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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 13 Januari 2021

                             US shifts to speed COVID shots as cases and deaths rise

            (AP)  —  Barely  a  month  into  a  green  light  to  provide  more  places  accelerate supplies was prudent.  Azar said the pace of vaccinations has
            mass  vaccination  campaign  to  where people can get shots. Those lo-                                      picked up, hitting 700,000 a day re-
            stop  the  COVID-19  pandemic,  cations can include tens of thousands  On Tuesday, he also sought to deflect  cently and on track to reach 1 million
            the  Trump  administration  un-     of  pharmacies,  federally  supported  blame to the states for the slow up-  daily. But the American Hospital As-
            expectedly shifted gears Tuesday  community health centers that serve  take of vaccines. Azar said some states  sociation estimates 1.8 million vacci-
            to  speed  the  delivery  of  shots.  low-income communities, and mass  are being “overly prescriptive and try-  nations a day are needed, seven days a
            The move came after widespread  vaccination sites already being set up  ing to micromanage every single dose  week, to achieve widespread immu-
            concern  over  a  slow  start  even  in some states.                    of vaccine,” leading to bottlenecks.  nity by the middle of this year. Biden
            as  coronavirus  cases  and  deaths                                                                         has set a goal of 100 million shots ad-
            reach new highs.                    As of Monday morning, the govern-   Azar  also  criticized  what  he  called  ministered in his first 100 days.
                                                ment had distributed about 25.5 mil-  “the hospitalization of vaccine distri-
            Health  and  Human  Services  Secre-  lion  doses  to  states,  U.S.  territories  bution,”  saying  “we  have  too  much  “We’re in a race against this virus and
            tary Alex Azar announced a series of  and  major  cities.  But  only  about  9  vaccine  sitting  in  freezers  in  hospi-  quite  frankly,  we’re  behind,”  U.S.
            major changes to increase supply of  million people had received their first  tals.”                        Surgeon General Jerome Adams told
            vaccines  and  expand  the  age  groups  shot,  according  to  the  Centers  for                            “Fox & Friends.” Public health advo-
            eligible  as  well  as  locations  where  Disease Control and Prevention's on-  State  and  local  officials  are  sure  to  cates agree.
            people can get shots.               line tracker. That means only about  point out that it was the federal gov-  “Bottom  line  is  we  need  to  get  the
                                                35%  of  the  available  vaccines  had  ernment  that  recommended  putting  most  vaccine  in  the  most  arms  as
            One change will have some teeth to  been administered.                  health care workers at the front of the  quickly  as  we  can  and  we  need  to
            it.  Azar  said  going  forward  the  fed-                              vaccination line.                   make  sure  people  get  the  second
            eral government will base each state's  Initially,  the  shots  were  going  to                             dose  —  those  are  not  necessarily  at
            allocation of vaccines partly on how  health  care  workers  and  nursing  The Trump administration directed a  odds  with  each  other,”  said  Chris-
            successful states have been in admin-  home residents. Those 75 and older  crash effort to develop, manufacture  sie Juliano, of the Big Cities Health
            istering those already provided.    were next in line. But problems arose  and deliver vaccines, hoping to avoid  Coalition,  which  represents  leaders
                                                even in vaccinating that limited pool  a repeat of earlier debacles with coro-  of  large  metropolitan  health  depart-
            “If  you  are  not  using  vaccines  that  of  people.  Some  hospital  and  nurs-  navirus  testing.  Dubbed  “Operation  ments.  “The  public  health  preven-
            you have the right to, then we should  ing home workers have been hesitant  Warp  Speed,”  it  has  produced  two  tion measures we are asking people to
            be  rebalancing  to  states  that  are  us-  to get the vaccine. Scheduling issues  highly effective vaccines, with more  do — stay home, mask up, social dis-
            ing  that  vaccine,"  Azar  said  at  news  created  delays  in  getting  shots  to  on the way.            tance — aren’t getting us to where we
            conference. That won't happen over-  nursing homes.                                                         need to be. We need to be bold and
            night,  not  until  officials  try  to  sort                            Each state has its own plan for who  we need to respond with renewed ur-
            out  whether  lags  in  reporting  could  Some states, including Arizona, have  should be vaccinated, based on CDC  gency.”
            be the reason for what appears to be  or are planning to open up mass vac-  recommendations that gave first pri-
            subpar performance.                 cination centers, aiming to inoculate  ority to health care workers and nurs-  Biden  is  expected  to  give  a  speech
                                                thousands of people a day in a single  ing home residents. Some critics say  Thursday outlining his plan to speed
            Azar  also  said  the  government  will  location.  In  Florida,  Gov.  Ron  De-  the administration's planning should  vaccines  to  more  people  in  the  first
            stop  holding  back  the  required  sec-  Santis  opened  up  vaccinations  to  have  extended  into  helping  states  part of his administration. His tran-
            ond  doses  of  the  Pfizer-BioNTech  people 65 and older. In other states,  administer the shots after they were  sition  team  has  vowed  to  release  as
            and  Moderna  vaccines,  practically  local  health  authorities  have  started  delivered. Congress has recently ap-  many vaccine doses as possible, rath-
            doubling supply. Both those shots re-  asking residents 65 and older to reg-  proved more than $8 billion for that.  er than continuing what had been the
            quire two doses to achieve optimum  ister,  in  anticipation  the  vaccination                              Trump administration policy of hold-
            protection.                         campaign would be expanded.         The slow pace of the vaccine rollout  ing back millions of doses to ensure
                                                                                    has  frustrated  many  Americans  at  there would be enough supply to al-
            Additionally,  Washington  is  urging  Although Azar said the shift in strat-  a  time  when  the  coronavirus  death  low those getting the first shot to get
            states  to  immediately  start  vaccinat-  egy  was  a  natural  evolution  of  the  toll has continued to rise. More than  a second one.
            ing other groups lower down the pri-  Trump administration's efforts, as re-  376,000 people in the U.S. have died,  Azar said they'll brief the Biden tran-
            ority  scale,  including  people  age  65  cently as Friday he had raised ques-  according to the Johns Hopkins da-  sition team on the changes, but didn't
            and  older  and  younger  people  with  tions  about  whether  Biden's  call  to  tabase.                   seek their blessing.
            certain health problems.

            The move to increase the supply of
            vaccines  better  aligns  the  outgoing
            administration with the new Biden-
            Harris  team.  On  Friday,  President-
            elect  Joe  Biden  said  he  will  rapidly
            release  most  available  vaccine  doses
            to  protect  more  people.  He  said  he
            supported  immediately  releasing
            vaccines that health authorities were
            holding back out of caution, to guar-
            antee they would be available for peo-
            ple needing their second dose.

            “This next phase reflects the urgency
            of  the  situation,”  said  Azar.  “Every
            vaccine  dose  sitting  in  a  warehouse
            rather than going into an arm could
            mean one more death that could have
            been avoided."

            Initially  the  government  had  been
            holding back second doses as a safety
            precaution against potential shortfalls
            in production. Now, officials say they
            are confident the needed supply will
            be there. And people needing a sec-
            ond dose will have priority.
            Simultaneously, Azar gave states the
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