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A28    u.s. news
                 Diasabra 23 OctOber 2021

                             Giuliani associate convicted of campaign finance crimes

                                                                      respond  to  emails  seeking  graph  featuring  Parnas  with  money went toward support-
                                                                      comment on the verdict.      Florida  Gov.  Ron  DeSantis,  ing legal marijuana business-
                                                                                                   a Republican, was one of the  es looking to expand.
                                                                      Giuliani   remains   under  first exhibits shown to jurors
                                                                      criminal  investigation  as  au-  during  closing  arguments  Kukushkin’s  lawyer,  Gerald
                                                                      thorities  decide  whether  his  and a video of Giuliani with  Lefcourt,  sought  to  portray
                                                                      interactions with Ukraine of-  Parnas  was  among  exhibits  his  client  as  an  unknowing
                                                                      ficials required him to regis-  jurors could view during de-  dupe in the scheme, who was
                                                                      ter as a foreign agent, but he  liberations.              mocked  behind  his  back  by
                                                                      wasn’t  alleged  to  have  been                           other participants as mentally
                                                                      involved  in  illegal  campaign  DeSantis  was  among  those  challenged.
                                                                      contributions and wasn’t part  who received campaign con-
                                                                      of the New York trial.       tributions  that  prosecutors  Following  the  verdict,  pros-
                                                                                                   said  were  traced  to  $1  mil-  ecutors asked for immediate
                                                                      The case did, though, give an  lion that Parnas and Fruman  incarceration  of  Parnas  and
                                                                      up-close look at how Parnas  received from Muraviev, who  Kukushkin,  citing  a  risk  of
            (AP) — A New York jury                                    entered Republican circles in  has been involved in several  flight, but the judge allowed
            convicted  a  former  as-    Parnas,  49,  was  convicted  2018 with a pattern of cam-  U.S. cannabis ventures.     them  to  remain  free  on  bail
            sociate  of  Rudy  Giuliani  on all counts after about five  paign  donations  big  enough                          while awaiting sentencing.
            on  Friday  of  charges  that  hours of jury deliberations.  to get him meetings with the  About  $100,000  of  Mura-
            he made illegal campaign                                  party’s stars.               viev’s  money  went  toward  The  charges  against  Parnas
            contributions to influence  The  Soviet-born  Florida                                  campaign  contributions  in  collectively  carry  the  po-
            U.S.  politicians  and  ad-  businessman  had  insisted  “In  order  to  gain  influence  what Assistant U.S. Attorney  tential  for  decades  behind
            vance  his  business  inter-  through  his  lawyer  that  he  with  American  politicians  Hagan Scotten called a con-  bars, but any prison sentence
            ests.                        never  used  the  Russian’s  and candidates, they illegally  spiracy  to  secretly  bring  his  would likely be measured in
                                         money  for  political  dona-  funneled foreign money into  “wealth  and  corruption  into  years, rather than decades.
            The  verdict  was  returned  tions.  He  briefly  closed  his  the  2018  midterm  elections  American  politics”  in  viola-
            in  Manhattan  federal  court,  eyes  and  shook  his  head  as  with  an  eye  toward  making  tion  of  laws  barring  foreign  Fruman  pleaded  guilty  ear-
            where Lev Parnas was on trial  the verdict was read.      huge  profits  in  the  canna-  donations  to  U.S.  political  lier this year to a single count
            for more than two weeks as                                bis  business,”  U.S.  Attorney  candidates.              of solicitation of a contribu-
            prosecutors  accused  him  of  Outside the courtroom after  Damian  Williams  said  in  a                           tion by a foreign national. He
            using  other  people’s  money  the verdict, Parnas said, “I’ve  statement following the ver-  “The  voters  would  never  awaits sentencing.
            to pose as a powerful political  never hid from nobody. I’ve  dict. “Campaign finance laws  know  whose  money  was
            broker and cozy up to some  always stood to tell the truth.”  are  designed  to  protect  the  pouring  into  our  elections,”  Another co-defendant, David
            of the nation’s star Republi-                             integrity of our free and fair  Scotten said.             Correia,  also  pleaded  guilty
            can political figures.       A  co-defendant,  Ukraine-   elections – unencumbered by                               and has been sentenced to a
                                         born  investor  Andrey  Ku-  foreign interests or influence  Former  Nevada  Attorney  year in prison for crimes in-
            One part of the case alleged  kushkin,  was  convicted  of  – and safeguarding those laws  General  Adam  Laxalt,  now  cluding defrauding investors
            that  Parnas  and  an  associ-  being part of the effort to use  is essential to preserving the  a  candidate  for  U.S.  Senate,  in an insurance company that
            ate  made  illegal  donations  Muraviev’s  money  for  po-  freedoms  that  Americans  testified during the trial that  had paid Giuliani a $500,000
            through  a  corporate  entity  litical contributions. He had  hold sacred.”            a blustering Parnas suggested  consulting fee.
            to Republican political com-  also denied any wrongdoing.                              he  could  raise  hundreds  of
            mittees  in  2018,  including  a                          In  addition  to  the  $325,000  thousands of dollars for him  Parnas awaits a second trial in
            $325,000 donation to Amer-   The case had drawn interest  donation  to  America  First  in 2018. He eventually came  connection with that scheme.
            ica First Action, a super PAC  because of the deep involve-  Action, made through an en-  through only with a $10,000
            supporting  former  President  ment of Parnas and a former  ergy  company,  prosecutors  check  that  Laxalt’s  lawyers  Giuliani  has  insisted  that
            Donald Trump.                co-defendant,  Igor  Fruman,  said  Parnas  and  Fruman  or-  told him to reject.      he  knew  nothing  about  po-
                                         in  Giuliani’s  efforts  to  get  chestrated donations to U.S.                         tentially  illegal  campaign
            Another part said he used the  Ukrainian  officials  to  inves-  Rep. Pete Sessions, of Texas,  Joseph  Bondy,  a  lawyer  for  contributions  by  either  Par-
            wealth of a Russian financier,  tigate Joe Biden’s son during  and to other committees sup-  Parnas, had called the allega-  nas  or  Fruman.  The  former
            Andrey  Muraviev,  to  make  Biden’s  campaign  for  presi-  porting House Republicans.  tions  against  his  client  “ab-  mayor  says  everything  he
            donations to U.S. politicians,  dent.                                                  surd.”                       did in Ukraine was done on
            ostensibly  in  support  of  an                           Giuliani  and  Trump  were                                Trump’s  behalf  and  there  is
            effort to launch a legal, rec-  Giuliani’s  company  and  at-  sparsely  mentioned  during  He  insisted  in  his  closing  no reason he would have had
            reational marijuana business.  torney  didn’t  immediately  the  trial,  although  a  photo-  argument  that  Muraviev’s  to register as a foreign agent.

                           Day care owner gets 6 years for hiding 26 kids in basement

            (AP)  —  A  Colorado  day  Faith  was  only  licensed  to  in  the  basement  and  one  of  a  basement,  but  the  officer
            care  owner  convicted  of  care for up to six children at  them,  Valerie  Fresquez,  ac-  heard  children’s  music  and
            keeping  26  children  hid-  her  Colorado  Springs  pri-  cepted  a  plea  deal  and  testi-  a  child’s  cry  from  the  base-
            den  in  the  basement  of  vate day care and only two of  fied  at  Faith’s  trial,  KRDO-  ment, the affidavit said.
            her business two years ago  them were allowed to be un-   TV reported. The 26th child
            has been sentenced to six  der the age of 2.              who  had  been  in  the  base-  Another officer discovered a
            years  in  prison  after  par-                            ment was picked up by a par-  false wall and moved it to re-
            ents said some of the chil-  But  police who went to her  ent while police were at the  veal  the  basement  staircase,
            dren  suffered  trauma  in-  Mountain Play Place day care  day care, authorities said.  the affidavit said.
            cluding sleeping problems  in  November  2019  after  re-
            and anxiety.                 ceiving  reports  there  were  Many  of  the  children  had  At  Faith’s  sentencing  on
                                         more  children  than  allowed  soiled  or  wet  diapers  and  Thursday, parents of the chil-
            A  judge  issued  the  sentence  found  25  children  in  the  were  sweaty  and  thirsty,  ac-  dren  and  relatives  filled  the
            to  Carla  Faith  on  Thursday  basement, including 12 chil-  cording to an arrest affidavit.  courtroom, telling the judge
            following her conviction by a  dren under age 2, prosecutors                           that their children have suf-
            jury in August of more than  said.                        When  police  arrived,  Faith  fered  trauma  since  being  at
            two  dozen  misdemeanor                                   repeatedly told an officer that  the day care, citing sleep and
            child abuse charges and other  There  were  two  adult  em-  no  children  were  there  and  anxiety issues, KOAA-TV re-
            crimes.                      ployees  supervising  them  that  the  home  did  not  have  ported.
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