Page 13 - HOH
P. 13
LOCAL Thursday 1 december 2022
Launch of the QR FIT project
ORANJESTAD – On Novem- project funded by the Tour-
ber 29, 2022, the Ministries ism Product Enhancement
of Tourism and Sports re- Fund (TPEF), and its 3rd
spectively launched an phase will start soon. Many
innovative project that fits locals and tourist use this
into the tourism and health- boardwalk. Now with the
care vision and policy. launch of the QR FIT, more
people will use this area
The project’s name is QR for sport and recreation.
FIT. It is a project where lo- The government stimulates
cals and tourists can scan a prevention in healthcare,
QR code on the Boardwalk and this project is a way to
Malmok with their phones motivate our community to
and choose from exercise be more active. The policy
options. is on the high-value, low-
impact tourism model, and
When you scan the QR these innovative projects fit
code, it connects you to this category.
a website where you can
choose an exercise or The Minister congratulates
download an app. You Ibisa y ATA for launching
may choose from various an innovative project that
categories, beginner/inter- stimulates more people to
mediate /advanced, and use the boardwalk Malmok
60 different exercises. to have a more active and
healthy community.q
The Boardwalk Malmok is a