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                                                                                                           local Tuesday 11 april 2023

            Aruba Dominates the First Annual ABC Beach Tennis Cup

            (Oranjestad)—Aruba's beach tennis play-
            ers  have  once  again  proven  their  domi-  Marc  Kiezebrink  of  Beach  Tennis  Aruba
            nance  in  the  sport  by  winning  multiple  commented, "We are incredibly proud of
            categories at the first annual ABC Beach  our players for their achievements at the
            Tennis  Cup,  which  includes  players  from  ABC Beach Tennis Cup. Their success is a
            Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. Beach Ten-     testament to the hard work and dedica-
            nis Bonaire as part of the Bonaire Interna-  tion  of  everyone  involved  in  the  sport  in
            tional Sports Week organized the tourna-   Aruba. Beach tennis is becoming increas-
            ment from March 31 to April 2, and Aruba  ingly popular in the world and in the ABC
            came with 22 athletes participating in sev-  Islands, and we are thrilled to see our play-
            eral categories.                           ers leading the way in the ABC islands."

            Maria  Buuts  and  Eugemine  Ignacio  won  The  continuous  development  of  beach
            the Open Women's category (highest lev-    tennis is necessary for its growth and suc-
            el of play), while Wayne Tromp and Jelle  cess. Aruba is committed to working col-
            Groenendijk won the Open Men's catego-     laboratively  with  neighboring  islands  to
            ry  (highest  level  of  play).  Paola  Ordoñez  organize more tournaments and events to
            and  Valery  Karsten  won  the  Advanced  support and promote the sport of beach
            Women's  category,  while  Joke  Hertogen  tennis.
            and  Jenna  El  Oualkadi  were  runners-up.
            Young  talents,  Thyshawn  Dammers  and  For more information about Beach Tennis
            Sebastian Dominguez, took home the Ad-     Aruba, please visit
            vanced Men's category.           
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