Page 12 - ATA JAN 14
P. 12
Thursday 14 January 2016
With a Deep Love for the Island;
Don and Susan Hearn Celebrate Coming to Aruba for 43 Years
EAGLE BEACH - Aruba is
really a home away from
home for Don and Su-
san Hearn from Canada.
They’ve been coming to
the island since 1973. They
didn’t know it only as an
island, but as a beautiful
“We fell in love with it and
have been coming ever
since during Christmas time
and other times for over 43
times,” Mr. Hearn fondly re-
“The first years we stayed
at the Manchebo Beach
Resort and when they
started building La Quin-
ta Beach Resort we pur-
chased pre construction
in 1988 and we moved in
the next year.” “Our three
sons have been coming
since 1978. After our sons
married, their wives started
coming and as you can see
in the pictures, all dressed
in white, our Grandchildren
right from when they could
travel! They all have been This year was a special one, many birthday celebra- for the Hearns. Grandma is So Don, Susan and family
coming for over 10 years, since they’ve been cel- tions and this one was a January 2nd, son Donald, hope this tradition keep on
except 20 month old Char- ebrating Grandma Susan’s very happy one. January January 6th and Grandson going for many years on
lie. This is his first year.” 70th Birthday. She had is a busy birthday month Conner, January 12th. the island.q