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local Thursday 1 december 2022
10th Edition of Kids & Teens Christmas
Song Festival
ORAJESTAD – Recently the
10th and final edition of Kids
& Teens Christmas Song
Festival 2022 took place at
the Cas di Cultura.
Thirty participants, each
dressed beautifully, pre- ture of Aruba, and Total years:
sented their Christmas song Finance for making it pos- Absolute winner:
in Papiamento on a very sible for every participant Sofia Campo
high level accompanied to receive four training ses- Song: Ta Pasco awe.
by a great All Star Band sions with the band as well Second place:
and with a completely as a general training. They John Maynard Wever
sold-out audience. also thank each company Song: Celebra cu legria.
The festival was broadcast that put together gifts and Third place:
live, so that Aruba could prizes for the participants. Hailey Koolman
enjoy the talent of our chil- Thanks to the big team that Song: Su angelnan.
dren and teens through dif- worked together for a high Winners Category 12-17
ferent media like television, quality festival, to the judg- years:
radio and social media. es who took on the difficult Absolute winner:
This year, the 10th edition task, the staff at the Cas Jorienne Angela & Jaylon
of Kids & Teens Christmas di Cultura, and the public Machado
Song Festival was dedicat- who supported all 32 par- Song: Señor ta existi.
ed to: ticipants. Second place:
1. Edjean Semeleer, who Winners Category 4-7 Carl Anthony Petrocchi
aside from being a great years: Song: Bolbe Cas.
singer, knows how to de- Absolute winner: Third place:
light Aruba with different Jayzianne Theodora Stephanie Quant
concerts during the festive Song: un kerstboom di Song: Rumannan di mun-
season at the end of the foam. do.
year, like “Hey ta Pasco”, What stands out in Tipico teeners was established. Second place: Fourth place:
and is also a pillar to sup- Katatumbo is that they are The competition and the Alyna Henriquez Caylee Pietersz
port our culture through his known for bringing a great participants were at a very Song: Den un stal Cristo a Song: Pasco na cas.
Go Cultura Foundation. atmosphere and rhythm high level. The organizers nace.
2. Tipico Katatumbo, which to the end of the year, in- thank Aruba Bank, Prins Third place: The festival will be broad-
during the years delighted culcating the love for our Bernard Cultuurfonds Cari- Marileen Willems cast again these upcom-
Aruba with the lovely ‘gai- year-end traditions in the bisch Gebied, Setar N.V., Song: Strea Bunita . ing festive days on all local
tas’ at the end of the year. youth. This way, Katatumbo the Department of Cul- Winners Category 8-11 television channels. q
Kiosk workers worried about bad smell in city center
ORANJESTAD – Yesterday smell is unbearable and in the area said that aside
morning on local and so- the tourists have to walk from the problem of sew-
cial media, once again in the sewage water and age water and bad smell,
complains were being deal with the terrible smell. they also have a problem
voiced regarding nuisance Imagine a tourist becomes with trash. As tourists buy
caused by sewage and sick or gets an infection food and drinks, often they
bad small in the city cen- because of the water? It leave the packaging dis-
ter, in the area where cruise would be a very bad expe- carded on the sidewalk or
tourists are received. rience and negative pro- placed somewhere other
paganda for Aruba”, they than in a trash can. “Most
The problem of sewage said. of the times, the salespeo-
and bad smell continues ple ourselves pick up the
in this area, which is heav- The worker, who chose to trash because otherwise it
ily trafficked by tourists from remain anonymous, ex- would still be there. I have
cruise ships docking in the more than 12 thousand unpleasant smell. plained that today they called DOW (Department
terminal nearby. Yesterday tourists. However, these visi- had the option of putting of Public Works) many times
three different cruise ships tors had an uncomfortable Our reporter went to the pallets on the areas that myself, but they don’t do
visited our island, bringing surprise with water and an area and spoke to some were covered in water to anything, they don’t help.
of the workers at the kiosks help the tourists walk, cross It is really annoying and
regarding this problem. the street, etc. But it is not it looks bad”, the worker
One of them said that this always that they have pal- complained.
is a problem against which lets available, and that
they have been fighting for means that sometimes the Meanwhile the workers
a long time already, and tourists have to step on the keep waiting for a solution
the government still has not water in order to reach the for this problem, which they
come with a solution. kiosks. consider a big nuisance
“Every time that it rains it and a danger to public
becomes a problem. The
Another worker at a kiosk health.q