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BUSINESS                 Tuesday 26 June 2018

            Stocks sink on reports US may limit tech exports, investment

            By MARLEY JAY                                                                          Union  put  tariffs  on  motor-  it  will  combine  with  Ray-
            Associated Press                                                                       cycles from the U.S. as well  com in a deal the compa-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  U.S.                                                               as  other  goods  like  bour-  nies  valued  at  $3.6  billion.
            stocks  are  falling  Monday                                                           bon, peanut butter and or-   Campbell  Soup  rose  9.3
            following  losses  in  Europe                                                          ange juice.                  percent to $42.18 after the
            and  Asia,  and  technology                                                            Those  taxes  are  retaliation  New  York  Post  said  Kraft
            companies  are  skidding                                                               for duties the Trump admin-  Heinz is interested in buying
            after reports the Trump ad-                                                            istration  imposed  on  Euro-  the company. Kraft rose 0.2
            ministration  plans  to  limit                                                         pean steel and aluminum.     percent to $63.32.
            high-tech exports to China                                                             Harley  said  in  a  regulatory  ADRIFT:   Cruise   lines
            as  well  as  investment  by                                                           filing Monday that EU tariffs  dropped after Carnival cut
            Chinese firms in technology                                                            on  its  motorcycles  export-  its  annual  profit  forecast.
            companies.  Treasury  Sec-                                                             ed  from  the  U.S.  jumped  The company cited the ris-
            retary Steven Mnuchin said                                                             between 6 percent and 31  ing cost of fuel. Carnival fell
            the  investment  restrictions                                                          percent,  which  translates  7.2 percent to $58.96 while
            might apply to other coun-                                                             into an extra $2,200 per av-  Royal  Caribbean  gave  up
            tries as well.               In this April 5, 2018, file photo, a sign for a Wall Street subway   erage  motorcycle  export-  5  percent  to  $105.96  and
                                         station is shown in New York. The U.S. stock market opens at 9:30
            Harley-Davidson  is  falling   a.m. EDT on Monday, June 25.                            ed from the U.S. to the EU.  Norwegian  Cruises  lost  6.7
            after  it  said  it  will  shift  the                                 Associated Press  Its stock fell 6.4 percent to  percent to $48.48.
            production  of  some  mo-    Trump  administration  will  tual tariffs on tens of billions’  $41.39.                BONDS:  Bond  prices  rose.
            torcycles  to  Europe  in  re-  limit technology exports to  worth of goods July 6, and  ON THE SKIDS: Retailers and  The  yield  on  the  10-year
            sponse to taxes the EU put  China as well as investment  the reports suggest the two  other  companies  focused  Treasury  note  fell  to  2.87
            on U.S. exports.             by China.                    sides  aren’t  getting  closer  on consumers fell as inves-  percent from 2.89 percent.
            The benchmark S&P 500 in-    China is attempting to be-   to a deal.                   tors sold some of the stocks  ENERGY:  Benchmark  U.S.
            dex is on pace for its worst  come  a  global  leader  in  OVERSEAS: Germany’s DAX  that  have  done  the  best  crude  dipped  0.8  percent
            loss since early April.      biotechnology, electric ve-  fell  2.5  percent  and  Lon-  this year.                 to $68.05 per barrel in New
            KEEPING  SCORE:  The  S&P  hicles  and  other  industries,  don’s  FTSE  100  gave  up  Amazon  lost  3.6  percent  York. It climbed 4.6 percent
            500  index  shed  44  points,  and the report said the ad-  2.2 percent. France’s CAC  to  $1,654.33  and  Netflix  Friday,  its  biggest  one-day
            or  1.6  percent,  to  2,710  as  ministration  wants  to  slow  40 shed 1.9 percent. Hong  dropped  6.5  percent  to  gain since late 2016.
            of  1:30  p.m.  Eastern  time.  Beijing’s  progress  in  those  Kong’s  Hang  Seng  lost  1.3  $384.38.             Brent  crude,  used  to  price
            The  Dow  Jones  Industrial  areas.  President  Donald  percent.                       The  trade  tensions  contin-  international  oils,  dropped
            Average lost 375 points, or  Trump  has  threatened  to  Tokyo’s  Nikkei  225  shed  ued to hit industrial compa-   1.5  percent  to  $74.20  per
            1.5 percent, to 24,229. The  put  tariffs  on  hundreds  of  0.8  percent  and  in  South  nies, which are facing high-  barrel in London.
            Nasdaq composite fell 188  billions of dollars in Chinese  Korea  the  Kospi  was  little  er  costs  and  the  possibility  OPEC  countries  agreed  to
            points,  or  2.5  percent,  to  imports  over  complaints  changed.                    of tariffs that hurt their sales.  produce  more  oil  Friday,
            7,504.  The  Russell  2000  in-  Beijing  steals  or  pressures  HARLEY  SHIFTS:  Harley-Da-  Boeing  skidded  2.7  per-  but investors aren’t sure the
            dex  of  smaller-company  foreign companies to hand  vidson  will  move  the  pro-     cent  to  $329.68  and  Cat-  cartel will produce as much
            stocks  slid  27  points,  or  1.6  over technology. He’s also  duction  of  motorcycles  erpillar shed 2.4 percent to  crude oil as it says it will.
            percent, to 1,658.           pressuring  China  to  buy  headed  for  Europe  from  $136.52.                        CURRENCY: The dollar fell to
            US-CHINA  TENSIONS:  The  more U.S.-made goods.           the  U.S.  to  overseas  facili-  DEALS:  Broadcaster  Gray  109.46 yen from 109.91 yen.
            Wall  Street  Journal  and  The  U.S.  and  China  are  ties.                          Television  jumped  9.2  per-  The  euro  rose  to  $1.1697
            Bloomberg  News  said  the  scheduled  to  impose  mu-    On  Friday  the  European  cent  to  $13.98  after  it  said  from $1.1663.q

            Carnival shares sink on outlook, cost concerns

            Associated Press                                                                       But, the company expects  to $4.40 per share.
            NEW YORK (AP) — Carnival                                                               profit in the third-quarter to  Carnival shares have fallen
            Corp. shares tumbled Mon-                                                              range  from  $2.25  to  $2.29  slightly  more  than  4  per-
            day after the cruise opera-                                                            per share, falling well short  cent  since  the  beginning
            tor  gave  a  weaker-than-                                                             of Wall Street expectations  of the year, while the Stan-
            expected  outlook,  citing                                                             of $2.48 per share.          dard  &  Poor’s  500  index
            growing fuel costs.                                                                    For the full year, it trimmed  has  increased  3  percent.
            The  stock  fell  $6.11,  or  9.6                                                      guidance  to  a  range  of  The stock has fallen slightly
            percent, to $57.42 in morn-                                                            $4.15  to  $4.25  per  share  more than 4 percent in the
            ing trading.                                                                           from a prior range of $4.20  last 12 months.q
            The  lackluster  guidance
            and concern over growing
            costs helped drag down its
            Shares of Norwegian Cruise
            Line Holdings Ltd. fell $3.17,   In this June 20, 2016, file photo, a jet skier passes in front of the
            or  6.1  percent,  to  $48.17.   Carnival Sensation cruise ship as it leaves PortMiami, in Miami
            Royal  Caribbean  Cruises     Beach, Fla.
            Ltd. shares fell $5.12, or 4.6                                        Associated Press
            percent, to $106.43.         share.                       to $4.36 billion.
            Miami-based      Carnival’s  Earnings, adjusted for non-  The quarterly results topped
            second-quarter        profit  recurring gains, came to 68  Wall Street expectations for
            jumped 48 percent to $561  cents per share.               profit of 60 cents per share
            million,  or  78  cents  per  Revenue rose 10.4 percent  and $4.33 billion in revenue.
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