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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 21 aPRiL 2022

                                   Hunger kills hundreds of kids in Ethiopia’s Tigray

            (AP)  —  At  least  1,900  in health facilities.”         are especially at risk of mal-
            children  under  5  have                                  nutrition,  as  their  parents
            died  from  malnutrition  Tigray has been cut off from  don’t have farmland to grow
            in  Ethiopia’s  embattled  the  rest  of  Ethiopia  since  food,  Tigrayan  health  offi-
            Tigray  region  in  the  past  June when fighters from the  cials say.
            year, according to a study  Tigray  People’s  Liberation
            conducted  by  regional  Front,  or  TPLF,  recaptured  Around  700,000  people  in
            health  officials  and  seen  most of the region as federal  Tigray  are  in  the  grip  of
            by The Associated Press.     forces withdrew.             “famine-like    conditions”
                                                                      due to the obstruction of aid,
            The  deaths  were  recorded  Banking services, phone lines  U.S. officials estimate.
            at  health  facilities  across  Ti-  and  road  links  are  all  down
            gray  between  June  last  year  in  the  region,  a  situation  Ethiopia’s  federal  govern-
            and  April  1.  Western  Tigray,  the United Nations has said  ment  unilaterally  declared
            which is under the control of  amounts to a “de facto block-  a  surprise  “humanitarian
            forces from the neighboring  ade.”                        truce”  on  March  24,  an  an-
            Amhara  region,  was  not  in-                            nouncement  it  said  would
            cluded in the survey.        Ethiopian  authorities  insist  allow aid to flow into Tigray.  nyan  capital,  on  Wednesday,  treat many patients they en-
                                         there  is  no  deliberate  effort  But  nearly  one  month  later,  according to the aid worker,  counter. Some who recently
            A  doctor  involved  in  the  to  target  Tigrayan  civilians.  only four convoys of around  who attended. That’s a sharp  spoke  to  AP  said  shortages
            study said the true number of  They  have  urged  Tigrayan  80  food  trucks  have  entered  increase  from  the  previous  are so dire that some patients’
            child  deaths  from  malnutri-  fighters to surrender.    the region.                  assessment  of  600  a  week.  relatives must personally buy
            tion  is  likely  higher  as  most                                                     The aid worker also spoke on  medicines from private phar-
            families  are  unable  to  bring  More  than  90%  of  Tigray’s  “Literally   nothing   has  the  condition  of  anonymity  macies at inflated prices and
            their children to health cen-  5.5  million  people  require  changed,” said an aid worker  for safety concerns.    bring  them  to  the  hospital
            ters  because  of  transporta-  humanitarian  assistance,  in-  who  recently  visited  Tigray.                     before their family members
            tion  challenges.  Most  hun-  cluding  115,000  children  “We  are  just  seeing  a  hand-  Just  3%  of  the  vegetable  can be treated.
            ger deaths go unrecorded, he  who  are  severely  malnour-  ful of trucks; these trucks are  seeds  and  10%  of  the  fertil-
            said.                        ished, according to U.N. fig-  better than nothing but they  izer required for the current  Tens of thousands of people
                                         ures.                        are not going to feed the mil-  planting season have reached  have  been  killed  in  the  war,
            “Because  we  cannot  access                              lions of people who need aid  Tigray,  according  to  U.N.  according to estimates by in-
            most areas, we do not know  Civil servants have not been  (in Tigray).”                figures, raising fears of a poor  ternational aid groups.
            what  is  happening  on  the  paid  in  months.  Many  have                            harvest  that  would  deepen
            community  level,”  said  the  run out of cash to buy food  An estimated 2,000 trucks of  the region’s hunger crisis.  But  there  is  little  hope  for
            doctor,  who  requested  ano-  and  other  goods  because  food must enter Tigray every                             peace  talks  as  Ethiopian  au-
            nymity  for  fear  of  reprisals.  banking  services  have  been  week  to  meet  the  region’s  Some  health  officials  in  Ti-  thorities  have  outlawed  the
            “These are simply the deaths  shut  down.  The  children  of  needs, a U.N. official said at  gray  say  they  simply  don’t  TPLF,  effectively  making  its
            we  have  managed  to  record  families living in urban areas  a meeting in Nairobi, the Ke-  have  enough  supplies  to  leaders fugitives on the run.

                                China looks to learn from Russian failures in Ukraine

            (AP)  —  With  its  ground  invasion  of  Ukraine  as  they  Moskva  sank  after  Ukraine  TRA  Technology,  a  U.S.-  Ukraine  have  shown  weak-
            troops forced to pull back  might apply to his own Peo-   said it hit the ship with mis-  based  government  services  nesses  where  decisions  have
            in  Ukraine  and  regroup,  ple’s Liberation Army and his  siles; Russia blamed the sink-  firm.                    had to be made on the front
            and its Black Sea flagship  designs on the self-governed  ing on a fire on board.                                   lines, he said.
            sunk,  Russia’s  military  island of Taiwan.                                           “Russia’s   experience   in
            failings are mounting. No                                 President  Vladimir  Putin,  Ukraine has shown that what  China’s  seven  military  dis-
            country is paying closer at-  Russia’s  armed  forces  have  who  has  been  closely  in-  may seem plausible on paper  tricts  have  been  reorganized
            tention than China to how  undergone an extensive pro-    volved  in  Russia’s  military  at  the  Academy  of  Military  into  five  theater  commands,
            a  smaller  and  outgunned  cess  of  reform  and  invest-  reform, did not even appoint  Science or National Defense  the number of group armies
            force  has  badly  bloodied  ment for more than a decade,  an overall commander for the  University  becomes  much  reduced and the logistics sys-
            what  was  thought  to  be  with lessons learned in com-  operation until about a week  more complicated in the real  tem reorganized to boost ef-
            one  of  the  world’s  most  bat  in  Georgia,  Chechnya,  ago,  apparently  expecting  world.”                     ficiency. The ratio of support
            powerful armies.             Syria  and  its  annexation  of  a  quick  victory  and  grossly                       to combat units was increased
                                         Crimea  helping  guide  the  misjudging  Ukrainian  resis-  Xi,  the  son  of  a  revolution-  and a greater emphasis placed
            China, like Russia, has been  process. The Ukrainian inva-  tance, Graham said.        ary  commander  who  spent  on more mobile and amphib-
            ambitiously  reforming  its  sion,  however,  has  exposed                             time  in  uniform  himself,  ious units.
            Soviet-style  military  and  ex-  weaknesses  from  the  top  Putin’s  decisions  raise  the  began  undertaking  military
            perts  say  leader  Xi  Jinping  down.                    question  of  whether  he  was  reforms in 2015, three years  Xi  has  also  sought  to  end
            will  be  carefully  parsing  the                         given  accurate  assessments  after  assuming  leadership  of  rampant  corruption  in  the
            weaknesses  exposed  by  the  Experts have been collective-  of  the  progress  of  military  the  Central  Military  Com-  military, going after two for-
                                         ly stunned that Russia invad-  reform  and  Ukrainian  abili-  mission.                mer top generals shortly after
                                         ed  Ukraine  with  seemingly  ties, or was just told what he                           taking  power. One was  sen-
                                         little preparation and lack of  wanted to hear.           Total  troop  strength  was  re-  tenced  to  life  in  prison  and
                                         focus  —  a  campaign  along                              duced by 300,000 to just un-  the other died before his case
                                         multiple, poorly-coordinated  Xi, also an authoritarian lead-  der 2 million, the number of  was concluded.
                                         axes  that  has  failed  to  effec-  er who has taken a personal  officers cut by a third and a
                                         tively  combine  air  and  land  role  in  China’s  military  re-  greater  emphasis  given  to  China’s  military  is  highly
                                         operations.                  form, could now be wonder-   non-commissioned  officers  opaque and outside the pur-
                                                                      ing the same, Fravel said.   to lead in the field.        view  of  civilian  judges  and
                                         Soldiers  have  been  running                                                          corruption  investigators,  so
                                         out  of  food,  and  vehicles  China has had no recent ma-  China’s  military  has  a  tradi-  it’s  difficult  to  know  how
                                         have  been  breaking  down.  jor conflict by which to gauge  tion  of  respect  for  initiative  thoroughly  the  organization
                                         With losses mounting, Mos-   its  military  prowess,  hav-  from  lower-ranking  soldiers  has  been  exorcised  of  prac-
                                         cow  has  pulled  its  bloodied  ing fought its last significant  dating from its revolutionary  tices  such  as  the  selling  of
                                         forces away from the capital,  engagement  in  1979  against  origins, said Yue Gang, a Bei-  commissions  and  kickbacks
                                         Kyiv,  to  regroup.  Last  week,  Vietnam, said David Chen, a  jing-based  military  analyst.  on defense contracts.
                                         the  guided-missile  cruiser  senior consultant with CEN-  By contrast, Russian forces in
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