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A28    u.s. news
                     Diahuebs 21 aPRiL 2022

                        Mega dance company bred culture of sex, silence, dancers say

                                                                      described  in  The  New  York  that  stretches  back  to  the  A year or so later, shortly af-
                                                                      Times  as  a  “beefcake  tap-a-  dance company’s early years,  ter her 18th birthday, Strom-
                                                                      thon.”                       and involves Stroming him-   ing  flew  the  dancer  to  New
                                                                                                   self.                        York,  where  he  told  her  he
                                                                      Break The Floor now draws                                 had  lined  up  potentially  ca-
                                                                      around  300,000  dance  stu-  Stroming  was  allegedly  in-  reer-launching  dance  audi-
                                                                      dents,  some  as  young  as  5,  volved in a series of inappro-  tions,  she  says.  That  night,
                                                                      to  packed  hotel  ballrooms  priate relationships with stu-  they had sex in his apartment.
                                                                      across  the  U.S.  and  Canada  dents  of  the  dance  program  The next morning, Stroming
                                                                      for weekend workshops  and  he  was  running,  according  left  abruptly  for  Las  Vegas
                                                                      competitions.                to more than a dozen former  and handed her $40 for a cab
                                                                                                   staff and students.          ride back to the airport. She
                                                                      But in January, as the AP and                             says she didn’t attend any au-
                                                                      the  Star  were  investigating  Of these sources, four say he  ditions,  and  returned  home
                                                                      allegations of sexual miscon-  sometimes  brought  young  devastated.
                                                                      duct  against  him  and  others  Break  the  Floor  participants
            (AP) — Every year, one of  with  dozens  of  former  and  involved  in  the  company,  to parties or company events,  In  a  written  statement,  he
            the world’s leading dance  current staff and students.    Stroming announced that he  where they were introduced  told the AP and Star, “I have
            competition     companies                                 had sold Break the Floor and  as  his  girlfriend.  Seven  been very upfront that when
            sells  the  dream  of  Holly-  Break  the  Floor’s  reach  ex-  stepped down as CEO.   sources say they saw Strom-  I first started the company at
            wood  fame  to  hundreds  tends  across  the  entertain-                               ing  interact  with  students  19,  over  20  years  ago,  there
            of thousands of ambitious  ment  industry  to  some  of  The  new  owner,  Russell  in  ways  that  appeared  inti-  were issues of inappropriate-
            young  dancers  hoping  to  the  biggest  names  in  music,  Geyser,  said  the  allegations  mate and inappropriate. One  ness.”  He  didn’t  respond  to
            launch  careers  on  televi-  television  and  social  media.  have nothing to do with the  staff  member  said  Stroming  the specific allegations.
            sion,  in  movies  and  on  Alumni  and  faculty  have  current  company,  and  that  showed him a nude photo of
            stage.                       danced  on  stage  with  Lady  people  involved  with  pur-  one of the students.      While not all of the complain-
                                         Gaga and Taylor Swift, at the  ported misconduct no longer                             ants  in  this  story  were  in-
            But behind the bright lights  Oscars and the Super Bowl.  work  for  Break  The  Floor.  All of these sources spoke on  volved with Break the Floor
            and  pulsing  music,  some  Company  instructors  have  In his first 10 days as CEO,  the  condition  of  anonym-   at the time of the alleged in-
            dancers  say  they  were  sexu-  appeared  on  “Dancing  with  he said four people were “let  ity  in  fear  of  retaliation  and  cidents,  the  instructors  and
            ally  assaulted,  harassed  and  the  Stars,”  “Dance  Moms”  go.”                     damage to their careers in the  executives accused of wrong-
            manipulated  by  the  com-   and “So You Think You Can                                 tight-knit professional dance  doing  have  played  key  roles
            pany’s powerful founder and  Dance.”  When  COVID-19  A Toronto-born teen alleged  community.                       in  growing  the  company’s
            famous  teachers  and  cho-  lockdowns  suspended  in-    a   famous   choreographer                                revenue and popularity.
            reographers,  according  to  a  person workshops, Break the  propositioned her for sex just  One  dancer  said  she  met
            joint  investigation  by  The  Floor  enlisted  social  media  hours  after  judging  her  at  a  Stroming  when  she  was  a  One  dance  instructor  said
            Associated Press and the To-  superstar  Charli  D’Amelio,  2012  Break  the  Floor  con-  16-year-old  high  school  ju-  she  warns  the  children  and
            ronto Star.                  whose  TikTok  account  has  vention.  An  Ottawa  dancer  nior  attending  one  of  Break  teens  she  brings  to  conven-
                                         around  10.5  billion  likes,  to  working  as  an  assistant  for  the  Floor’s  first  events  with  tions  today  to  be  watchful
            The  problems  date  back  to  record instructional videos.  the  company  said  the  same  her  parents.  Stroming  was  and aware of the potential for
            the founding of Los Angeles-                              choreographer groped him in  three years older, she said, a  abuse  of  power.  About  two
            based Break The Floor Pro-   The  company  was  launched  public.                      magnetic  19-year-old  run-  decades ago, when she was a
            ductions; as the company has  22  years  ago  by  a  charis-                           ning the whole show. At her  dance teacher accompanying
            grown into an industry pow-  matic  dancer,  Gil  Stroming,  An  ongoing  investigation  by  first  company  event,  when  her  students  to  a  Break  the
            erhouse, its leaders perpetu-  who  came  to  fame  in  the  the  Star  in  partnership  with  she was 17, she and Stroming  Floor event, she said she re-
            ated a culture of sex and si-  1990s, performing in the off-  the  AP  now  has  uncovered  had oral sex, she said.  fused  Stroming’s  $500  offer
            lence, according to interviews  Broadway show “Tap Dogs,”  alleged  sexual  misconduct                              to join him in his hotel room.

                           Kentucky abortion clinics in limbo after new law’s passage

            (AP)  —  Frustration  is  nationwide.                     a judge’s decision on whether  not  making  exceptions  for  tions  pending  a  ruling  from
            building  among  abortion                                 to temporarily block the law  pregnancies  caused  by  rape  the  judge  but  continues  to
            rights groups in Kentucky,  Effective  immediately,  the  while  the  case  is  litigated.  or incest and for the lack of  provide  other  services,  in-
            where  a  restrictive  new  new law bans abortions after  Many of the women affected  funding to carry out new re-  cluding  health  screenings,
            law has thrown the state’s  15  weeks  of  pregnancy,  re-  are  young  and  poor,  advo-  porting  requirements.  He  birth  control  and  initial  ap-
            only two remaining clinics  placing  the  state’s  previous  cates say.                also  raised  doubts  about  its  pointments  for  pregnant
            into limbo.                  20-week  limit  —  a  restric-                            constitutionality.           women.  But  officials  worry
                                         tion that four other states also  “The  mood  is  one  of  anger                       that  the  law  will  discourage
            The clinics, both in the state’s  have passed.            and  frustration,”  said  Meg  A Planned Parenthood clinic  women who need help from
            largest city of Louisville, say                           Sasse Stern, abortion fund di-  in Louisville has halted abor-  reaching out.
            they were forced to halt abor-  It also places strict new con-  rector with Kentucky Health
            tions because officials haven’t  ditions  on  medication  abor-  Justice Network, a statewide
            had time to write guidelines  tions, requiring women to be  reproductive  justice  group.
            for  complying  with  the  law,  examined by a doctor before  “These  people  know  what
            which  the  Republican-dom-  receiving abortion pills. And  they  need.  They  knew  as
            inated  legislature  passed  a  it  contains  new  reporting  soon as they made their de-
            week  ago  over  the  veto  of  requirements  for  providers.  cision.  And  they  know  they
            Democratic  Gov.  Andy  Bes-  Noncompliance can result in  should  be  able  to  get  this
            hear.                        stiff  fines  and  felony  penal-  care. It is safe, it is common
                                         ties.                        and it should be accessible.”
            Advocates  say  the  situation
            foreshadows what could hap-  Attorneys for the clinics have  Supporters  of  Kentucky’s
            pen  in  Republican-leaning  filed federal lawsuits seeking  new  law  say  the  goal  is  to
            states across the country if the  to  overturn  the  law.  In  the  protect  women’s  health  and
            U.S. Supreme Court ends up  meantime,  women  in  Ken-    strengthen oversight.
            overturning Roe v. Wade, the  tucky are being forced to ei-
            landmark 1973 decision that  ther travel out of state to end  But  in  his  veto,  the  gover-
            established a right to abortion  their pregnancies or wait for  nor  faulted  the  measure  for
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