Page 6 - aruba-today-20240118
P. 6

                 Thursday 18 January 2024

            China’s population falls for a 2nd straight year as births drop even

            after end of one-child policy

            By KEN MORITSUGU                                                                                                    ery 10 years.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    China,  which  once  sought
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China’s                                                                                           to   control    population
            population  fell  by  2  million                                                                                    growth  with  its  one-child
            people in 2023 in its second                                                                                        policy,  is  now  facing  the
            straight  annual  decrease,                                                                                         opposite   problem.    The
            as  births  dropped  for  the                                                                                       government  has  sought
            seventh  straight  year  and                                                                                        to  encourage  births  since
            deaths  jumped  following                                                                                           gradually easing the policy
            the  end  of  COVID-19  re-                                                                                         over 2014 to 2016 to allow
            strictions,  the  government                                                                                        a second child and then a
            said Wednesday.                                                                                                     third child in 2021, but with
            The  number  of  deaths                                                                                             little success.
            rose by 690,000 to 11.1 mil-                                                                                        Many  people  are  delay-
            lion, more than double the                                                                                          ing  marriage  or  choosing
            previous  year’s  increase.                                                                                         not to have children. Even
            Demographers  said  the                                                                                             those  who  do  often  have
            rise  was  driven  by  the  ag-                                                                                     only one child because of
            ing  of  the  population  and                                                                                       the high cost of educating
            the  widespread  COVID-19                                                                                           children in cities in a highly
            outbreaks  that  started  in                                                                                        competitive academic en-
            December  2022  and  con-    A man carries a child at a shopping mall in Beijing, Dec. 30, 2023.                    vironment.  The  population
            tinued into February of last                                                                       Associated Press   of women of child-bearing
            year.                        years  to  allow  up  to  three  Demographer  Zuo  Xue-   clothing,  food  and  other   age has also fallen.
            The  total  population  stood   children.                 jin,  former  executive  vice  products  suitable  for  older   Local governments are of-
            at  1.4  billion,  the  statistics   The  lower  fertility  rate,  to-  president  of  the  Shanghai  people, cracking down on   fering  incentives  for  new
            bureau  said.  China,  long   gether  with  people  living  Academy  of  Social  Sci-  scams  that  target  the  el-  children.
            the most populated coun-     longer  because  of  better  ences.,  estimated  that  the  derly  and  making  it  easier   A  municipality  in  China’s
            try  in  the  world,  dropped   health  care,  means  China  proportion  of  the  popula-  to operate a TV.         Inner  Mongolia  region  has
            into  second  place  behind   is  slowly  growing  older,  tion that is 65 or older could  The number of births fell by   started  offering  payments
            India in 2023, according to   something  that  could  slow  double  to  more  than  30%  540,000, or 5.6%, which was   of  2,000  yuan  ($280)  for  a
            U.N. estimates.              economic     growth   over  by 2050.                      smaller  than  the  double-  second  child  and  5,000
            The  falling  births  reflect  a   time  and  challenge  the  The   government   issued  digit  percent  drops  the   yuan  ($700)  for  a  third,  as
            decline  in  the  fertility  rate   government’s   finances  guidelines earlier this week  previous three years. The 9   well  as  requiring  that  em-
            that  is  a  long-term  eco-  and its ability to provide for  on  developing  the  “silver”  million babies born in 2023   ployers  give  an  extra  60
            nomic  and  societal  chal-  a larger elderly population  economy  and  enhanc-        were less than half the total   and  90  days  of  paid  ma-
            lenge  for  China.  Women    with fewer workers.          ing the well-being of older  in  2016.  All  the  figures  are   ternity leave for the second
            are  having  fewer  babies   Experts expect the popula-   people.  They  included  ex-  estimates based on surveys   and third child respectively,
            despite government incen-    tion decline to continue for  panding  geriatric  hospital  and  do  not  include  Hong   according to an online re-
            tives  and  the  easing  of  its   decades, even if the fertility  and  nursing  care,  encour-  Kong  and  Macao.  China   port by state-owned China
            one-child  policy  in  recent   rate rebounds.            aging the development of  conducts  a  full  census  ev-  National Radio.q

            New doctrine in Russia ally Belarus for the first time provides for

            using nuclear weapons

            TALLINN, Estonia (AP) — The  “We  clearly  communicate  Belarus’ views on the use of  tactical  nuclear  weapons  Russia  used  Belarus  terri-
            defense minister of Belarus                                                            stationed  on  our  territory,”  tory  as  a  springboard  to
            said Tuesday that the coun-                                                            Defense    Minister   Viktor  send its troops into Ukraine
            try closely allied with Russia                                                         Khrenin  said  at  a  meeting  on  February  24,  2022,  and
            will put forth a new military                                                          of  Belarus’  Security  Coun-  has  maintained  its  military
            doctrine  that  for  the  first                                                        cil. “A new chapter has ap-  bases and weapons there,
            time provides for the use of                                                           peared,  where  we  clearly  although  Belarusian  troops
            nuclear weapons.                                                                       define  our  allied  obliga-  have not taken part in the
            Russia last year sent tactical                                                         tions to our allies.”        war.
            nuclear weapons to be sta-                                                             The  doctrine  is  to  be  pre-  Security  Council  Secretary
            tioned in Belarus, although                                                            sented for approval to the  Alexander  Volfovich  said
            there are no details about                                                             All-Belarusian  People’s  As-  that  the  deployment  of
            how many. Russia has said                                                              sembly,  a  representative  Russian nuclear weapons in
            it will maintain control over                                                          body  that  operates  in  Be-  Belarus is intended to deter
            those weapons, which are                                                               larus  in  parallel  with  the  aggression  from  Poland,  a
            intended for battlefield use                                                           parliament.                  NATO member.
            and have short ranges and     Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, left, and Belarusian   Belarus  had  both  tactical  “Unfortunately,  statements
            comparatively low yields.     Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin exchange documents during   and  long-range  nuclear  by  our  neighbors,  in  par-
            It  was  not  immediately     a meeting after a session of the Council of Defense Ministers   weapons when it was part  ticular  Poland  ...  forced  us
            clear  how  the  new  doc-    of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in Minsk,   of  the  Soviet  Union,  but  to  strengthen”  the  military
            trine  might  be  applied  to   Belarus, on May 25, 2023.                              transferred  them  to  Russia  doctrine, he said.q
            the Russian weapons.                                                  Associated Press   after the USSR’s collapse.
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