licenses  and  the  Opponents  of  the  change  of  data.  They’re  also  wary  nave,  a  professor  at  the
            duct much of their business  public  health  insurance  say the current system has  about  government  over-        University of Tokyo.
            in person, with cash. Some  plans.                        been working for decades  reach,  partly  a  legacy  of  “There’s  resistance  playing
            bureaucratic    procedures  Health    insurance   cards  and going digital would re-   authoritarian  regimes  be-  out everywhere,” he said.
            can  be  done  online,  but  now in use, which lack pho-  quire  extra  work  at  a  time  fore and during World War  Japanese     traditionally
            many Japanese offices still  tos,  will  be  discontinued  in  when  the  pandemic  is  still  II.                  take  pride  in  meticulous,
            require “inkan,” or seals for  late  2024.  People  will  be  straining  the  medical  sys-  Saeko  Fujimori,  who  works  handcraft-quality   work-
            stamping, for identification,  required to use My Number  tem.                         in the music copyright busi-  manship  and  many  also
            and insist on people bring-  cards instead.               But  the  reluctance  to  go  ness,  said  she’s  supposed  devote themselves to care-
            ing paper forms to offices.  That has drawn a backlash,  digital extends beyond the  to get My Number informa-      fully keeping track of doc-
            Now  the  government  is  with an online petition de-     health  care  system.  After  tion  from  the  people  she  uments  and  neatly  filing
            asking people to apply for  manding  a  continuation  numerous  scandals  over  deals  with,  but  many  balk  them away.
            plastic  My  Number  cards  of the current health cards  leaks  and  other  mistakes,  at giving it out. And no one  “There  are  too  many  peo-
            equipped  with  microchips  drawing more than 100,000  many  Japanese  distrust  is all that surprised she has  ple  worried  their  jobs  are
            and  photos,  to  be  linked  signatures in a few days.   the government’s handling  trouble  getting  that  infor-  going to disappear.q

             Lebanon: Mediation ongoing for Austin Tice, held in Syria

            BEIRUT  (AP)  —  Lebanon  is  journalist  Austin  Tice  who  said Tuesday.             General  Security  Director-  slowly but they are going as
            still  mediating  between  went  missing  a  decade  Washington  maintains  that  ate, has mediated compli-         they should,” he said. “The
            the United States and Syria  ago  in  the  war-torn  coun-  Tice  is  held  by  Syrian  au-  cated  hostage  releases  in  back-and-forth   negotia-
            over  the  fate  of  American  try,  a  Lebanese  general  thorities.                  the past and regularly visits  tions did not stop.”
                                                                      Tice went missing shortly af-  Syria.                     Tice, from Houston, is one of
                                                                      ter his 31st birthday on Aug.  In  August,  President  Joe  two  Americans  who  went
                                                                      14,  2012,  at  a  checkpoint  Biden accused Syria of de-  missing  in  Syria.  The  other
                                                                      in  a  contested  area  west  taining Tice, the clearest in-  is  Majd  Kamalmaz,  a  psy-
                                                                      of the Syrian capital of Da-  dication so far that the U.S.  chologist from Virginia, who
                                                                      mascus.  A  video  released  is certain that the journalist  vanished there in 2017.
                                                                      a month later showed him  is  being  held  by  President  Tice’s work has been pub-
                                                                      blindfolded  and  held  by  Bashar    Assad’s   govern-   lished  by  The  Washington
                                                                      armed  men.  He  has  not  ment. Just few months ear-     Post,  McClatchy  newspa-
                                                                      been heard from since.       lier, in May, Biden met Tice’s  pers  and  other  outlets.  He
                                                                      Lebanese Maj. Gen. Abbas  parents  and  reiterated  his  went  to  Syria  to  cover  the
                                                                      Ibrahim, who met with U.S.  commitment  toward  “Aus-     conflict that started in 2011,
                                                                      officials  in  Washington  in  tin’s long overdue return to  quickly  descending  into  a
                                                                      May  as  part  of  mediation  his family.”                full-blown civil war. The war
                                                                      efforts  for  Tice’s  release,  Syria promptly denied hold-  has killed hundreds of thou-
                                                                      told  reporters  in  Beirut  on  ing Tice or other Americans.  sands and displaced nearly
                                                                      Tuesday  that  his  mission  is  At  the  Beirut  press  confer-  half  of  Syria’s  pre-conflict
             Marc and Debra Tice, the parents of Austin Tice, who is missing   ongoing but described it as  ence, Ibrahim struck an up-  population  of  23  million.
             in Syria for nearly six years, speak during a press conference, at   “long and complicated.”  beat tone.           More than 5 million of those
             the Press Club, in Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2018.
                                                     Associated Press   Ibrahim, head of Lebanon’s  “Matters  might  be  moving  are now outside Syria.q
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