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sports Diahuebs 13 OctOber 2022
Cole cruises, Bader, Rizzo bash, Yanks beat Guardians 4-1
NEW YORK (AP) — Ger- Guardians 4-1 on Tuesday debut until Sept. 20.
rit Cole dreamed of this in their AL Division Series
moment growing up in opener. Not even another Josh Don-
California, winning a aldson baserunning blunder
postseason game in pin- Bader hit his first home run could slow the Yankees, who
stripes at Yankee Stadium. since the Yankees made the have won six straight postsea-
surprising deal to acquire son games against Cleveland
Harrison Bader had a similar him from St. Louis at the dating to a comeback from a
fantasy while sitting in the trade deadline, tying the score 2-0 deficit in the 2017 Divi-
first base seats as a 15-year- with a third-inning drive to sion Series. The crowd of
old and watching New York’s left-center on a Cal Quantrill 47,807 roared from the first
last championship team. sinker after Steven Kwan had pitch.
homered in the top half.
They combined to make each After Kwan’s homer, Cole hit
other’s wishes come true. A graduate of Horace Mann Amed Rosario with a pitch
School, 5 miles from Yan- and José Ramírez lined a
Cole cruised for most of the kee Stadium, Bader was in a gapper to left-center. Bader,
night, Bader and Anthony walking boot with a foot in- a Gold Glove center fielder, niversary of its last World Se- hustle gaffes marking his first
Rizzo homered and the jury at the time of the trade saved a run by cutting off the ries title, struck out nine times season in New York. With the
Yankees beat the Cleveland and didn’t make his Yankees ball and holding the runners against the AL East-winning score tied 1-1, the former AL
at second and third. Cole es- Yankees, who returned from MVP led off the fifth with a
caped a bases-loaded jam by a five-day layoff. Guardians drive that hit the top of the
striking out Andrés Giménez batters had the fewest strike- 10-foot wall in right field,
with his 60th pitch. outs in the majors during the just in front of a fan’s hands,
regular season. and bounced back onto the
Cole needed just eight pitch- field.
es in the fourth and allowed Jose Trevino put New York
just two more runners, on a ahead with a sacrifce fly in Donaldson went into a trot,
single and his only walk. He the fifth after Isiah Kiner- thinking it was a home run,
left after giving up one run Falefa reached on a single and even high-fived first
and four hits in 6 1/3 innings into the right-field corner base coach Travis Chapman.
with eight strikeouts. and Wild Card Series star But Gonzalez grabbed the
Oscar Gonzalez allowed the ball off the carom and threw
Jonathan Loáisiga, Wandy ball to bounce through his to shortstop Amed Rosario,
Peralta and Clay Holmes fin- legs for a two-base error. whose throw to first caught
ished with two-hit relief to Donaldson trying to get back.
begin the best-of-five match- Rizzo chased Quantrill with
up. Holmes hit Owen Miller a drive into the right-field After the final out, that be-
with a pitch before retiring second desk in the sixth after came a minor matter. Judge,
the final two batters. Aaron Judge walked. who set an AL record with 62
homers, cited Bader for poor
AL Central champion Cleve- An inning earlier, Donaldson form.
land, playing on the 74th an- made another of the lack-of-
Ronaldo to defend himself after improper
conduct charge
MANCHESTER, England cept it.” aldo’s long-term future, ten
(AP) — Cristiano Ron- Hag said he is committed to
aldo will defend himself Rule E3 relates to the general helping the 37-year-old great
against an improper con- behaviour of participants, rediscover his finest form.
duct charge brought by stating they must not bring
the English Football As- the game into disrepute “or “I want to support him as
sociation. use any one, or a combina- good as possible,” ten Hag
tion of, violent conduct, se- said. “So we have a certain
The Manchester United for- rious foul play, threatening, demand on players, what we
ward was charged follow- abusive, indecent or insulting expect from him in certain
ing an incident with a fan words or behaviour.” positions on the pitch and
after a game against Everton what I do, as with other play-
in April. Footage caught on The case will be determined ers, is I want to get the best
camera appeared to show by an FA hearing. out of them.
Ronaldo knocking a phone
out of the hand of a support- Ronaldo returned to Goodi- “He is getting in better shape
er as he made his way to the son Park for the first time now and I am happy with
locker room following Unit- since the incident in Unit- that, so he can contribute
ed’s 1-0 loss. ed’s 2-1 victory on Saturday more to the squad and I’m
— scoring the winner, which sure he will do.”
He was later cautioned by was his 700th career club
police and last month the goal. Ten Hag added Ronaldo’s
FA confirmed that the Por- physical condition has been
tugal international had been He could start when United an issue this season.
charged with a breach of hosts Omonia Nicosia in the
Rule E3. Europa League on Thursday “In the start, it was definitely
after spending much of the the case,” ten Hag said, “and
“We spoke about that,” Unit- season on the bench. it’s proven once again no one
ed manager Erik ten Hag said can miss pre-season.”
Wednesday. “He will not ac- With speculation about Ron-