Page 15 - AHATA
P. 15
local Friday 22 March 2024
Visit the historic museum at Fort Zoutman!
(Oranjestad)—Located in 5-story, squared tower was
the middle of downtown not part of the original
Oranjestad, situated right structure of the fort, and
next to the government is actually called “Willem
building “Cocolishi”, is one III Toren”. Constructed in
of the oldest buildings of 1867, this tower was named
Aruba: Fort Zoutman. First after the then-reigning king
constructed in 1796, this of The Netherlands, Willem
site has been used (or left III. Willem III Toren was origi-
unused) in many ways and nally a light tower, but after
have survived eras of war a request from Lieutenant
and attempted disman- Governor Jan Helenus in
tling. 1866, it also became a bell
When anyone refers to Fort The fort itself was originally
Zoutman, they are actu- constructed to protect
ally referring to two sepa- the commerce bay of
rate buildings that, over the Paardenbaai from pirates
years, have been merged: and other disreputable
the fort and the tower. characters roaming the
That’s right, the iconic Caribbean Sea. Unlike the Willem III Toren, Fort Zout- two buildings also housed social culture of the town
man had a more tumul- a police precinct and jail, came to be. If you are in-
tuous past, including the and even experienced terested in history and want
on-and-off reception of abandonment until the Cul- to learn more about Aruba,
unwanted members of the tural Center Aruba Founda- then Fort Zoutman should
English military several times tion (CCA) petitioned for its definitely be included into
(The Netherlands was at renovation in 1964, turning your itinerary.
constant war with England the site into the Historic Mu- The museum is open Mon-
back in the colonial era). seum it currently is. day to Friday from 9am-
Over the years, both the Despite its small size, The 6pm, and Saturday from
fort and the tower had Historic Museum guards a 10am-2pm.q
functioned as different rich depository of the com-
government center points, mercial, military and social Source: The Old Fort of Aruba
including a tax and stamps history of Oranjestad, offer- by Jan Hartog.
office. For some time these ing a glance into how the
Birds of Aruba
ORANJESTAD — On May 11th, 2010, the Aruba descriptions from the foundations Facebook Our Canadian friends know exactly where they
Birdlife Conservation was founded with the aim page. can do so best. A Greater Yellowlegs rediscov-
of protecting the biodiversity in general and ering Aruba’s Bubali Wetlands.
birds in and around Aruba in particular. The Great Egret
Serenity in Aruba’s National Park, a Great Egret Cabochon
Among other things, the foundation will focus flying in peace. When it is peaceful and quite, In its living form of so much more value than
on increasing the survival chances of species beautiful things start happening in nature. any gemstone. Aruba’s smallest and most mas-
of wild birds by promoting their preservation ter of flight. A top pollinator. A hovering Blenchi
and conservation. The foundation publishes the Canadian in the house inspecting the human who just entered his ter-
most beautiful pictures of local birds on their so- The breeding season is over and it’s getting ritory.
cial media that show us the beauty of Aruba’s pretty cold in North America. Shore birds have English: Blue-tailed Emerald (male) Dutch: Blau-
birds and nature in general. Aruba Today gives started moving southwards as early as July. This wstaartsmaragdkolibrie (mannetje).
you a little peek with the following pictures and wetland beauty wants to keep its toes warm. Aruba’s to enjoy. Aruba’s to protect.q