Page 20 - Min.TTC 28 July,2015
P. 20

The NEW STRUCTURE                        meeting. Even                                                                                  ample concept and we want to start implementing
                                         the Human                                                                                      our culture’s definition.”
                                                                                                                                        For example when it comes to an Industry Museum,
for the Aruban Museum R e s o u r c e s                                                                                                 many people don’t know about Aruba’s rich industry
                                                                                                                         Department     history. Aruba had a phosphate industry and aloe
                                                                                                                         was present    industry, we also had a refinery. There is nothing
Foundation is underway and all of them                                                                                                  better than displaying this in a building along with all
                                                                                                                         deserve to be  its history and intangible aspects. They are valuable
                                                                                                                         praised since  aspects to our island and our island’s treasures.
                                         these changes
                                                                                                                                        The goal is to create more awareness on our culture
                                         don’t usually                                                                                  and identity. The Aruban Museum Foundation’s
                                                                                                                                        new structure will provide an efficient and leveled
                                         go so easily.                                                                                  function that will assure that all museums are on the
                                                                                                                                        same high level.
                                         Together they                                                                                  This new system will allow every museum to have
DURING a recent meeting to initiate the Aruban are trying to reach the final goal of dynamic efficiency                                 their own management and manage their own budget
Museum Foundation project, Minister Otmar which will allow the cultural sector to offer a more                                          but they will be required to report their productivity
Oduber elaborated on the Government’s vision for valuable product. “The main goal is for Aruban                                         to the Aruban Museum Foundation.
this foundation. Different perspectives on the new Museum Foundation to elevate Aruba’s cultural                                        This will present new opportunities and will benefit
structure were presented at this meeting. The plan is sector.” The main Aruban Museum Foundation                                        the museums, their employees and all the visitors,
to join all museums in Aruba under one organization. stakeholders are currently Historical Museum, Aruban                               because they will be able to enjoy a high quality
This process is underway.                                                                                                               product.
                                         Archeological Museum and more museums will be

                                         added in the future. Indra Zaandam mentioned: “The
The President of the Aruban Museum Foundation most important aspect of this plan is that we want to
commission, Indra Zaandam commented that a create an organization that firmly sticks to all aspects
lot of information has been exchanged during the of the Aruban culture. The Aruban culture has a very

ARUBA TRAVELLER - Tuesday, July 28 2015                                                                                                 7LOCAL
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