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                      Tuesday 26 June 2018

            UK lawmakers approve big expansion for Heathrow Airport

            By DANICA KIRKA                                                                                                     keep  fighting  against  the
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Parlia-                                                                                            runway.
            ment  approved  plans  to                                                                                           "Some  of  my  critics  have
            make  Europe's  biggest  air-                                                                                       suggested  that  I  should
            port  even  bigger,  backing                                                                                        resign  over  the  issue.  No
            on Monday what the gov-                                                                                             doubt  they  have  my  best
            ernment  described  as  the                                                                                         interests  at  heart,"  the
            most important transporta-                                                                                          newspaper  quoted  him  as
            tion  decision  in  a  genera-                                                                                      saying.  "But  it  is  clear  from
            tion.                                                                                                               what is likely to be a large
            The  House  of  Commons                                                                                             majority  of  (lawmakers)
            voted overwhelmingly, 415-                                                                                          who are in favor of a third
            119, to build a third runway                                                                                        runway that my resignation
            at  Heathrow  Airport  after                                                                                        would  have  achieved  ab-
            hours  of  debate  on  the                                                                                          solutely nothing."
            14  billion-pound  ($18.6  bil-                                                                                     Business  groups  were  elat-
            lion)  project.  The  decision                                                                                      ed at a decision that took
            follows  decades  of  study                                                                                         decades of debate.
            and  argument  over  how                                                                                            "The  race  for  global  com-
            to  expand  airport  capac-                                                                                         petitiveness  is  well  under-
            ity in southeastern England,                                                                                        way and the UK must now
            and it is certain to be chal-                                                                                       be quick off the mark - work
            lenged in the courts.        In this file photo dated Tuesday, June 5, 2018, a plane takes off over a road sign near Heathrow   on the new runway should
            Prime Minister Theresa May   Airport in London.                                                                     start  as  soon  as  possible."
            believes  the  project  will                                                                       Associated Press  Said  Carolyn  Fairbairn,  the
            boost  economic  growth                                                                                             director  general  of  trade
            while  signaling  the  coun-  of  debate  and  set,  to  my  of the towns under the air-  once pledged to lie down  group,  the  CBI.  "The  prize
            try's  commitment  to  ex-   mind,  a  clear  path  to  our  port's flight path.       in front of bulldozers to stop  is tens of thousands of jobs
            pand  international  trade  future as a global nation in  London Mayor Sadiq Khan  the  expansion,  avoided  and  billions  of  pounds  of
            and transport links as it pre-  the post-Brexit world."   has  pledged  to  join  local  a  confrontation  with  the  growth for the British econ-
            pares to leave the Europe-   Opponents  object  to  the  government  councils  in  fil-  prime minister because he  omy.
            an Union.                    third  runway  on  environ-  ing legal action seeking to  was visiting Afghanistan on  Some  airline  CEOs  quickly
            Neighbors  and  environ-     mental, noise and financial  block  the  expansion  and  Monday.                       applauded  the  decision.
            mentalists  object  because  grounds. Friends of the Earth  has said Heathrow already  His absence did not go un-   Craig  Kreeger,  CEO  of  Vir-
            of  concerns  about  pollu-  described  it  as  a  "morally  exposes  the  city  to  more  noticed. Opposition leader  gin  Atlantic,  said  the  vote
            tion, noise and the commu-   reprehensible"  move  that  aircraft  noise  than  Paris,  Jeremy  Corbyn  said  John-  sent "a strong signal to the
            nities — some dating back  would  result  in  Heathrow  Frankfurt,       Amsterdam,  son,  who  represents  the  world  that  we're  open  for
            hundreds  of  years  —  that  emitting  as  much  carbon  Munich  and  Madrid  com-    Uxbridge  and  South  Ruislip  business."
            will be destroyed.           as the whole of Portugal.    bined.  He  argues  that  the  constituency  near  Heath-  But the view was not univer-
            Business  groups  strongly  Greenpeace  said  that  if  project  would  also  push  row, should resign.             sal. Willie Walsh, the CEO of
            backed  the  government.  ministers  wouldn't  protect  toxic emissions above legal  "If he is unable to be pres-   IAG,  the  parent  company
            They  argued  that  increas-  people  from  toxic  air,  op-  limits.                  ent,  then  we  have  to  ask  of  British  Airways,  said  Par-
            ing the capacity at Heath-   ponents would ask a court  "This  will  be  a  critical  mo-  the question what on Earth  liament  had  little  idea  of
            row  would  be  tantamount  to do so.                     ment,  and  for  the  sake  of  is  he  doing  and  who  is  he  the costs involved.
            to putting out an "open for  John  Stewart,  a  longtime  Londoners    affected   by  representing?" Corbyn said.   "We have zero confidence
            business" sign as Britain pre-  opponent of Heathrow ex-  poor  air  quality,  disruption  Shouts  of  "Where's  Boris?"  in  Heathrow's  manage-
            pares to leave the Europe-   pansion,  took  to  Twitter  to  from  noise  and  the  costs  could  be  heard  in  the  ment's  ability  to  deliver
            an Union.                    lament  that  the  new  run-  needed  to  improve  trans-  Commons  as  lawmakers  this  project  while  keeping
            "This  is  a  really  important  way  had  become  a  gov-  port  connections,  I  will  do  spoke  out  against  Heath-  airport  charges  flat,"  he
            moment in the history of this  ernment policy.            what  I  can  to  stop  these  row expansion plans.       said,  adding  that  IAG  was
            House and the history of this  "A  third  runway  will  turn  poor plans," Khan said in a  Johnson,  in  a  letter  to  looking  to  the  regulator,
            country,"  Transport  Secre-  peaceful  areas  of  London  statement.                  councilors in his parliamen-  the  CAA,  "to  fulfil  its  role
            tary Chris Grayling told the  &  the  Home  Counties  into  May directed Conservative  tary district obtained by the  to  protect  consumers  and
            House  of  Commons  as  he  torrents  of  noise  as  planes  Party lawmakers to vote for  Evening Standard newspa-  stop  Heathrow  rewarding
            appealed  for  lawmakers  pass  over  at  a  rate  of  1  the  project.  Foreign  Sec-  per, said that staying in the  its shareholders to the detri-
            to "move on from decades  every 90 seconds," he said  retary  Boris  Johnson,  who  Cabinet would allow him to  ment of the UK."q
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