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A28     u.s. news
                        Dialuna 26 Juli 2021

                         Pelosi appoints 2nd GOP critic of Trump to Jan. 6 committee

            (AP)  —  House  Speaker                                                                                             view. There won’t be another
            Nancy  Pelosi  on  Sunday                                                                                           side.”
            named  a  second  Repub-                                                                                            The House voted in May to
            lican  critic  of  Donald                                                                                           create an independent inves-
            Trump, Rep. Adam Kinz-                                                                                              tigation that would have been
            inger,  to  a  special  com-                                                                                        evenly split between the par-
            mittee  investigating  the                                                                                          ties,  but  Senate  Republicans
            Capitol  riot  and  pledged                                                                                         blocked that approach. Pelosi
            that  the  Democratic-ma-                                                                                           said the new panel was being
            jority  panel  will  “get  to                                                                                       created  only  because  a  bi-
            the truth.” Kinzinger said                                                                                          partisan  commission  was  no
            he “humbly accepted” the                                                                                            longer an option.
            appointment  even  as  his                                                                                          Currently Cheney sits on the
            party’s  leadership  is  boy-                                                                                       committee  along  with  seven
            cotting the inquiry.                                                                                                Democrats — ensuring they
                                                                                                                                have  a  quorum  to  proceed,
            With  the  committee  set  to                                                                                       whether  other  Republicans
            hold its first meeting, hearing                                                                                     participate or not.
            from police officers who bat-                                                                                       Pelosi  expressed  confidence
            tled the rioters, Pelosi said it                                                                                    that  the  committee’s  work
            was imperative to learn what                                                                                        will be seen as bipartisan and
            happened on Jan. 6, when in-                                                                                        credible  even  with  McCar-
            surrectionists  disrupted  the                                                                                      thy’s  effort  to  boycott  the
            congressional   certification                                                                                       panel.
            of  Joe  Biden’s  presidential                                                                                      “We  have  to,  again,  ignore
            victory,  and  why  the  violent  “For  months,  lies  and  con-  process”  and  withdrew  his  was  “stolen”  due  to  voting  the  antics  of  those  who  do
            siege  took  place.  That  mis-  spiracy  theories  have  been  five  members  when  Pelosi  fraud. In recent weeks, Kinz-  not  want  to  find  the  truth,”
            sion,  she  said,  must  be  pur-  spread,  threatening  our  self-  rejected  two  of  them,  Reps.  inger has suggested he would  she  said.  “We  will  find  the
            sued  in  a  bipartisan  manner  governance,”  Kinzinger  said  Jim Banks of Indiana and Jim  be  open  to  serving  on  the  truth.  That  truth  will  have
            to ensure “such an attack can  in a statement. “For months,  Jordan  of  Ohio.  Both  voted  committee,  despite  threats  the confidence of the Ameri-
            never happen again.”         I have said that the American  on  Jan.  6  against  certifying  from McCarthy that Repub-  can people because it will be
            Kinzinger, an Illinois Repub-  people  deserve  transparency  Biden’s election victory over  licans who accept a spot could  done patriotically and not in a
            lican,  will  bring  “great  pa-  and  truth  on  how  and  why  Trump and both are outspo-  be  stripped  of  their  regular  partisan way.”
            triotism  to  the  committee’s  thousands  showed  up  to  at-  ken allies of the former presi-  committee  assignments  as  Seven people died during and
            mission: to find the facts and  tack our democracy.”      dent. In a statement Sunday,  retaliation for participating.  after the rioting, including a
            protect our Democracy,” she                               McCarthy said Pelosi’s deci-                              woman who was shot by po-
            said in a statement.         “I will work diligently to en-  sion  to  reject  his  picks  and  “It’s  clear  that  Pelosi  only  lice as she tried to break into
            He joins Rep. Liz Cheney of  sure we get to the truth and  appoint members “who share  wants members on this com-   the House chamber and three
            Wyoming,  as  the  two  com-  hold  those  responsible  for  her  preconceived  narrative  mittee who will stick to her  other Trump supporters who
            mittee’s  Republicans,  both  the attack fully accountable,”  will  not  yield  a  serious  in-  talking points and stick to her  suffered  medical  emergen-
            selected by the leader of the  he said.                   vestigation”  and  is  intended  narrative.  That’s  why  she’s  cies. Two police officers died
            opposition  party.  Kinzinger  House  Republican  leader  “to satisfy her political objec-  picked  the  group  that  she’s  by  suicide  in  the  days  that
            and  Cheney  were  among  Kevin McCarthy has said the  tives.”                         already  picked,”  Banks  said  followed, and a third officer,
            the  10  House  Republicans  GOP will not participate af-                              on  “Fox  News  Sunday.”  He  Capitol  Police  Officer  Brian
            to  vote  for  Trump’s  second  ter  Pelosi,  D-Calif.,  refused  Kinzinger  and  Cheney  have  said  that  “anyone  that  she  Sicknick,  collapsed  and  later
            impeachment. They were the  to accept two of the members  faulted Trump as a factor in  asks to be on this committee,  died after engaging with the
            only  two  Republicans  who  he picked.                   spurring  the  insurrection  from this point moving for-  protesters.  A  medical  exam-
            voted last month to form the  McCarthy, R-Calif., has said  with  his  persistently  false  ward, will be stuck to her --  iner  determined  he  died  of
            special committee.           the  committee  was  a  “sham  claims that the 2020 election  her narrative, to her point of  natural causes.

                           Fauci says US headed in `wrong direction’ on coronavirus

                                                                      ing  public  health  officials.  and  Prevention  recommen-  some of the most vulnerable,
                                                                      Also,  booster  shots  may  be  dation that the vaccinated do  such as organ transplant and
                                                                      suggested  for  people  with  not  need  to  wear  masks  in  cancer patients, are “likely” to
                                                                      suppressed  immune  systems  public.                      be recommended for booster
                                                                      who  have  been  vaccinated,                              shots.
                                                                      Fauci said.                  Nearly  163  million  people,
                                                                                                   or  49%  of  the  eligible  U.S.  He  also  praised  Republi-
                                                                      Fauci,  who  also  serves  as  population,  are  vaccinated,  cans,  including  Govs.  Asa
                                                                      President  Joe  Biden’s  chief  according to CDC data.    Hutchinson of Arkansas and
                                                                      medical adviser, told CNN’s                               Ron DeSantis of Florida, and
                                                                      “State of the Union” that he  “This  is  an  issue  predomi-  the  second-ranking  House
                                                                      has  taken  part  in  conversa-  nantly  among  the  unvacci-  leader,  Rep.  Steve  Scalise  of
                                                                      tions about altering the mask  nated,  which  is  the  reason  Louisiana,  for  encouraging
                                                                      guidelines.                  why we’re out there, practi-  their constituents to get vac-
                                                                                                   cally  pleading  with  the  un-  cinated.  Their  states  have
                                                                      He noted that some local ju-  vaccinated  people  to  go  out  among the lowest vaccination
            (AP) — The United States is  “We’re  going  in  the  wrong  risdictions  where  infection  and  get  vaccinated,”  Fauci  rates in the country.
            in  an  “unnecessary  predica-  direction,” said Dr. Anthony  rates are surging, such as Los  said.
            ment” of soaring COVID-19  Fauci,  describing  himself  as  Angeles  County,  are  already                          “What I would really like to
            cases fueled by unvaccinated  “very frustrated.”          calling on individuals to wear  Fauci  said  government  ex-  see is more and more of the
            Americans  and  the  virulent                             masks in indoor public spac-  perts are reviewing early data  leaders  in  those  areas  that
            delta variant, the nation’s top  He  said  recommending  that  es  regardless  of  vaccination  as  they  consider  whether  to  are not vaccinating to get out
            infectious diseases expert said  the vaccinated wear masks is  status. Fauci said those local  recommend  that  vaccinated  and  speak  out  and  encour-
            Sunday.                      “under  active  consideration”  rules are compatible with the  individuals  to  get  booster  age people to get vaccinated,”
                                         by  the  government’s  lead-  Centers for Disease Control  shots.  He  suggested  that  Fauci said.
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