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                   Wednesday 26 June 2024

            Analysis: Bryson DeChambeau had his chances to make the Olympics

            By DOUG FERGUSON                                                                                                    situation  of  the  game  is,
            AP Golf Writer                                                                                                      albeit  it’s  frustrating  and
            Bryson  DeChambeau  is  a                                                                                           disappointing,”  DeCham-
            U.S.  Open  champion,  and                                                                                          beau said. “Hopefully 2028
            for now that will have to do.                                                                                       will be a little different situa-
            He is among the great en-                                                                                           tion, and it will make it that
            tertainers in golf, with a You-                                                                                     much sweeter.”
            Tube  channel  approach-                                                                                            He  played  well  in  the  ma-
            ing  800,000  subscribers.  He                                                                                      jors.  But  his  best  chance?
            certainly is among the best                                                                                         DeChambeau, who missed
            players  over  the  last  three                                                                                     three  straight  cuts  before
            months. Just look at his re-                                                                                        joining LIV in June 2022, has
            cord in the majors  a tie for                                                                                       played  only  one  tourna-
            sixth in the Masters, runner-                                                                                       ment  outside  LIV  and  the
            up by one birdie putt in the                                                                                        majors  over  the  last  two
            PGA  Championship,  con-                                                                                            years.  Maybe  he  could
            queror of the toughest test                                                                                         have  helped  his  chances
            in golf to win the U.S. Open.                                                                                       by playing an Asian Tour or
            His swing speed is faster. His                                                                                      in  Australia.  Maybe  that’s
            world  ranking  is  climbing                                                                                        not what he wanted to do,
            higher.  His  appeal  is  stron-                                                                                    which is fine.
            ger. That’s as close as De-                                                                                         His  record  in  the  majors  is
            Chambeau  gets  to  being                                                                                           second  to  none.  On  LIV
            part of the Olympics.                                                                                               Golf this year, he is 12th in
            The  four  Americans  head-                                                                                         the standings.
            ing to the Paris Games are                                                                                          Clark  has  only  one  top  10
            Masters  champion  Scottie                                                                                          (and  two  missed  cuts)  in
            Scheffler,  PGA  champion                                                                                           his last five starts. But golf is
            Xander  Schauffele,  Col-                                                                                           measured  over  time,  and
            lin Morikawa and past U.S.                                                                                          he  won  the  Wells  Fargo
            Open  champion  Wynd-        Bryson DeChambeau celebrates after winning the U.S. Open golf tournament Sunday, June 16,   Championship  last  year
            ham Clark.                   2024, in Pinehurst, N.C.                                                               and  then  the  U.S.  Open,
            DeChambeau, who started                                                                            Associated Press  and  he  shot  60  to  win  the
            the  year  at  No.  155  in  the                                                                                    rain-shortened  AT&T  Peb-
            world ranking and reached  cans  who  had  a  steady  ecutive with a strong back-      decision  was  measuring  ble Beach.
            No. 10 while playing in only  diet of big events with big  ground in the Olympics.     them  against  two  dozen  Morikawa  played  in  the
            three  tournaments,  is  the  points.                     The  Olympics  is  not  the  other  tours  that  operate  final  group  of  two  majors
            second alternate.            Is there an injustice? Not re-  strongest  field  because  nothing like LIV.           and  has  risen  from  No.  20
            “It’s  disappointing,  but  I  ally.                      of  that  diversity,  which  is  Players  knew  when  they  to No. 7 in the world since
            understand  the  decisions  DeChambeau  missing  out  bringing  players  from  32  signed  up  for  LIV  that  it  the    Masters.   Scheffler’s
            I  made,”  DeChambeau  on  the  Olympics  (again)  countries    Switzerland  and  would  be  a  tough  road.  and  Schauffele’s  records
            said.                        has nothing to do with the  Malaysia,  included    to  Le  That’s  why  it’s  worth  cel-  need no explanation. They
            That  decision  was  to  take  Official World Golf Ranking  Golf  National  in  early  Au-  ebrating  David  Puig  of  earned their spots in Paris.
            Saudi riches two years ago  choosing  not  to  recognize  gust.                        Spain, who joined LIV out of  DeChambeau  almost  did,
            to  join  LIV  Golf,  a  league  what amounts to a closed  But  it’s  the  Olympics.  And  Arizona  State  and  played  and  he  said  all  the  right
            that has teams and shotgun  shop at LIV Golf. The prob-   someone is always going to  the  Asian  Tour  whenever  things  when  asked  if  he
            starts  for  54  holes  against  lem is golf is a sport where  get left out.           he  could  to  accumulate  should  be  going  to  the
            (mostly) the same 54 play-   the OWGR is the most logi-   It  makes  little  sense  to  fill  points.               Olympics. Perhaps it will be
            ers  all  season.  It  offers  De-  cal way to determine who  the  field  based  on  a  tour  Joaquin  Niemann  of  Chile  different  for  2028,  suggest-
            Chambeau  a  chance  to  plays.                           because  each  tour  has  did  the  same,  which  not  ing slightly better (or more)
            take his talents around the  The International Golf Fed-  players  from  all  over  the  only earned him an invita-  results, or even a more eq-
            world,  and  it  affords  him  eration  the worldwide gov-  world, and the best of the  tion to the Masters, he did  uitable  OWGR  situation
            time  to  create  content  erning body for golf  chose  lot are on the PGA Tour. It’s  well  enough  to  secure  his  with  LIV.  “There’s  another
            making  him  as  popular  as  to use the world ranking to  been that way for 20 years.  spot in the Olympics again.  one  four  years  later,”  he
            ever.                        set  the  60-man  field  when  LIV has bought its share of  Carlos  Ortiz  won  in  Oman  said. Then again, DeCham-
            The  Olympics  always  was  golf  returned  to  the  Olym-  big-time  players,  but  how  on  the  Asian  Tour,  which  beau  knows  not  to  count
            going  to  be  a  long  shot.  pics in 2016.              to measure them when it’s  helped his cause.              on that.
            LIV   Golf   doesn’t   offer  “It  was  the  best  way  to  (mostly)  the  same  54  was  “I’ve done my best up un-  He  was  part  of  the  U.S.
            world  ranking  points  and  determine  the  top  players  one of the key reasons the  til  now  to  give  myself  a  squad for the Tokyo Games
            DeChambeau  knew  that  and  balance  the  strength  OWGR board chose not to  chance  according  to  the  until  he  tested  positive  for
            when he signed up. He was  of field with diversity,” said  give them points.           OWGR,  but  I  realize  and  COVID-19 and never made
            competing  against  Ameri-   Antony Scanlon, the IGF ex-  At the heart of the OWGR  respect  where  the  current  it to Japan.q
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