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A30     world news
                        Dialuna 26 Juli 2021

                        French parliament OKs restaurant COVID pass, vaccine rules

            (AP)  —  France's  parlia-                                                                                          VID-19  pass  for  restaurants
            ment approved a law early                                                                                           and  mandatory  vaccinations
            Monday  requiring  special                                                                                          for  health  workers.  Many
            virus passes for all restau-                                                                                        marchers  shouted  "liberty!"
            rants and domestic travel                                                                                           and  said  the  government
            and  mandating  vaccina-                                                                                            shouldn't  tell  them  what  to
            tions  for  all  health  work-                                                                                      do.
                                                                                                                                Visiting a hospital in French
            Both measures have prompt-                                                                                          Polynesia afterward, Macron
            ed protests and political ten-                                                                                      urged  national  unity  and
            sions.  President  Emmanuel                                                                                         asked, "What is your freedom
            Macron and his government                                                                                           worth if you say to me 'I don't
            say  they  are  needed  to  pro-                                                                                    want  to  be  vaccinated,'  but
            tect  vulnerable  populations                                                                                       tomorrow you infect your fa-
            and  hospitals  as  infections                                                                                      ther, your mother or myself?"
            rebound  and  to  avoid  new
            lockdowns.                                                                                                          While  he  said  protesters  are
                                                                                                                                "free to express themselves in
            The  law  requires  all  work-                                                                                      a  calm  and  respectful  man-
            ers  in  the  health  care  sector                                                                                  ner," he said demonstrations
            to start getting vaccinated by                                                                                      won't  make  the  coronavirus
            Sept. 15, or risk suspension.                                                                                       go away.
            It also requires a "health pass"
            to enter all restaurants, trains,                                                                                   He criticized "people who are
            planes and some other pub-                                                                                          in the  business of irrational,
            lic venues. It initially applies                                                                                    sometimes  cynical,  manipu-
            to all adults, but will apply to   mise version approved by the                                                     lative  mobilization"  against
            everyone 12 and older start-  Senate on Sunday night and                                                            vaccination.  Among  those
            ing Sept. 30.                by the National Assembly af-                                                           organizing  the  protests  have
                                         ter  midnight.  The  rules  can                                                        been  far-right  politicians
            To get the pass, people must   be applied through Nov. 15,                                                          and  extremist  members  of
            have proof they are fully vac-  depending on the virus situ-                                                        France's  yellow  vest  move-
            cinated, recently tested nega-  ation.                                                                              ment  tapping  into  anger  at
            tive  or  recently  recovered                                                                                       Macron's government.
            from the virus. Paper or digi-  Macron appealed for national
            tal documents will be accept-  unity and mass vaccination to                                                        More  than  111,000  people
            ed.  The  law  says  a  govern-  fight the resurgent virus, and                                                     with  the  virus  have  died  in
            ment decree will outline how   lashed  out  at  those  fueling                                                      France,  which  is  registering
            to  handle  vaccination  docu-  anti-vaccine  sentiment  and                                                        about  20,000  new  infections
            ments from other countries.  protests.                                                                              daily compared to just a few
            The bill was unveiled just six                                                                                      thousand earlier this month.
            days ago. Lawmakers worked   About  160,000  people  pro-                                                           Concerns for hospitals are re-
            through  the  night  and  the   tested around France on Sat-                                                        surfacing.
            weekend to reach a compro-   urday  against  a  special  CO-

                              Germans divided over restrictions for the unvaccinated

                                                                      He said such policies would  rates remain too low this fall,  trol agency, Merkel ruled out
                                                                      be legal because “the state has  other options could be con-  new  vaccine  requirements
                                                                      the  responsibility  to  protect  sidered, Laschet said, adding  “at the moment,” but added,
                                                                      the health of its citizens.”  “but not now.”              “I’m not ruling out that this
                                                                                                                                might be talked about differ-
                                                                      His  comments  fueled  a  de-  With  the  highly  transmis-  ently in a few months either.”
                                                                      bate in German politics about  sible  delta  variant  spread-
                                                                      potential vaccination require-  ing  in  Germany,  politicians  Other  elected  officials  have
                                                                      ments. The issue has proven  have  debated  the  possibility  struck a similar tone. Baden-
                                                                      divisive, even within Merkel’s  of  compulsory  vaccinations  Württemberg governor Win-
                                                                      own  Christian  Democrats  for  specific  professions,  in-  fried  Kretschmann,  a  mem-
                                                                      party. Its candidate to replace  cluding medical workers. No  ber  of  the  Greens,  noted
                                                                      Merkel as Germany’s leader,  such requirements have been  Sunday that the delta variant
                                                                      Armin  Laschet,  said  he  op-  implemented yet.          and  others  that  may  emerge
            (AP)  —  German  politi-     pect another coronavirus-re-  poses any formal or informal                             could make vaccine require-
            cians were deeply divided  lated lockdown in Germany.  vaccine requirements for the  Germany’s  vaccine  efforts  ments  more  attractive  down
            Sunday  over  a  warning  But  Braun  said  that  unvac-  time being.                  have slowed in recent weeks  the line.
            by    Chancellor    Angela  cinated people may be barred                               and  that  has  led  to  discus-
            Merkel’s  chief  of  staff  from  entering  venues  like  “I  don’t  believe  in  compul-  sions  about  how  to  encour-  While  there  are  no  current
            that  restrictions  for  un-  restaurants, movie theaters or  sory vaccinations and I don’t  age  those  who  haven’t  yet  plans to require people to get
            vaccinated people may be  sports stadiums “because the  believe  we  should  put  indi-  received  a  vaccine  to  do  so.  vaccinated,  he  told  the  Ger-
            necessary  if  COVID-19  residual risk is too high.”      rect  pressure  on  people  to  More  than  60%  of  the  Ger-  man  news  agency  dpa  that
            infection  numbers  reach                                 get  vaccinated,”  he  told  the  man population has received  “I can’t rule out compulsory
            new heights in the coming  Braun said getting vaccinated  German  broadcaster  ZDF  at  least  one  dose  while  over  vaccinations for all time.”
            months.                      is important to protect against  on Sunday. “In a free country  49% are fully vaccinated.
                                         severe  disease  and  because  there  are  rights  to  freedom,                        Karl  Lauterbach,  a  health
            Chief  of  staff  Helge  Braun  “vaccinated people will defi-  not just for specific groups.”  During  a  recent  visit  to  the  expert  from  the  center-left
            told  the  newspaper  Bild  am  nitely  have  more  freedoms                           Robert  Koch  Institute,  the  Social  Democrats,  spoke  in
            Sonntag  that  he  doesn’t  ex-  than  unvaccinated  people.”  If  Germany’s  vaccination  government run disease con-  favor of possible restrictions.
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