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LOCALMonday 19 March 2018

RevPar increased with 13.3 % compared to 2017:
85,017 Stay-Over Visitors Came to Aruba Last Month

ORANJESTAD – Aruba wel-          and they make up for 79.3         of 5 % (+ 296 tourists/total      different cruise ships. Com-    Tourism Receipts / Central
comed a total of 176,488         % of the total tourism on the     6,248 tourists) compared to       pared to February last year,    Bank of Aruba
stay-over visitors in the        island.                           the same month last year.         cruise tourism grew with 8.6    The Central Bank of Aruba
first 2 months of 2018. This     February the United States        The Netherlands show a            % (+ 7,883 tourists).           informs the public that the
is 1.8 % (+ 3.056) tourists      market showed a plus of           plus of 6.3 % (+ 185 tourists/    February 2017 brought in        ‘Tourism Receipts’ for the
more than the same pe-           7.5 % (+ 4.271 tourists/61,120    total 3,104 tourists) while       91,420 cruise passengers        first 9 months of 2017 were
riod last year. If we exclude    total) and Canada 8.2 % (+        the United Kingdom low-           with 83 cruise ships. The       AWG 2.292.6 million, an in-
the Venezuelan tourists,         480 tourists/total 6,311 tour-    ered with 14.8 % (- 25 tour-      first two months of 2018,       crease of 4 % compared to
we can see an increase           ists). For the first two months   ists/total 202 tourists). Ger-    207.601 cruise tourists vis-    the same period in 2016.
of 7.2 % (+ 11.487) tourists     of the year North America         many increased with 6 % (+        ited Aruba, an increase of
which makes 170,630 visi-        brought 134,158 tourists to       20 tourists/total 353 tourists).  14.6 %, 26,447 tourists in to-  Hotels / AHATA
tors staying at our island.      Aruba, an increase of 7.9 %       Europe represents 7.3 %           tal with 94 different cruise    According to the Aruba Ho-
The numbers indicate a           (+ 9,849 tourists).               of tourism in Aruba for the       ships (14.6 % growth and 12     tel and Tourism Association
growth in the main markets       The continent Latin-Amer-         month of February.                ships more).                    for the month of February
for Aruba: United States,        ica decreased with 29.5 %         The first two months Europe       It is relevant to mention       2018, the ‘Average Daily
Canada, The Netherlands          (- 3,877 tourists/total 9,255     brought 13,532 tourists to        that January and February       Rate’ (ADR) increased with
and Argentina. In only the       tourists) and Venezuela           Aruba, an increase of 5.6 %       are months more occupied        8.5% compared to Febru-
month of February Aruba          lowered with 75.6 % (- 4,098      (+ 723 tourists).                 than normal, due to the ‘af-    ary 2017.
welcomed a total of 85,017       tourists/total 1,322 tourists)                                      termath’ of the hurricanes      In dollars: US$ 312.96 in 2017
visitors that stayed over, a     compared to February last         Cruise Tourism                    in the last three months of     compared to US$ 339.71 in
growth of 1 % compared           year. Brazil increased with       During February 99.303            2017 that affected highly       2018.
to last year. If we exclude      29 % (+ 239 tourists/total        cruise passengers visited         on other Caribbean desti-       The Revenue per Available
the Venezuelan market, we        1,062 tourists) and Argen-        our island with a total of 41     nations.                        Room (RevPAR) plusses
can even mark a growth of        tina with 9.2 % (+ 236 tour-                                                                        with 13.3%, from US$ 279.56
6.3 %, equal to 83,695 visi-     ists, total 2,808 tourists). In                                                                     February 2017 to US$ 316.77
tors in February 2018.           total the continent of Latin                                                                        February 2018.
                                 America made up for 10.9                                                                            The Occupied Room Num-
Tourism ‘stay-over’              % of all tourists in the month                                                                      ber (ORN) grew with 3.4%
Aruba is represented by          of February 2018.                                                                                   in February 2018 Numbers
three different continents.      In the first two months Lat-                                                                        of AHATA are based on
Compared to last year in         in America has brought                                                                              14 properties including the
February, in 2018 tourists       24,172 tourists to Aruba, this                                                                      majority of the hotels with
coming from the Northern         means 22.9 % (- 7,167 tour-                                                                         the exception of Hilton
American continent in-           ists) less than last year in the                                                                    Aruba Caribbean Resort &
creased with 7.6 % (+ 4.751      same months.                                                                                        Casino.q
tourists/total 67,431 tourists)  Europe shows an increase

Loyal Visitors Honored at the Aruba Marriott Resort

PALM BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Authority
honored a lovely couple as Goodwill Ambassadors
of Aruba as a token of appreciation for visiting the
island for 20-to-34 consecutive years.

The honorees were Mr. Michael and Mrs. Felicia Ru-
manoff from Connecticut. Ms. Marouska Heyliger
representing the Aruba Tourism Authority together
friends and family bestowed the certificate on the
guests and handed some presents to the honorees
and thanked them for choosing Aruba as their vaca-
tion destination and as their home away from home
for so many years on behalf of the Government of
These loyal guests say they love Aruba because the
people are very welcoming, the beauty of the island,
the beaches, the excellent cuisine, and because it’s
truly their home away from home. q
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