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                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 26 June 2024

                                                                                                   Dodgers pitcher Clayton Kershaw

                                                                                                   has been shut down after
                                                                                                   experiencing lingering soreness

                                                                                                   Los  Angeles  Dodgers'  Clayton  Kershaw  works  out  before  a
                                                                                                   baseball game against the Colorado Rockies in Los Angeles,
                                                                                                   Sunday, June 2, 2024.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press

             NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman, left, presents Florida Panthers forward Aleksander Barkov (16)   By JAY COHEN
             with the NHL hockey Stanley Cup after winning the Final against the Edmonton Oilers in Sunrise,   AP Baseball Writer
             Fla., Monday, June 24, 2024.                                                          CHICAGO (AP) — Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Clayton
                                                                                  Associated Press  Kershaw has been shut down for a week after experienc-
             No time for a Stanley Cup hangover as                                                 ing lingering soreness in his comeback from left shoulder
             the NHL offseason is already here                                                     Kershaw, 36, had an MRI that "showed no new incidents,"
                                                                                                   manager Dave Roberts said before Monday night's 3-0
                                                                                                   victory at the Chicago White Sox.
             By STEPHEN WHYNO                           major goalie trade finalized Monday night   "You  go  through  surgery.  You  go  through  rehab.  You
             AP Hockey Writer                           sending  2023  Vezina  Trophy  winner  Linus   start throwing. You ramp up velocity, workload," Roberts
             The Stanley Cup was still on the ice when  Ullmark to the Senators for Joonas Korpisa-  said, "and there is bound to be some soreness, and that's
             Patric  Hornqvist  offered  up  a  sobering  lo, depth forward Mark Kastelic and a first-  where we're at.
             thought surrounded by former teammates  round pick. The Bruins will be making that    "So then you do the scan to see if there's a new incident,
             and other family revelers holding cans of  selection Friday at the Sphere in Las Ve-  which there wasn't, so that's why we feel very comfort-
             beer during the celebration.               gas long after San Jose leads off the draft   able and confident that this is just a blip."
             The  newly  crowned  champion  Florida  with the expected choice of Macklin Ce-       Kershaw had surgery in November, a month after he re-
             Panthers had work to do already because  lebrini with the first pick. After the Sharks'   corded just one out in Game 1 of the National League Di-
             the offseason is already here for them and  trying year in the NHL basement, they are   vision Series against Arizona. The three-time NL Cy Young
             the NHL's other 31 teams.                  eager for the draft, trade and free agent   Award  winner  re-signed  with  Los  Angeles  in  February,
             The  buyout  window  opens  Wednesday,  frenzy to get underway.                       staying with his only big league club.
             the draft is Friday and Saturday and the  "Kind  of  a  little  bit  scrambling  and  busy   Kershaw  made  a  rehab  start  with  Class-A  Rancho  Cu-
             start of free agency is Monday, squeezing  time,  but  I  think  everyone's  been  doing   camonga on Wednesday night, throwing 37 pitches while
             a flurry of activity to prepare for 2024-25  their  homework  and  people  will  be  pre-  working three innings of one-run ball. He was expected to
             into a tight window.                       pared," general manager Mike Grier said.   throw four innings in his second rehab start Tuesday for
             "It's crazy," said Hornqvist, a two-time Cup-  "This is a rewarding week for the franchise   Triple-A Oklahoma City.
             winning player who's now in Florida's front  and for our scouts, who have done a ton   After he takes a week off from throwing, Kershaw will be-
             office. "A quick turnaround."              of work. ... It's an exciting time. We're look-  gin to ramp up again.
             The  season  stretching  into  summer  and  ing forward to it. It's busy, but it's a fun time   "A week is not long enough to worry about cutting into
             the  final  between  the  Panthers  and  Ed-  in the end."                            the  buildup  that  he's  already  had,"  Roberts  said.  "But  I
             monton  Oilers  going  the  distance  to  It  should  be  fun  for  players  such  as  57-  think it's a way to kind of get us back to get the soreness
             Game 7 set up this quick turnaround.       goal  scorer  Sam  Reinhart,  who  also  got   out, so that's the main thing."
             Less  than  12  hours  after  the  Cup  was  the Cup clincher, and others such as Jake   Los Angeles (49-31) is on top of the NL West once again,
             awarded,  Colorado  re-signed  forward  Guentzel and 2023 playoff MVP Jonathan        but it has been hit hard by injuries this month. Mookie Betts
             Casey  Mittelstadt  for  three  more  years  Marchessault  who  are  set  to  cash  in  as   broke his left hand when he was hit by a pitch on June 16.
             and  Winnipeg  extended  defenseman  pending free agents. Less so for those on        Yoshinobu Yamamoto (strained rotator cuff) and Walker
             Dylan DeMelo.                              the trade market and potentially on the    Buehler (hip inflammation) were placed on the 15-day in-
             Some  teams  did  not  wait  to  take  care  move, from Anaheim's Trevor Zegras to To-  jured list, taking the right-handers out of the team's rota-
             of business. Boston and Ottawa made a  ronto's Mitch Marner.q
                                                                                                   tion for now.q
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