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a26     obituario/u.s. news
                 Diahuebs 13 OctOber 2022

                                                                                                                City unveils plan for

                                                                                                                  major makeover of

                                                                                                                    Boston Common

              ‘’Mi ta alsa mi bista na serunan,               Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.   BOSTON (AP) — Boston Common, Amer-
              di unda mi yudansa lo bini?”                                                                   ica's  oldest  public  park,  is  getting  a  multi-
              “Mi yudansa ta bini di Señor ku                                                                million-dollar makeover that includes an ex-
              a traha shelu y tera”                                                                          panded visitors' center, more restrooms, ad-
              “Salmo 121”                                                                                    ditional sports facilities, and even a sit-down
                                                                                                             restaurant at the famed Frog Pond, city of-
              Cu gran tristesa pero conforme                                                                 ficials announced Wednesday.
              cu  boluntad  di  nos  bon  Dios,
              nos  ta  anuncia  fayecimento  di                                                              The goal is to make the 50-acre (20-hectare) swath
              nos tata, ruman, welo, bisawelo                                                                of green space in the heart of the city more wel-
              y omo                                                                                          coming, convenient, fun and accessible for both
                                                                                                             city residents and tourists.

                         Eloy Koolman
              (mihor conoci como Loy, Loycito, Mo Loy of Cacique                                             "Boston Common's gorgeous tree-lined paths and
                               di Savaneta)                                                                  open spaces have hosted so many moments marked
                         *21-09-1932  †11-10-2022                                                            in history, from shaping our collective conscience
                   Viudo di † Nicolasita D. Koolman-Wouters                                                  to celebrating our communities," Mayor Michelle
                                                                                                             Wu said in a statement. "We're excited to be shar-
              Yuinan:                                                                                        ing a plan that honors the Common's history, re-
              Eloy (Ely) y Ludwina Koolman
              Mary (Leen) y Orving Croes -Koolman                                                            flects the community's vision, and creates a space
              Ester Panneflek-Koolman y Giovani Dubero                                                       that will be more accessible, more resilient, and
                                                                                                             more inclusive for generations to come."
              Nieto y Nieta:
              Eliomar  y  Paola  Koolman-Hernandez,  Eliandra                                                The  Common  was  founded  in  1634  and  draws
              Koolman y Landray Ascencion, Elisé Koolman y Tibaire                                           millions  of  people  per  year.  It  has  been  used  as
              (Tibi) Wouters                                   Mr. Leroy Nevington Delano Abraham
              Ashmira  (Mimi)  Croes,  Shamira  (Shami)  Croes  y   was born on July 2nd 1945 and  passed away on October   a place for public executions, as a pasture, and a
              Dwight  Kock,  Orvin  (Vincho)  Croes  y  Isamar  (Isa)           3rd 2022.                    military training field, according to the nonprofit
              Hernandez                                       Cremation took place privately in accordance with his   group Friends of the Public Garden, which helped
              Eldrick  y  Carolina  Panneflek-Croes  ,  Bengiomar   wishes.                                  develop the Boston Common Master Plan.
              y  Jennifer  Panneflek-Werleman,  Eshgino  (Gino)
              Panneflek y Thanny Maduro, Eshlaine Panneflek.  A memorial service will be organized at a later date.  More recently it has hosted civil rights marches,
                                                                                                             Vietnam War protests and a 1979 Catholic Mass
              Bisanieto y Bisanieta:                          Date of funeral will be announced later
              Brandon, Maikel, Hailey, Jean-André, Curtson, Elizaion                                         celebrated  by  Pope  John  Paul  II  attended  by  an
              Xarienne, Dashawn, Leah-Paris                                                                  estimated 400,000 people during a soaking rain-
              Endrick  y  Genesis  Monsalve,  Tizianne,  Jaydrick,                                           storm. It was also the site of huge protests in 2020
              Aliyzah, Izayah, Chamiliah                                                                     against police brutality.
              Rumannan:                                                                                      The multiyear plan also includes tripling the size
              †Alejandro y †Maria Koolman-Schwengle y famia                                                  of a children's playground, a dog park, and adding
              †Carmen y †Antonio de Cuba-Koolman y famia
              †Felecita y Pedro Henriquez-Koolman y famia                                                    wheelchair ramps to the Robert Gould Shaw and
               Rosindo y Isnarda Koolman-Schwengle y famia                                                   the  54th  Regiment  Memorial,  and  the  Parkman
              Emerita y †Jacobo Curiel-Koolman y famia                                                       Bandstand.
              Arsenio y Maria Elizabeth Koolman-Gonzalez y famia
              Inocencio y Elogia Koolman-Curiel y famia                                                      "With this Boston Common Master Plan, Ameri-
              †Mario y †Osolita Koolman-Maduro y famia                                                       ca's first public park will have a unified vision for
              George y Saturnina Koolman-Christiaans y famia  “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada  evolving and adapting to meet the needs of Bos-
              Adolf Koolman                                   Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
              Felipe y Maria Koolman-Tromp y famia            E ta hibami na awa trankil,                    ton's residents and visitors to our city as well as
              Pedro y Jacinta Koolman-Martijn y famia         Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                       of the park itself," said Liz Vizza, president of the
              Swanan,  cuñanan,  subrinanan,  subrinonan,  primanan,   Salmo: 23                             Friends of the Public Garden.
              primonan,  ihanan,  comer  y  compernan,  bisiñanan,
              conocirnan y amistadnan.                        Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa fayecimento   The  planned  changes  are  the  result  of  years  of
                                                              di:                                            public input and will be funded in part by $28 mil-
              Amiga/Amigo di cas:
              Ortencia Perez-Henriquez, Brian y Kevin Kuiperdal                                              lion from the 2019 sale of a city parking garage.
                                                                                                             The city has opened a 45-day public comment pe-
              Demas famia:                                                                                   riod for residents to share their priorities for the
              Koolman,  Wouters,  Ras,  Croes,  Panneflek,  Dirksz,                                          makeover plan.
              Hernandez,  Dubero,  Lampe,  Trapenberg,  Kock,
              Werleman,  Monsalves,  Maduro,  Gomez,  Noguera,
              Ascencion, Kuiperdal, Schwengle, de Cuba, Henriquez,
              Curiel, Gonzalez, Christiaans, Tromp, Martijn, Thiel.
              Oportunidad pa condoleer
              Pray Funeral Home
              Diahuebs 13 di Oktober 2022
              7PM pa 9PM
              Ta invita tur amigo, bisiña y conocirnan pa asisti na acto
              di entiero cual lo tuma lugar diabierna 14 di oktober di
              2or pa 4or di atardy na Pray Funeral Home y despues
              saliendo pa santana Catolico San Jose na Savaneta.
              Despues di entiero no ta acepta bishita di condolencia
              na cas.                                                      Pedro Kelly
                                                                         *29-04-1928 - †10-10-2022
              POR A LUBIDA UN OF OTRO PERSONA                 Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
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