Page 17 - Min.TTC 28 July,2015
P. 17

The Central Bureau of Statistics presents



for the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the month of June 2015

THE CPI for June 2015 is 118.43, a de-     Aforementioned decreases were par-          sists of 452 goods and services. Com-       The subsistence level for a household
crease of 0.4% compared to the index       tially offset by mainly an increase in the  pared to May 2015, 27.6% of these           consisting of two adults and two
of May 2015 (118.85) and accumulat-        index for the “Transport” (1.2%) sec-       products had an increase in price, caus-    children (aged 0-14 years) in June
ing a decrease of 0.9% up to and in-       tor, which had an influence of 0.20 ppts    ing an effect of 0.39 ppts, while 36.1%     2015 is Afl. 4,358, while for a single
cluding June of this year.                 on the CPI of June 2015. The increases      showed a decrease, contributing to an       adult household it is Afl. 2,07
The percentage change of the CPI over      in the remaining sectors had an effect      effect of -0.75 ppts and the remain-
the last 12 months (June 2014 to June      of 0.02 ppts on the CPI of June 2015.       ing 36.3% had no change in price. The
2015) is 0.7%, an increase of 0.5 per-                                                 prices of goods decreased by 0.4% and
centage points (ppts) compared to the      The decrease in the “Clothing and           caused an influence of -0.23 ppts. The
percentage change for the same period      footwear” sector was due to decreases       prices of services show a decrease of
of last year (0.2%).                       of 4.4% and 3.5% in the categories          0.3% and had an influence of -0.12 ppts
                                           “Clothing” and “Footwear”, which re-        on the CPI of June 2015.
The period average percentage change       spectively contributed to an effect of
of the CPI for the period June 2014 -      -0.19 and -0.02 ppts. The decrease in       The CPIC (core inflation) - CPI exclud-
June 2015 is 1.0%, an increase of 1.7      the “Recreation and culture” sector was     ing the effect of energy and food – was
ppts compared to the period average        mainly caused by decreases in the cat-      1.0% in June 2015, which is 0.9 ppts
percentage change over the period          egories “Holidays” (-11.4%) and “Au-        higher compared to the percentage
June 2013 - June 2014 (-0.7%). Dur-        dio-visual, photographic and informa-       change for the same period of last year
ing this month, seven of the twelve sec-   tion processing equipment” (-10.6%),        (0.1%). The energy index - which con-
tors registered decreases in prices. The   which contributed to an effect of -0.10     sists of the products: electricity, water,
decreases which had the greatest in-       and -0.08 ppts.                             gasoline and diesel - registered a de-
fluence on the CPI were registered for                                                 crease of 0.4%, which is 3.6 ppts higher
the “Clothing and footwear” (-4.3%)        The increase in the “Transport” sector      compared to the percentage change for
and “Recreation and culture” (-2.1%)       was mainly due to an increase of 2.3%       the same period of last year (-4.0%).
sectors, causing an effect of -0.21 and    in the category “Operation of personal      The food index shows an increase of
-0.17 ppts, respectively. The decreases    transport equipment”, which contrib-        3.6%, which is 3.4 ppts higher com-
in the remaining sectors had an effect     uted to an effect of 0.20 ppts.             pared to the percentage change for the
of -0.20 ppts on the CPI of June 2015.     The consumption basket of the CPI con-      same period of last year (0.2%).

Cuba requires ALL                                                                      companies                                   Government’s requirements.
                                                                                       responsible                                 According to the website of the Cuban
                                                                                                                                   Consulate in Venezuela the tourist Visa
Venezuelan TOURISTS                                                                    for returning                               is only valid for touristic trips to Cuba
                                                                                       these tourists                              and is only valid for 30 days.
                                                                                       to Venezuela                                In the past one could obtain the Visa at
                                                                                       along with their                            the airport but now it’s only obtainable
                                                                                                                                   through the Cuban Consulate
that want to visit Cuba to                                                             tourist card.                               in Caracas. Cuban Immigration
                                                                                                                                   Authorities do not punch any passports
have a VISA                                                                            The Venezuelan                              if the passenger does not have a Visa.
                                                                                       company                                     Another measure that has been
                                                                                                                                   valid since Mei 1st, 2010 is that all
                                                                                       named                                       Venezuelans that travel to Cuba
                                                                                                                                   for medical reasons need to have a
                                                                                       Conviasa issued                             medical insurance before entering
                                                                                                                                   Cuba. The passenger must show a
                                                                                       a press release                             medical treatment policy to the Cuban
                                                                                                                                   immigration in order to enter the
LAST Friday the Cuban Government           travel to Cuba.                             stating that since July 24 every            country.
announced that all Venezuelans that        Many Venezuelan tourists travel to          passenger must have a Visa in order
want to visit Cuba need to have a tourist  Cuba to look for a job or to obtain         to fly with Conviansa to Cuba and that      Maybe it’s time the Aruban authorities
Visa. Venezuelan tourists can obtain       dollars to sell on the black market since   the Visa is obtainable at the Cuban
such a Visa at the Cuban Consulate in      the dollar is currently very scarce in      Consulate in Venezuela.                     LOCAL 3introduce a similar measure.
Caracas, Venezuela. This measure has       Venezuela. The Cuban Government             The Cuban Immigration requires all
apparently existed for a long a time but   demands the immigration to provide          Venezuelan tourists to have a Visa
has now been made stricter because of      them the Venezuelan tourist’s Visa          in order to enter Cuba but they are
the amount of Venezuelan tourists that     and Cuban authorities hold aviation         not responsible for any passenger
                                                                                       that doesn’t comply with the Cuban

ARUBA TRAVELLER - Tuesday, July 28 2015
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