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WORLD NEWS Thursday 18 January 2024
Immigration issue challenges delicate talks to form new Dutch
By MIKE CORDER Zegerius and the two oth-
Associated Press er leaders involved in the
THE HAGUE, Netherlands closed-door coalition ne-
(AP) — Delicate talks to gotiations also oppose the
create a new Dutch gov- legislation that was drawn
ernment around anti-Islam up by a junior minister from
firebrand Geert Wilders suf- Yeşilgöz-Zegerius’ VVD.
fered a setback Wednes- The legislation aims to push
day when a lingering im- municipalities across the
migration issue divided the Netherlands to provide
parties involved in broker- temporary accommoda-
ing a coalition. tion for asylum seekers who
“We have a problem,” have a strong chance of
Wilders told reporters in The being granted refugee
Hague, the morning after a status. At the moment,
decision by senators from a many municipalities refuse
key Dutch political party in- to make space available.
volved in the coalition talks That has led to a crisis in
to back legislation that existing asylum-seeker cen-
could force municipalities ters, most notably in the
to house asylum-seekers. northern town of Ter Apel,
People’s Party for Freedom where hundreds of new ar-
and Democracy (VVD) rivals were forced to sleep
senators threw their support Geert Wilders, leader of the Party for Freedom, known as PVV, casts his ballot in The Hague, outside a reception center
behind the proposal Tues- Netherlands, Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023. in the summer of 2022 be-
day night. The lower house Associated Press cause of overcrowding.
of parliament already in the driving seat to form Italian government. Nov. 22 general election Yeşilgöz-Zegerius has said
has approved the plan, a new coalition after four The VVD senators’ decision victory. she does not want her par-
known as the “Distribution previous administrations came despite opposition Wilders campaigned on ty to be in a coalition with
Law,” that aims to more led by outgoing VVD lead- from the party’s new lead- pledges to drastically rein Wilders’ PVV, but is willing
fairly spread thousands of er Mark Rutte. er Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius in immigration and he to support a Wilders-led
asylum-seekers around the Having Wilders in govern- a former asylum-seeker has long been an outspo- government. The other two
country. Wilders strongly ment would reinforce the who is in talks with Wilders ken critic of the legisla- parties involved in the talks
opposes it. far right in the European and two other party lead- tion that now looks set to are the reformist New Social
Wilders’ Party for Freedom, Union, where Giorgia Mel- ers about the contours of a be approved in a Senate Contract and the Farmers
or PVV, won the most seats oni is already leading the new coalition after Wilders’ vote next week. Yeşilgöz- Citizens Movement.q
in the election, putting him
2.7 million Zimbabweans need food aid as El Nino compounds a
drought crisis, U.N. food program says
By FARAI MUTSAKA bwe. longer and more severe. lion people in southern Afri- Malawi, parts of Mozam-
Associated Press El Nino is a natural and re- For decades, Zimbabwe’s ca will need food relief be- bique and southern Mada-
HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) curring weather phenome- rainy season reliably ran tween January and March. gascar will be unable to
— The U.N. World Food Pro- non that warms parts of the from October to March. Many people in the areas feed themselves into early
gram said Wednesday that Pacific, affecting weather It has become erratic in of highest concern such 2025 due to El Nino, USAID
it was working with Zimba- patterns around the world. recent years, sometimes as Zimbabwe, southern said.q
bwe’s government and aid It has different impacts in starting only in December
agencies to provide food different regions. and ending sooner.
to 2.7 million rural people in When rains fail or come Once an exporter of food,
the country as the El Nino late, it has a significant Zimbabwe has relied heav-
weather phenomenon impact, Erdelmann told a ily on assistance from do-
contributes to a drought news conference. nors to feed its people in
crisis in southern Africa. January to March is re- recent years. Agricultural
Food shortages putting ferred to as the lean season production also fell sharply
nearly 20% of Zimbabwe’s in Zimbabwe, when rural after the seizures of white-
population at risk of hun- households run out of food owned farms under former
ger have been caused by while waiting for the next President Robert Mugabe
poor harvests in drought- harvest. starting in 2000 but had be-
ravaged areas where More than 60% of Zimba- gun to recover.
people rely on small-scale bwe’s 15 million people The United States Agency
farming to eat. El Nino is ex- live in rural areas. Their life for International Devel-
pected to compound that is increasingly affected by opment, the U.S. govern-
by causing below-average a cycle of drought and ment’s foreign aid agency, Officials from USAID and WFP inspect a donation of $11
rainfall again this year, said floods aggravated by cli- has estimated through its million worth of food aid at a ceremony in Harare, Zimbabwe,
Francesca Erdelmann, WFP mate change. Famine Early Warning Sys- Wednesday, Jan 17. 2024.
country director for Zimba- Dry spells are becoming tems Network that 20 mil- Associated Press