Page 11 - AHATA
P. 11

                                                                                                           local Tuesday 30 May 2023

                Another edition of our ‘Fiesta Tipico den

               Bario’ celebrates Aruban musical heroes

               “Culture needs to be lived. And we need pioneers
              and driving forces behind this organization to ensure

              that traditional culture and music remain alive in our

            (Oranjestad)—On  Sunday,  acknowledgments to those  Boekhoudt  and  Mr.  Este-
            May  28th,  the  third  'Fiesta  who   support,   promote,  ban Banchi Koolman were
            Tipico  den  Bario'*  (Typi-  and  preserve  our  vibrant  recognized  for  their  out-
            cal  Neighborhood  Party)  folklore  in  our  neighbor-   standing collaboration and
            took place at the Savaneta  hoods.  These  celebrations  contribution to the musical
            Neighborhood  Center,  or-   are  made  possible  thanks  tradition of Aruba.
            ganized  by  the  ‘Union  di  to UNOCA, which provides  If  you  are  interested  to
            Tipiconan  Rubiano’  Foun-   funds to cover the expens-   experience  an  aspect  of
            dation,  also  known  as  the  es of this cultural event.  true  Aruban  culture,  these
            UTR Foundation.              The  first  Fiesta  Tipico  took  monthly  Fiesta  Tipico  den
                                         place in March at the Bra-   Bario should definitely be at
            The  goal  for  these  “fiesta  zil  Neighborhood  Center,  the top of your list: "Culture
            tipico” is to take place each  the second in April at Club  needs to be lived. And we
            month in a different neigh-  Sport  Boys,  both  of  which  need  pioneers  and  driving
            borhood center across the  were successful. The fourth  forces behind this organiza-
            island. As is known to locals,  gathering  will  take  place  tion to ensure that tradition-
            Fiesta Tipico den Bario is a  in  July  at  the  Lago  Height  al culture and music remain
            beautiful  initiative  by  our  Neighborhood Center.      alive in our community," ex-
            leaders of the Tipico groups  At  this  month’s  ‘fiesta  tipi-  pressed  the  Prime  Minister.
            in Aruba to promote tradi-   co’,  Prime  Minister  Evelyn  The  Prime  Minister  extends
            tional music in our beloved  Wever-Croes  was  present  an  invitation  to  every  citi-
            neighborhoods.  Events  like  and  enjoyed  a  highly  zen and visitor for the next
            these  promote  living  our  pleasant      atmosphere,  Fiesta  Tipico  den  Bario  on
            culture  and  contribute  to  where  many  citizens  vis-  July 2nd at the Lago Height
            preserving our vibrant folk-  ited  the  traditional  event  Neighborhood Center.
            lore  in  the  neighborhoods  and  enjoyed  the  Aruban  *Fiesta  Tipico  den  Bario:
            and  passing  it  on  to  the  ambiance.  Prime  Minister  literally  translated  to  Typi-
            younger  generations.  Ad-   represented Minister of Cul-  cal  Neighborhood  Party,
            ditionally, during the Fiesta  ture Xiomara Maduro, who  refers to the celebration of
            Tipico  den  Bario,  the  Gov-  was unable to attend. This  what is “typical” of Aruban
            ernment of Aruba presents  time,  Mrs.  Mathilde  Paskel-  culture.q
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