Page 19 - AHATA
P. 19
locAl Friday 22 March 2024
Lessons from our elders:
Plants and fruits for medicinal use (part 2)
first week in the ground. It with bitter seeds. Pomegran-
was said that once you start ate trees are also very easy
to notice the ground crack to plant. In essence, if you
underneath the flowers, it is just throw the seeds on the
time to harvest. This should ground, they could grow into
happen around month 3. a tree.
In terms of medicinal use,
Pomegranate pomegranate skins are
Pomegranates are also one said to have a few benefits
of the easier fruits to plant for our health. According
and harvest. Originated from to customs, pomegranate
Persia, this plant can grow al- skin tea can help those that
most everywhere. In Aruba, suffer from diarrhea. Dried
there are many homes that pomegranate skin tea is also
have a tiny or big pomegran- good for people who have
(Oranjestad)—In last week’s ful for low blood pressure. in the body, as well as help ate tree. You may be won- worms. Pomegranate flow-
edition, we shared with our People who suffer from low those with hemorrhoids or dering what the difference ers can be boiled to make
readers some medicinal use blood pressure were advised diarrhea. is between a small and big a drink and this can be used
for plants and fruits, passed to eat sweet potato 2 to 3 Many of our elders opted to pomegranate tree, for which for irritated gums; just take
down from our elders through times a week. However, if plant sweet potatoes them- the answer is based on har- a swig and let the tea sit in
generations. This week, we you have high blood pres- selves, mostly because of vest time. Tiny trees produce your mouth for a couple min-
present two more uses of sure, it is best not to eat too how easy it was to do so. Cut tinier pomegranates that utes. q
fruits and plants for medici- much sweet potato, as this the end of a sweet potato let can be harvested early on.
nal use. raises blood pressure. Sweet it sit in shallow water until it Contrarily, big trees produce Source: Remedi i Kustumber
potatoes are also great for starts to sprout. Then you may bigger pomegranates, but di nos Bieunan (Medicine and
Sweet potato people who work hard la- plant it in the ground. Sweet they need enough time to Customs of our Elderly) by Di-
According to our elders, bor jobs, and it’s been said potatoes need plenty of wa- fully ripen before harvesting, nah Veeris
sweet potato is mostly use- to be aid blood circulation ter to grow, especially in the otherwise you might end up
Aruba’s most family-friendly beaches
(Oranjestad)—One of the big and small families to Boca Catalina in Malmok
biggest concerns that par- set up their belongings. In Boca Catalina is a small bay
ents have when travelling this area, the shore is also beach near the Malmok
with their children is a guar- shallow, falling right around beach area further down
antee of their safety and your knee before slowly the hotel areas. Though it
healthy enjoyment. There- getting deeper: perfect for may not be a very sandy
fore, we thought it would kids to safely play. beach, it is relatively quiet
be a great help to travel- and tranquil. This is a great
ling parents to list off some Eagle Beach/Palm Beach place for family to lay down
the most family-friendly in the hotel area a big blanket and have a
beaches around the island. Yet another highly popular little picnic. This is also one
beach site, Eagle Beach of the best places to snor-
Baby Beach in San Nicolas and Palm Beach is where kel, as this area is filled with
Baby Beach is one Aruba’s most of our visitors go to little fish and corals, even
most popular and visited tan, swim or play in the close to the shore.
beaches, and for good rea- white sand. Because they
son: This sandy and quiet are near the low-rise and Palm Island
lagoon is a great place for high-rise hotel areas, these Ok, this one is technically
parents to sit back and re- beaches are the most ac- not a beach, but a must-
lax while their children play cessible for visitors on foot. visit attraction for family fun.
in the shallow shores of the the far left of the beach. the sides of the beach cliff These beaches also offer This small water park oasis is
beach. Beside the relaxing leading you down, the best many palapas free to use, located further down the
atmosphere, there are also Mangel Halto in spot for families to hang but you can also rent chairs Mangel Halto Beach and
several services that may Pos Chiquito out is across the bridge, and tents. Much like Baby is reachable by boat. This
accommodate your stay, Mangel Halto is situated passed the mangrove trees Beach, these sites are one water park offers 6 hours of
like a parking lot, sun tent in the back streets of the near the entrance sign. of the best beaches for fun activities, food, drinks,
rentals, chairs, bathrooms Pos Chiquito city. Though Here, there are small and your children to play and and a chance to see pink
and a snack bar right at there are several stairs on big palapas, perfect for build sand castles. flamingoes up close! q