Page 7 - HOH
P. 7
Tuesday 11 april 2023 locAl
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Caribbean Palm Village Resort
The Aruba Tourism Author- setts, United States
ity recently recognized the
Emerald Ambassadors of Ms. Olga Ruiz representing
Aruba. Presenting the Am- the Aruba Tourism Author-
bassadors with the Emerald ity, and members of Carib-
certification as a token of bean Palm Village Resort
appreciation. bestowed the certification
of the Emerald Ambassa-
The Emerald certification dors. The honoree was pre-
is granted to ambassadors sented the Emerald Am-
to recognize, the loyalty, bassador Certificate and
friendships, and visits to some memorable gifts.
Aruba throughout so many
years. Emerald Honorees On behalf of the Govern-
have been choosing Aruba ment of Aruba, we would Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors
as their preferred vacation like to express our gratitude at Del Rey Apartments
destination for more than and appreciation to Mr.
35 years consecutively. Bisson & Mrs. Besacon for
making Aruba their pre-
The Honoring certification ferred vacation destination
program has three levels, for so many years. We are
which are divided accord- so thankful to have had
ing to the number of con- such wonderful visitor all
secutive years visiting the these years! Aruba is un-
island. questionably their home
away from home!
Honoring Levels:
Distinguished Ambassa- Top reason for returning
dors: 10> years to Aruba, provided by the
Goodwill Ambassadors: honoree was:
20> years The friendly people
Emerald Ambassadors: 35> Perfect weather
years Great restaurants The Aruba Tourism Authority recently rec- our visitors after all these years! Aruba is
ognized the recognized Distinguished unquestionably your home away from
The Restaurants
Honoree was: Not expensive Ambassadors of Aruba. Presenting the home!
Ambassadors with the Distinguished cer-
Eileen Besancon & Jerry Bis- Home away from homeq
son residents of Massachu- tification as a token of appreciation. Top 5 reason for returning to Aruba, pro-
vided by the honorees were:
The honoring certification program is Mr. Åhman & Mr. Viklund reasons:
granted to ambassadors, to recognize, Beaches
the loyalty, friendships, and visits to Aru- Weather
ba. For consecutively choosing Aruba Del Rey apartments
as their preferred vacation destination Atmosphere
each year. The Honoring certification The people/ locals.q
program has three levels, which are di-
vided according to the number of con-
secutive years visiting the island.
Honoring Levels:
Distinguished Ambassadors: 10> years
Goodwill Ambassadors: 20> years
Emerald Ambassadors: 35> years
Honorees were:
Distinguished Ambassadors 10> years:
Tomas Åhman & Jörgen Viklund residents
of Östersund, Sweden.
Ms. Olga Ruiz representing the Aruba
Tourism Authority, and members of Del
Rey Apartments bestowed the certifica-
tion of the Ambassador. The honoree
was presented with the Distinguished
Certification, and with memorable gifts
of Aruba.
On behalf of the Government of Aruba,
we would like to express our gratitude
and appreciation to Mr. Åhman & Mr.
Viklund for making Aruba their preferred
vacation destination for so many years.
We are so thankful to have had you as