Page 17 - AHATA
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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 22 March 2024

            FNPA is hosting another Full Moon Hike!

            (Oranjestad)—Every  month  when  the  crashing on the rocky shore lines.
            moon is full, the Aruba National Park Foun-
            dation hosts its monthly full moon hike for  Participants are expected to meet and the
            both  members  and  non-members.  This  is  Baby Beach parkinglot at 6:15 pm this Mon-
            your chance to join in on the fun, and take  day, March 25th. The journey will cover 4.3
            advantage of seeing the beautiful Aruban  kilometers  (2.6  miles)  and  is  estimated  to
            night sky!                                  end around 9pm.

            For  this  month’s  full  moon  event,  the  hike  If you wish to participate, you can sign up
            will  start  at  the  Baby  Beach  parkinglot,  for the event through this link: https://forms.
            where participants will be led through Sero,  or  contact  the
            Colorado and the phosphate mine on the  FNPA at (297) 585 1234 or e-mail, info@aru-
            east coast. With the moon illuminating your for more info or ques-
            way, you can have a chance to see a few  tions. Spots are limited, so don’t wait!
            constellations and bright stars shining in the
            night sky, while also enjoying the cool night           Picture credit: FNPA on Facebook.
            breeze and the beautiful sound of waves

             The Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins and its history

             (Oranjestad)—The  Bushiri-   important histories of the is-  Aruba actually dates back  was enough to motivate a  search parties.
             bana Gold Mill Ruins is one  land: The Aruban Gold Rush.  to 1725, when a first explo-  further search, and the as-
             of the most visited places by                            ration for gold on the island  signment was discontinued  Over the years, concession-
             tourists  on  the  island,  as  it  Built in 1872 by English com-  was  commissioned  by  the  by Printz himself.   holding had seen different
             lies along the northern coast  pany Aruba Island Gold Min-  Dutch West India Company.                             companies  from  around
             line near the mini pool and  ing Company Ltd, the gold  Under the leadership of Mr.  It wasn’t until 100 years lat-  the world, all of which used
             on  the  way  to  the  Natural  mill at Bushiribana was con-  Paulus  Printz,  a  three-year  er, in 1824, when a young  primitive methods to dig and
             Bridge. Despite its seemingly  structed in the area where  search was conducted on  boy found a lump of gold  carve  out  gold  from  the
             plain appearance, this ruin  most  gold  was  found  by  Aruba, to no avail. Though  while out herding his father’s  rocks.  Aruba  Island  Gold
             represents one of the most  locals. The story of gold on  they  found  some  gold,  it  sheep. His father took it to  Mining Company Ltd. was no
                                                                                                   a local merchant who then  different, but used a unique
                                                                                                   sold the lump for $70. Unbe-  method that involved grind-
                                                                                                   knownst to the boy and his  ing the rocks and letting the
                                                                                                   father,  they  quite  literally  dust be blown away by the
                                                                                                   struck  gold,  and  as  word  strong northeast wind, leav-
                                                                                                   got out, a gold fever spread  ing clumps of gold behind.
                                                                                                   among the locals who start-  The next step was melting
                                                                                                   ed searching for more gold.  the  gold  and  letting  it  at-
                                                                                                   About 25 pounds worth was  tach to quicksilver in order
                                                                                                   found.                      to obtain pure gold. All these
                                                                                                                               processes were done at the
                                                                                                   At the same time, the Aru-  Bushiribana Gold Mill.
                                                                                                   ban  government  took  im-
                                                                                                   mediate  actions,  and  in-  The gold mill itself had a short
                                                                                                   formed Curacao that gold  life-span:  only  10  years  in
                                                                                                   was found. At first, everyone  service, but its structure re-
                                                                                                   could look for gold, as long  mained relatively solid till this
                                                                                                   as they sold it to the govern-  day, and is now a historical
                                                                                                   ment. However, after some  remnant.
                                                                                                   time,  the  government  de-
                                                                                                   cided to implement stricter       Sources: Etnia Nativa &
                                                                                                   rules  and  banned  local 
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