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   LOCALMonday 19 March 2018
Loyal Visitors Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority

ORANJESTAD - Recently          as tokens of appreciation     weather, the beaches, the
the Aruba Tourism Authority    to guests who visit Aruba     restaurants, the Casinos,
had the great pleasure of      for 10-to-19 consecutive      and just about everything
honoring a group of loyal      years. The honorees for Dis-  else! They say being on the
and friendly visitors of Aru-  tinguished Visitor were Mr.   island is like being in para-
ba as Distinguished Visitors   Daniel and Mrs. Kathleen      dise and that Aruba is truly
at the Aruba Marriott Re-      Brown, Mr. Albert and Mrs.    their ‘home-away-from-
sorts.                         Barbara Stuart, and Ms.       home.’
                               Ronna Peacock Prott.          The certificates were pre-
The symbolic honorary titles   All of the honorees love      sented by Ms. Marouska
are presented in the name      Aruba very much because       Heyliger, representing the
of the Minister of Tourism     of the friendly people, the   Aruba Tourism Authority,

                                                                                            together with friends, fam- respective beloved resorts.
                                                                                            ily and associates from their Congratulations to all!q
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