Page 15 - Min.TTC 28 July,2015
P. 15
Tuesday 28 July 2015
Texas Celebrity Chef Antonio Vidal Visits Hollywood Smokehouse
EAGLE BEACH - Texas ce- fused with fresh herbs like
lebrity chef Antonio Vidal basil, rosemary, spicy jala-
from famed Austin restau- peño, and lemongrass—
rant Ranch 616 stopped in many of the herbs are
to sample authentic Amer- grown right on Hollywood’s
ican smoked barbecue
from Aruba’s Hollywood
Smokehouse. The chef is
loving Hollywood’s house-
infused triple smoked bris-
ket vodka, made with
vodka created by his good
friend and Texas neighbor,
Tito...yes, that’s right, Tito
of Tito’s Vodka. He can’t
wait to get home and tell
his buddy what Hollywood
Smokehouse is doing with
his vodka all the way down
in Aruba, and needed a
picture to share with Tito...”I
can’t get over the smo-
kiness the vodka gets from
your brisket--really special
and memorable,” said the
chef. Fans of the brisket in-
fused vodka really enjoy it
with the fresh bloody Marys
featured every Sunday
during Hollywood Smoke-
house’s Bloody Sunday
Hollywood Smokehouse
also features several other
vodkas and tequilas in-
patio. Linden, and outside on well as Jordan Paskel and
Pictured here is Chef Vi- the patio with Elizabeth Zychiel Pantophlet from
dal with Hollywood’s bar Wunderlich with the U.S. the Hollywood’s kitchen
manager, Danny Van der Meat Export Federation, as team.q