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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 26 OctOber 2022
            Ash Carter, defense chief who opened combat to women, dies

            By TARA COPP                 forded  the  opportunity  to
            Associated Press             compete to do so,” Carter
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  For-    said  in  June  2016,  laying
            mer Defense Secretary Ash  out  a  one-year  plan  to
            Carter, who opened com-      implement  the  change.
            bat  jobs  to  women  and  “Our  mission  is  to  defend
            ended a ban on transgen-     this country, and we don’t
            der  people  serving  in  the  want  barriers  unrelated  to
            military, has died at age 68.  a  person’s  qualification  to
            Carter  died  Monday  eve-   serve  preventing  us  from
            ning after suffering a heart  recruiting  or  retaining  the
            attack in Boston, his family  soldier,  sailor,  airman  or
            said  in  a  statement  Tues-  Marine  who  can  best  ac-
            day.  Known  as  a  defense  complish the mission.”
            thinker and strategist, Cart-  Before  Carter  was  named
            er  was  a  nuclear  expert,  the  Defense  Department
            three-time  Pentagon  ex-    secretary,  he  served  in
            ecutive,  budget  guru  and  President Barack Obama’s
            academician  who  had  administration  as  the  Pen-
            served  as  a  defense  civil-  tagon’s  top  procurement
            ian  in  the  building  over  a  officer  and  oversaw  the
            period of 35 years.          department’s    effort   to
            Gen. Martin Dempsey, for-    speed  more  than  24,000    Defense Secretary Ash Carter speaks during a news conference at the Pentagon, June 30, 2016.
            mer  chairman  of  the  Joint  Mine-Resistant   Ambush    Carter, who served as secretary of defense in the final two years of the Obama administration,
            Chiefs  of  Staff,  noted  at  Protected  vehicles  to  Iraq   has died at age 68.
            Carter’s  retirement  cer-   and Afghanistan during the                                                                         Associated Press
            emony  in  2017  that  his  fo-  height  of  both  conflicts  to
            cus on the less glamourous  better protect U.S. troops.
            aspects  of  the  job  such  At  the  time,  thousands
            as  people  management  of  U.S.  troops  were  being
            had  made  him  known  as  maimed  or  killed  by  road-
            the  “most  important,  least  side bombs because there
            known  figure  in  Washing-  was not adequate protec-
            ton.” Carter had not previ-  tion  in  the  vehicles  they
            ously  served  in  the  military  were   operating.   Carter
            but mastered the nuts and  frequently  mentioned  the
            bolts  of  the  Defense  De-  rapid  development  and
            partment,  a  skill  set  that  procurement of those vehi-
            helped  him  quietly  shape  cles as one of his proudest
            notable  change,  particu-   accomplishments.
            larly when it came to who  “At  peak  production,  the
            was allowed to serve in uni-  United States shipped over
            form.  In  December  2015,  1,000  MRAPs  a  month  to
            after  three  years  of  study  theater.  And  there,  they
            and  debate,  Carter  or-    saved lives,” Carter said at
            dered the military to open  a  2012  ceremony  marking
            all  jobs  to  women,  remov-  the  completion  of  the  ve-
            ing  the  final  barriers  that  hicle production. “And you
            kept  women  from  serving  all know me, I would have
            in  combat,  including  the  driven  one  in  here  today,
            most dangerous and gruel-    if I could get it through the
            ing commando posts.          door.”  Carter  was  sworn
            “I  made  the  decision  to  in  as  defense  secretary  in
            admit women to all military  February 2015. He was im-
            specialties  without  excep-  mediately confronted with
            tion,” Carter said in a later  the rise of the Islamic State
            interview  on  the  decision.  group in Iraq and Syria and
            “They are 50% of the popu-   China’s  rapid  militariza-
            lation.  We  can’t  afford  to  tion of islands in the South
            leave  off  the  table  half  of  China  Sea.  During  his  ten-
            the population who can, if  ure  Carter  oversaw  the
            they’re the ones who have  Obama        administration’s
            the  best  qualifications,  do  “Pivot  to  the  Pacific,”  an
            the job.”                    attempt to rebalance mili-
            The  following  year,  Carter,  tary  resources  and  focus
            was responsible for ending  on a rising China. He trav-
            the  ban  on  transgender  eled  multiple  times  to  U.S.
            troops,  saying  it  was  the  aircraft  carriers  in  the  Pa-
            right thing to do.           cific  as  the  U.S.  increased
            “Americans  who  want  to  its naval presence there to
            serve  and  can  meet  our  counter Beijing’s own more
            standards  should  be  af-   aggressive stance. q
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