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Thursday 18 January 2024 locAl
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Episode XCII - 92 - An ancient Amerindian pigment
ORANJESTAD — Worlds an- tuna`s (Opuntia spp.).The troduced plant, the culti-
cestral pigment farmers of insect when full grown, vation of the bug began
the Americas cultivated a gives off a reddish or car- taking over in these experi-
vegetarian insect that of- mine dye when crushed. mental plantations. When
fers a high quality dye for For this purposes it is set out in 1857 the Aniline dye was
animal, vegetal or synthet- on the Nopal cactus, Tuna commercialized in Ger-
ic fibers, fabrics and food Spañó and other Opuntia many, the Cochineal com-
preparation. This pigment species (Nopalea Coche- mercial value plunged
was used in watercolor and nille or Dactyolopius). The and by the year 1867 local
oil paints and marketed a tiny tick thrives by extract- cultivation disappeared
commodity. Carmine is a ing juice of the cactus to completely.
natural, animal coloring mature. Then it is harvested It’s important to know that
applied in the manufactur- and slightly sundried. One carmine -farming seems to
ing of pharmaceutics and pound (1 lbs.) of color holds pre date the Inca’s and Az-
cosmetics such as rouge about 70.000 ticks. From tecs- also called cochineal
and lipsticks. this, crushed or leached in (for the insect from which it
alcohol, a dye is obtained is extracted), cochineal ex-
The insect that produces called Cochineal Red. tract, crimson lake or car-
this amazing pigment is mine lake, natural red 4,
known as cochineal tick By the year 1837 the island`s C.I. 75470, or E120, is a pig-
(Coccus-cacti) and they Governor motivated entre- ment of a bright-red color
thrive on cactus plants, preneurship by assigning obtained from the alumi-
especially prickly pears or special areas of cultivation, num complex derived from
carmine acid.
Carmine from Cochineal
continues to be widely
such was Socotoro, Com- “peperesh “. The cocoon used in the industrial world
panashi, Mon Plaisir, Sividi- served as a parasol, um- because it is such a stable,
vi, Canashito, Quivarco. brella and a wind shade at safe and long-lasting addi-
In Savanata and Sabana the same time protecting tive whose color is little af-
Grandi, Sta. Cruz. In Noord the tiny animal against the fected by heat or light. This
close to Shaba, Cunucu harsh elements. This was carmine is also used to cre-
Abao, Pos Abao, Tanki Flip, pinned in the cactus by us- ate the red Skittles candy
Tanki Leendert and Pon- ing a thorn of a Cadushi ( however since 2009; Skittles
ton. Remarkable was the Lemaireocereus griseus). have been produced with-
implementation of a few out animal gelatin or shel-
other local plants in order At Sabana Grandi there lac.
to improve production. used to be some six tomb
These where the leaves of ruins of a Dutch family with To get to know more over
the Catash or Loki Loki tree the name of Strakbein, Aruba’s and its origins, its
(Phyllanthus botryanthus) who farmed the Cochineal animals and culture, we
that were rolled up into a bug in this area. It was an highly recommend you to
cone shape which locals exhausting work. Soon af- book your visit for our re-
used to call “cartuchi ” or ter the aloe, another in- nowned cultural encoun-
ter session has been enter-
taining curious participants
Article by: Etnia Nativa for decades. Mail us at et- to
Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book confirm your participation.
your Aruban exprerience Our facilities and activities
Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels take place close to high
rise hotels. q