Page 9 - aruba-today-20230127
P. 9
LOCAL Friday 27 January 2023
Camping season 2023 announced
Oranjestad - In connection lowed on the beach.
with the upcoming camp- Beach huts are not allowed
ing season during spring to be used for camping
break, the Chief of Police, and should remain avail-
Mr. Ramon Arnhem, urges able for beachgoers.
all campers to be aware All beaches should be kept
of the conditions set for the clean. Glass bottles and or
camping permit. glass shrapnels must be re-
moved immediately from
Camping starts on Sunday, the sand and not discard-
April 2, 2023, from noon, ed in the ocean. It also ap-
and the last day is April 16, plies to all trash.
2023. It is only permitted You cannot transfer the
to set up tents and trailers camping permit to a third
on the beach during these party.
days. The Police will remove The permit holder should
any tents or trailers placed have the permit visible to
on the beach before the the police in the tent/trailer.
starting day and time, at The permit holder's right to
the owner's expense. use the camping site is ex-
clusive during the camping
After April 16, 2023, camp- ted at all. objects in the location des- on the beach period. Before the camp-
ers must remove all camp- Tents and trailers used for ignated by Government of- The sale of food, refresh- ing date, no area can be
ing-related objects should camping should be in good ficials. ments, cocktails, or any reserved/marked or cor-
be removed from the condition and placed at Tents/trailers should have other item on the beach doned off, etc.
beach. Failing to remove least 10 meters from the proper first aid resources without the proper permit is The permit holder is solely
these will also result in their water's edge and 5 me- (First Aid kit) prohibited. responsible for any harm
removal at the permit hold- ters from the road's side. Obscene objects or posters You can only play music in caused to others by his/her
er's expense. The police Not complying with these are prohibited. a tent or trailer during the trailer/tent or any other ob-
urge everyone to keep all guides will also result in the Campers should always weekdays until 10:00 pm ject. The permit holder must
beaches clean. Dispose of removal of these tents or comply with all the condi- and on the weekend until strictly follow police direc-
all trash in trash containers trailers by the Police. tions set in the camping midnight as long as it does tives in the interest of public
or trash bags. Camping sites can under permit. not cause nuisances to order, the safety of people,
no circumstance be re- Motor vehicles, bicycles, neighbor campers. morality, and property.
Deadline for a camping served. horses, or any cart is prohib- It is not allowed to trim or Failing to comply with any
permit You are allowed to only ited on the beach. chop any tree without a of these conditions is con-
The last day to apply for a place a tent, trailer, and Campfires are prohibited permit. sidered similar to camp-
camping permit is March Boating or setting anchors ing without a permit. The
15, 2023, at 4:30 pm. You in designated swimming camping permit will be
can submit permit applica- zones is not allowed. It is immediately revoked and
tions during weekdays from prohibited to tie boats to may result in a fine.
8:00 am to 11:30 am and buoys meant for ships.
from 1:00 pm to 04:30 pm. It is not allowed to use pal- The deadline for the camp-
lets and cardboard on the ing permit application is
Additional conditions are beach. Failing to comply March 15, 2023, at 4:30 pm.
now applicable: with this rule will result in the Comply with all the rules
BBQ on the beach (sand) is removal by the authorities. and regulations and have
not allowed under any cir- Camping seasonThe great camping. Be aware
cumstance. BBQ is only al- beach or palm trees are that the police will be ac-
lowed in designated areas not allowed to be used as tively checking all beaches
and when using a gas BBQ a toilet. and camping sites during
Pit. Charcoal is not permit- Horses and dogs are not al- the camping season.q