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LOCALSaturday 28 March 2015
Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino Proudly Announces
New Management Positions
PALM BEACH, ARUBA – promoted to the position
March 2015 – Marriott Inter- of Casino Accounting Su-
national’s founder J. Willard pervisor. After about 1 year
Marriott as well as his son, in this position Henk took on
Executive Chairman, J.W. the challenge of becom-
Marriott, Jr. have coached ing the Assistant Slot Man-
managers to “take care of ager and in 2013 he was
your associates and they promoted to the position
will take care of your cus- of Slot Manager. In his new
tomers and the customers position as Director of Ca-
will come back.” This phi- sino Surveillance, Henk will
losophy is the foundation be responsible for coordi-
of Marriott’s culture and nating and managing sur-
the foundation of the com- veillance operations and
pany’s global growth and observe and record gam-
success. Marriott Interna- ing activities to help safe-
tional as well as the Aruba guard casino assets and
Marriott are committed to provide a safe environ-
providing an environment ment for patrons and em-
where our associates have ployees. Under the direc-
the opportunity to achieve tion of the Complex GM,
their potential, are highly this position is accountable
engaged and are empow- for assisting in the design
ered to deliver great guest and development as well
service. as the actual implemen-
Therefore it is with great tation of the policies and
pride that the Aruba Marri- procedures of the Surveil-
ott Resort & Stellaris Casino lance department.
announces the recent in- Gislaine Croes joined the
ternal promotions of Yazira Aruba Marriott family on
Javois-Feliciana, Henk Ree- August 9, 2006 as an Activi-
berg and Gislaine Croes. ties Attendant for the Surf
Yazira Javois-Feliciana Club. Since October 2013
started her career with the Gislaine has been fulfilling
Aruba Marriott on Decem- the role of Assistant Activi-
ber 9, 2004 in the Casino ties/Recreation Manager
Marketing department as for the Surf and Ocean
a Credit and Reservations Club. Now Gislaine is ready
Coordinator and until re- to move up to her next role
cently held the position of as Recreation Manager for
Casino Marketing Man- the Resort, where she will
ager. Yazira has recently be responsible for the over-
been promoted to Direc- all operations of the Recre-
tor of Casino Marketing & ation/Health Club Depart-
Slot Performance, where ment at the Resort and will
she will be responsible for be managing the pool and
directing and managing activities staff and provid-
the successful operations ing ongoing coaching and
of the marketing and slots training to associates.
department in the Stel- The Aruba Marriott Resort
laris Casino. This position & Stellaris Casino congrat-
oversees the functional ulates Yazira, Henk and
development of a consis- Gislaine with their new po-
tent and cohesive market- sitions and wishes them the
ing plan, to include but best of luck in their new
not limited to, marketing roles.q
promotions, promotional
programs, special events,
entertainment, and play-
ers’ club operations and to
accomplish the strategic
positioning of being the
customer preferred gam-
ing venue in Aruba.
Henk Reeberg started his
career with the Aruba Mar-
riott on August 9, 2006 as
a Casino Income Auditor
in our Casino Accounting
Team. In 2010 Henk was