Page 13 - aruba-today-20240626
P. 13

BUSINESS                 Wednesday 26 June 2024

            A big boost for a climate solution: electricity made                                                                             HEALTH

            from the heat of the Earth                                                                                             DOCTOR ON DUTY

            By JENNIFER McDERMOTT                                                                                                      Oranjestad
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
            One  method  of  making                                                                                             Tel. 527 4000
            electricity  cleanly  to  ad-                                                                                             San Nicolas
            dress  climate  change  has                                                                                          Imsan 24 hours
            been  quietly  advancing                                                                                             Tel.524 8833
            and on Tuesday it hit a mile-                                                                                       Women in Difficulties
            stone.                                                                                                              PHARMACY ON DUTY
            A California utility is backing
            the  largest  new  geother-                                                                                         Oranjestad:
                                                                                                                                Kibrahacha :  Tel.583 4908
            mal  power  development                                                                                             San Nicolas:
            in the U.S.  400 megawatts                                                                                          San Nicolas:Tel. 584 5712
            of  clean  electricity  from
            the Earth’s heat enough for                                                                                         OTHER
            some 400,000 homes.                                                                                                 Dental Clinic 587 9850
            Southern  California  Edison                                                                                        Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
            will  purchase  the  electric-                                                                                      Urgent Care 586 0448
            ity  from  Fervo  Energy,  a                                                                                        Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
            Houston-based     geother-                                                                                          +297 588 0539
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            mal  company,  Fervo  an-                                                                                           EMERGENCY
            The company is drilling up                                                                                          Police           100
                                                                                                                                                 527 3140
            to  125  wells  in  southwest                                                                                       Noord            527 3200
            Utah.                        A drill rig stands at a Fervo Energy geothermal site under construction near Milford, Utah, Nov. 26,   Sta. Cruz      527 2900
            Clean  electricity  like  this                                                                     Associated Press  San  Nicolas      584 5000
            reduces  the  need  for  tra-                                                                                       Police Tipline      11141
            ditional  power  plants  that   New  geothermal  compa-   zontal  drilling  in  geother-  tricity. He said geothermal   Ambulancia      911
            cause  climate  change.      nies  are  adapting  drilling   mal  reservoirs.  It  signed   complements  wind  and   Fire Dept.      115
                                                                                                                                Red Cross
                                                                                                                                                 582 2219
            The boost could go a long    technology  and  practices   the  world’s  first  corporate   solar  farms  by  providing
            way toward bringing down     taken from the oil and gas   agreement with Google in     steady power when it’s not   TAXI SERVICES
            the cost of a new genera-    industry to create reservoirs   2021 to develop new geo-  windy or sunny, and that is   Taxi Tas      587 5900
            tion of geothermal energy,   from hot rock. That unlocks   thermal  power  and  drilled   key to ensuring reliability as   Prof. Taxi   588 0035
            said Wilson Ricks, an energy   the  potential  for  geother-  three wells in Nevada. That   the state cuts fossil fuels.q  Taxi D.T.S.   587 2300
            systems researcher at Princ-  mal energy in many more     project  began  sending                                   Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
                                                                                                                                A1 Taxi Serv.
                                                                                                                                               280 2828
            eton University.             places.  Engineers  have     carbon-free electricity onto
            “If these purchases help to   been working to advance     the Nevada grid in Novem-                                 Women in Difficulties
            get this technology off the   the methods for years.      ber to power data centers                                 TRAVEL INFO
            ground,  it  could  be  mas-  The United States is one of   there.                                                  Aruba Airport   524 2424
            sively  impactful  for  global   the  world  leaders  in  using   The  Cape  Station  project,                      American Airlines 582 2700
            decarbonization,” he said.   the  Earth’s  heat  to  make   about  200  miles  south  of                            Avianca       588 0059
            Decarbonization  refers  to   electricity,  but  geother-  Salt Lake City, is expected                              Jet Blue      588 2244
            switching  out  things  that   mal  still  accounts  for  less   to  start  delivering  electric-                   Surinam       582 7896
            produce  carbon  dioxide     than half a percent of the   ity to California as early as                             Women in Difficulties
            and methane, which cause     nation’s  total  large-scale   2026.                                                   AID FOUNDATIONS
            the  climate  to  change,    electricity  generation,  ac-  California Energy Commis-                               FAVI- Visually Impaired
            in  favor  of  machines  and   cording to the U.S. Energy   sion Chair David Hochschild                             Tel. 582 5051
            methods that don’t.          Information Administration.  said the state is committed                               Alcoholics Anonymous
            Today  the  world  still  relies   Fervo  is  pioneering  hori-  to clean, zero-carbon elec-                        Tel. 736 2952
            mainly  on  fossil  fuels  for                                                                                      Narcotics Anonymous
            round-the-clock power. This                                                                                         Tel. 583 8989
            new deal shows that clean                                                                                           Fundacion Contra Violencia
            power can meet a growing                                                                                            Relacional Tel. 583 5400
            demand for electricity, said                                                                                        Centre for Diabetes
            Sarah  Jewett,  vice  presi-                                                                                        Tel. 524 8888
            dent of strategy at Fervo.                                                                                          Child Abuse Prevention
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 4433
            “I think that’s why it’s so ex-
            citing. This isn’t a niche en-                                                                                      Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            ergy  resource  going  to  a                                                                                        General Info
            niche use,” she said. “And
            that is something we have                                                                                           Phone Directory Tel. 118
            not had, you know, readily
            available” and able to be
            scaled up.
            The  first  generation  of
            geothermal  plants,  for  ex-
            ample, The Geysers in Cali-
            fornia,  tapped  into  super-
            heated reservoirs of steam
            or very hot water close to
            the  Earth’s  surface.  Such
            reservoirs are relatively rare.                                                                            
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