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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 13 Januari 2021

                          Uganda's leader says social media shut down ahead of polls

            (AP)  —  Ugandan  Presi-     sponse  to  the  president's  lent, urged his supporters not
            dent  Yoweri  Museveni  comments.                         to be intimidated by the se-
            said Tuesday that his gov-                                curity forces.
            ernment  has  shut  down  Many  Ugandans  said  Tues-
            social  media  ahead  of  a  day that Facebook and What-  Wine,  whose  real  name  is
            tense  election  on  Thurs-  sApp  were  not  working.  Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, earlier
            day,  accusing  Facebook  Twitter  also  appears  to  have  on Tuesday joined other op-
            and    unnamed     outside  been affected.                position figures in criticizing
            groups of “arrogance” af-                                 widespread violence by secu-
            ter the social network this  There  are  fears  the  internet  rity forces. He told reporters
            week  removed  Ugandan  will be shut down on polling  that soldiers raided his home
            accounts linked to his re-   day.                         Tuesday morning,  arrested  a
            election campaign.                                        security  guard  and  beat  two
                                         “This is unfortunate but it is  gardeners badly.
            “That social channel you are  unavoidable. There is no way
            talking about, if it is going to  anybody  can  come  around  “The  terror,  frankly,  is  un-
            operate in Uganda, it should  and play with our country, to  precedented,”  said  Kizza  security forces.           has not been convicted of any
            be  used  equitably  by  every-  decide  who  is  good,  who  is  Besigye,  a  veteran  opposi-                     charges.
            body  who  wants  to  use  it,”  bad. We cannot accept that,"  tion  leader  who  challenged  The   leading   opposition
            Museveni  said  of  Facebook  Museveni  said,  adding  that  Museveni  in  four  elections.  candidates  said  they  had  Uganda's  76-year-old  presi-
            in a national address. “If you  he “cannot tolerate this arro-  “Violence, terror seem to be  launched  a  concerted  effort  dent  has  defied  calls  for  his
            want  to  take  sides  against  gance.”                   scaled up with every coming  to  protect  against  vote-rig-  retirement,  saying  he  has
            the  (ruling  party),  then  that                         election.  This  election  has  ging at polling stations. They  been  elected  many  times  by
            group  will  not  operate  in  Museveni,  who  has  ruled  witnessed untold violence. It  are  urging  their  supporters  Ugandans who love him.
            Uganda.”                     Uganda  since  1986,  has  al-  gets worse and worse by the  to stay within 100 meters of
                                         leged repeatedly that foreign  day.”                      polling  stations  rather  than  Ugandan  polls  are  often
            Museveni, dressed in a mili-  groups  are  trying  to  meddle                          return home as the electoral  marred by allegations of rig-
            tary jacket, said he was “sure  in Uganda's election, without  The  army  spokeswoman  commission  is  demanding.  ging. The country has never
            the  government  has  closed  providing  evidence.  He  has  did not respond to a request  That  means  potential  con-  seen  a  peaceful  transfer  of
            social media" and apologized  accused his main challenger,  for  comment.  The  police  frontations  with  security  power  since  independence
            to  Ugandans  for  what  he  the  popular  singer  and  op-  spokesman was unavailable.  forces.                    from Britain in 1962.
            called an inconvenience.     position  lawmaker  known
                                         as  Bobi  Wine,  of  being  “an  At least 54 people were killed  Ugandan authorities have as-  As concerns rise, United Na-
            Facebook on Monday said it  agent  of  foreign  interests.”  in Kampala and other parts of  serted an urgent need to pre-  tions  spokesman  Stephane
            had  removed  a  network  of  Wine denies this.           the country in November as  vent the spread of the corona-  Dujarric told reporters Tues-
            accounts and pages that “used                             security  forces put down ri-  virus in imposing restrictions  day  that  Secretary-General
            fake  and  duplicate  accounts  The  atmosphere  in  Uganda  ots provoked by the arrest of  on  presidential  candidates,  Antonio Guterres "urges the
            to  manage  pages,  comment  is increasingly charged ahead  Wine  for  allegedly  violating  including a ban on campaigns  Ugandan  authorities,  par-
            on  other  people’s  content,  of voting. Police and military  campaign  regulations  aimed  in Kampala and other urban  ticularly  the  security  forces,
            impersonate  users,  re-share  personnel  now  patrol  the  at  preventing  the  spread  of  areas.                 to  act  in  a  manner  that  re-
            posts in groups to make them  streets in parts of the capital,  the coronavirus.                                    spects  international  human
            appear  more  popular  than  Kampala, and the military is                              Many  among  Wine’s  cam-    rights standards, and he also
            they were." The network was  in  charge  of  all  security  op-  Those deaths form a critical  paign team are now in deten-  encourages all political actors
            linked to a government min-  erations in the Kampala met-  part of Wine’s petition to the  tion. Wine has been arrested  and their supporters to pub-
            istry, it said.              ropolitan area.              International Criminal Court  many  times  and  sometimes  licly commit to conduct their
                                                                      to  investigate  alleged  acts  of  beaten  in  the  past  year  for  political  activities  peacefully
            There  was  no  immediate  Wine,  who  insisted  Tuesday  torture, mutilation and mur-  alleged offenses such as dis-  and  refrain  from  incitement
            Facebook  statement  in  re-  that his campaign is nonvio-  der  of  civilian  protesters  by  obeying  lawful  orders.  He  to violence or hate speech.”

                             Official: Africa secures close to 300 million vaccine doses

            (AP)  —  The  African  ence  adviser  for  the  Africa  The  300  million  doses  are  The  news  comes  as  corona-  ity,”  he  said,  but  African  of-
            Union  has  secured  close  Centers for Disease Control  being secured independently  virus  infections  spike  again  ficials are still waiting on the
            to  300  million  COVID-19  and Prevention, told The As-  of  the  global  COVAX  effort  in  parts  of  Africa,  especially  details,  so  “we’re  happy  we
            vaccine doses in the larg-   sociated Press in an interview  aimed  at  distributing  CO-  South Africa, where a rapidly  have alternative solutions.”
            est such agreement yet for  that  the  current  AU  chair,  VID-19  vaccines  to  lower-  spreading variant of the coro-  Ndembi said African officials
            Africa, a continental offi-  South    African   President  income  countries,  Ndembi  navirus now makes up most  have  approached  at  least  10
            cial said Tuesday.           Cyril  Ramaphosa,  is  expect-  said.                     of the new cases. The conti-  vaccine  manufacturers  and
                                         ed to announce the news on                                nent  over  the  weekend  sur-  developers  as  the  continent
            Nicaise Ndembi, senior sci-  Wednesday.                   “We  have  reached  the  final  passed  3  million  confirmed  seeks  to  vaccinate  60%  of
                                                                      stage  of  our  deals,”  he  said,  cases  since  the  start  of  the  its  population  of  1.3  billion
                                                                      referring  questions  about  pandemic,  with  more  than  people, or about 780 million
                                                                      who  will  be  providing  the  1.2 million in South Africa.  people. The Africa CDC has
                                                                      vaccines and at what cost to  “We  plan  to  have  these  by  said  some  1.5  billion  doses
                                                                      the  upcoming  announce-     the end of the first quarter”  are  needed  for  that,  assum-
                                                                      ment.                        of 2021, Ndembi said of the  ing two doses per person. It
                                                                                                   nearly  300  million  doses,  estimates the effort will cost
                                                                      While  richer  countries  have  which  will  be  allocated  on  some $10 billion.
                                                                      been  urged  to  donate  any  the  continental  platform  the
                                                                      excess  COVID-19  vaccine  AU set up last year to make  Ndembi has said he's very op-
                                                                      doses  to  countries  in  need,  it easier for Africa’s 54 coun-  timistic that can be achieved
                                                                      Ndembi said that “the Africa  tries  to  pool  their  purchas-  within two years. The Africa
                                                                      CDC  not  going  to  table  to  ing power and buy pandemic  CDC has warned that taking
                                                                      beg for vaccines. We’re going  supplies in bulk.          much  longer  than  that  risks
                                                                      to the table to buy....All these                          having the virus become en-
                                                                      doses I mentioned have been  “We’re expecting 600 million  demic in parts of the African
                                                                      procured and being paid for.”  doses from the COVAX facil-  continent.
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