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                Thursday 1 december 2022

             Crunch time: The baguette gets UN world heritage status

            By THOMAS ADAMSON                                                                                                   not  come  until  the  1920s,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    with the advent of a French
            PARIS  (AP)  —  The  humble                                                                                         law preventing bakers from
            baguette  the crunchy am-                                                                                           working  before  4  a.m.
            bassador for French baking                                                                                          The  baguette’s  long,  thin
            around the world  is being                                                                                          shape  meant  it  could  be
            added  to  the  U.N.’s  list  of                                                                                    made  more  quickly  than
            intangible cultural heritage                                                                                        its stodgy cousins, so it was
            as  a  cherished  tradition  to                                                                                     the  only  bread  that  bak-
            be preserved by humanity.                                                                                           ers could make in time for
            UNESCO  experts  gather-                                                                                            breakfast.
            ing  in  Morocco  this  week                                                                                        Despite  the  decline  in  tra-
            decided  that  the  simple                                                                                          ditional  bakery  numbers
            French flute  made only of                                                                                          today,  France’s  67  million
            flour, water, salt, and yeast                                                                                       people  still  remain  vora-
            deserved  United  Nations                                                                                           cious  baguette  consum-
            recognition,  after  France’s                                                                                       ers  purchased at a variety
            culture ministry warned of a                                                                                        of sales points, including in
            “continuous decline” in the                                                                                         supermarkets. The problem
            number  of  traditional  bak-                                                                                       is,  observers  say,  that  they
            eries, with some 400 closing                                                                                        can often be poor in qual-
            every  year  over  the  past                                                                                        ity.
            half-century.                                                                                                       “It’s  very  easy  to  get  bad
            The  U.N.  cultural  agency’s   Bakery owner Florence Poirier, LEFT, smells the fresh baguette who comes out of the oven as   baguette  in  France.  It’s
            chief, Audrey Azoulay, said   Mylene Poirier stands next to her at a bakery, in Versailles, west of Paris, Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2022.   the  traditional  baguette
            the  decision  honors  more                                                                        Associated Press   from the traditional bakery
            than  just  bread;  it  recog-  sions inherited from our an-  prised.                  companies dinner.”           that’s in danger. It’s about
            nizes the “savoir-faire of ar-  cestors  and  passed  on  to  “Of  course,  it  should  be  Although  it  seems  like  the   quality  not  quantity,”  said
            tisanal bakers” and “a daily   our descendants.”          on  the  list  because  the  quintessential French prod-  one  Paris  resident,  Marine
            ritual.”                     With  the  bread’s  new  sta-  baguette  symbolizes  the  uct, the baguette was said   Fourchier, 52.
            “It  is  important  that  such   tus, the French government  world.  It’s  universal,”  said  to have been invented by   In  January,  French  super-
            craft knowledge and social   said  it  planned  to  create  Asma  Farhat,  baker  at  Ju-  Vienna-born  baker  August   market  chain  Leclerc  was
            practices  can  continue  to   an artisanal baguette day,  lien’s  Bakery  near  Paris’  Zang in 1839.              criticized   by   traditional
            exist  in  the  future,”  added   called  the  “Open  Bake-  Champs-Elysees avenue.    Zang put in place France’s   bakers  and  farmers  for  its
            Azoulay,  a  former  French   house  Day,”  to  connect  “If  there’s  no  baguette,  steam oven, making it pos-    much  publicized  29-cent
            culture minister.            the French better with their  you  can’t  have  a  proper  sible to produce bread with   baguette, accused of sac-
            The  agency  defines  intan-  heritage.                   meal.  In  the  morning  you  a brittle crust yet fluffy inte-  rificing  the  quality  of  the
            gible  cultural  heritage  as   Back  in  France,  bakers  can toast it, for lunch it’s a  rior.                    famed  65-centimeter  (26-
            “traditions  or  living  expres-  seemed  proud,  if  unsur-  sandwich,  and  then  it  ac-  The  product’s  zenith  did   inch) loaf. q

            Colombia asks for legal status for its people already in U.S.

            By MANUEL RUEDA and EL-      the  United  States  for  help,  In a letter to U.S. Secretary  of  temporary  status  called  The  White  House  and
            LIOT SPAGAT                  saying  that  in  addition  to  of  State  Antony  Blinken  Deferred  Enforced  Depar-  Homeland Security Depart-
            Associated Press             Venezuelans who stay and  and  Homeland  Security  ture.                               ment  had  no  immediate
            BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) —  work, more than 80,000 mi-       Secretary  Alejandro  May-   “Migration  is  a  regional  comment  late  Tuesday  on
            Colombia wants the Biden  grants pass through Colom-      orkas, he asks President Joe  issue  that  should  be  ad-  Colombia’s request.
            administration   to   grant  bia each year on their way  Biden to grant Colombians  dressed under the principle  It is unclear how many Co-
            temporary  legal  status  to  to other countries.         already  in  the  U.S.  a  form  of   shared   responsibility,  lombians  are  living  in  the
            its citizens now living in the                                                         strengthening  regional  co-  United States without legal
            United  States,  noting  its                                                           operation to ensure migra-   status. The Migration Policy
            own  efforts  to  address  re-                                                         tory  regularization,”  Murillo  Institute  estimated  171,000
            gional migration by hosting                                                            Urrutia wrote in a letter dat-  in 2019 but that was before
            2  million  Venezuelans  who                                                           ed  Nov.  17  and  released  tens of thousands arrived at
            fled their homes.                                                                      Tuesday  by  Colombian  of-  the U.S. border with Mexico
            Gustavo  Petro,  who  was                                                              ficials.                     this year, many of them re-
            elected  Colombia’s  first                                                             That   language    echoes  leased to pursue their cases
            leftist  president  in  June,  is                                                      an  agreement  that  Biden  in immigration court.
            committed  to  the  “incred-                                                           struck in June in Los Ange-  U.S.   authorities   have
            ibly  generous  policies”  of                                                          les  among  Western  Hemi-   stopped       Colombians
            his  predecessor,  which  in-                                                          sphere  countries,  includ-  131,890  times  at  the  Mexi-
            cludes temporary status for                                                            ing  Colombia  under  then-  can  border  during  the  first
            1.8 million people who fled                                                            President Iván Duque. “The  10  months  of  this  year,  in-
            neighboring     Venezuela,                                                             Los  Angeles  Declaration”  cluding  17,195  times  in
            said Luis Alberto Murillo Ur-                                                          was  billed  as  a  roadmap  October,  a  sharp  increase
            rutia, Colombia’s ambassa-   President of Colombia Gustavo Petro arrives for a diner at the   for  countries  to  host  large  that has made them one of
            dor to the U.S.              Elysee Palace to close the Peace Forum event, Friday, Nov. 11,   numbers  of  migrants  and  the  largest  nationalities  at
            But  the  diplomat  asked    2022 in Paris.                                            refugees.                    the border. q
                                                                                  Associated Press
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