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LOCALThursday 14 January 2016
Caribbean & Co. Analysis:
Aruba Tops Digital Marketing Index 2015 and Social Media Rankings!
ORANJESTAD (PRNewswire) returning tourists to the re- with a timely, persuasive the most digitally innova- cut to Happiness” video
- In addition to being one of gion. Many of the market- message at each stage. By tive DMMO, the ATA re- that can be easily shared
the most popular islands to ing campaigns are via tra- engaging the best strate- cently launched The Hap- socially. Create a shortcut
visit in the Caribbean, Aru- ditional television and print gists and leveraging tar- piness Builder -- a content- on
ba ranks the most popular media, but we are starting geted technologies, we rich planning experience For more information on
digital destination in the to see more marketing ac- can ensure our marketing where travelers can explore the One happy island, visit
Caribbean -- according to tivity online,” reported Ursu- dollars are spent effectively nearly 100 videos featuring Engage
Caribbean & Co., an ex- la Barzey, founder of Carib- against desired consum- adventure, relaxation, ro- with Aruba via social me-
pert source on Caribbean bean & Co. The Aruba Tour- ers in-market for vacation mance and cultural activi- dia at www.facebook.
lifestyle and luxury brands. ism Authority (ATA), who travel.” ties in Aruba, before creat- com/ArubaFans or @Aruba
Caribbean & Co. reports welcomed a record 1.07 Solidifying its positioning as ing a personalized “Short- on Twitter.q
the One happy Island of million annual stay-over vis-
Aruba ranks No. 1 of 35 itors to Aruba in 2014, attri-
Caribbean islands for over- butes much of the island’s
all “destination marketing success to digital market-
index 2015” and No. 1 of ing. “Our commitment to
10 Caribbean islands for strategic and savvy digital
Instagram reach, boasting marketing directly impacts
23,000 followers, double its Aruba’s GDP, which is
runner up. The marketing more reliant on travel and
index ranking was derived tourism than any other na-
by a proprietary weighting tion, relative to size, in the
of various data, including world,” said Ronella Tjin-
social media followings, Asjoe Croes, CEO of ATA.
website inbound links, 3rd “Aruba’s target audience
party rankings and more. visits more than 20 websites
“Caribbean destinations before booking their va-
like most throughout the cation, so it is essential for
globe spend millions each us to maintain a presence
year to attract new and throughout that process