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Thursday 30 May 2024
Foundation Rancho is preparing to celebrate 200 years of
Oranjestad this year
On May 24th, Stichting Ran- Oranjestad. Older residents
cho announced via their still mention the entrance
social media platforms that gate, Port’i Eagle, a square
they have signed an agree- located in Arendstraat, near
ment to use the Nikki Habibe Franklinstraat.
building in Oranjestad. The
goal is to create a multifunc- Regarding the southern
tional and creative space boundary, the foundation
where the public can learn indicates that there was
more about the history of no total agreement. Some
Oranjestad and celebrate believe the sea formed the
the city's 200th anniversary. boundary, while others think
the current J.G. Emanstraat
This building is located at (formerly Noordstraat) was
Nikki Habibe Plaza. The foun- the boundary. The area
dation explained that this is where Havenstraat, Schelp-
a central location visited by straat, and L.G. Smith Blvd.
both locals and tourists. Ad- are located is still a subject of
ditionally, the area hosts vari- discussion. By the end of the
ous local businesses offering 20th century, the neighbor-
different types of services. artists to showcase their Rancho has been promoting lively trade. hood was populated, and
works and make the space the celebration of Oranjes- Rancho officially became
The aim is for Stichting Ran- multifunctional. Oranjestad tad's 200th anniversary and The fishermen, due to their part of Oranjestad.
cho to collaborate with offers a central point for what this means for Aruba. proximity to Oranjestad's
these local businesses to developing your creations The foundation's mission is to administrative heart, found The 1912 Werbata map
create more activity in the and expressions. Feel free create a joyful union and in- a market for their fish. Initially, also marks a rancho at the
city center. The foundation to contact us to explore volve everyone who knows the population consisted of mouth of San Nicolas (now
further explained that this the possibility of joining and Aruba in one way or another modest huts made of maize known as Rodgers Beach),
space will temporarily serve working together. The com- to contribute together and stalks, firmly woven and later but this name is no longer
as a reference point for those munity of Aruba is invited to celebrate the bicentennial covered with clay. mentioned. Rancho not
who want to learn about the learn more about Oranjestad of Oranjestad in an epic and only provided housing for
history of Oranjestad. It will and participate in the 200th- unique way this year. According to Johan Har- the fishing community (in
also function as a sales point anniversary celebration,” the tog's book published in 1996, the early 1900s, there were
for artistic works and prod- foundation emphasized. “With the ultimate goal of "Aruba in oude ansichten," about fifty), but also for the
ucts reflecting the theme of Clifford Rosa, director of taking advantage of this Rancho was a small fish- itinerant traders who tried to
the 200th anniversary cele- Stichting Rancho, explained historical opportunity to cel- ing village where around sell their goods to the island's
bration of Oranjestad. that they are working to hold ebrate together our history fifty fishermen lived. After population during the day
events on June 24th and July and heritage of our beloved 1935, when house number- and found lodging and en-
This initiative has been made 24th to kick off the celebra- Oranjestad and the entire ing began, the boundaries joyment.
possible with the support and tions, with the main event Aruba,” Stichting Rancho became somewhat blurred, The wharf provided (mostly
backing of various stakehold- scheduled for August 24, underscored. and it became part of Oran- at night) a good opportu-
ers and aims to demonstrate 2024. jestad. nity for the illegal importa-
how NGOs and the private History tion of contraband goods,
sector can collaborate to “The first step currently is the According to the founda- In 1912, Rancho was first such as barrels of rum and
create social and cultural Nikki Habibe initiative, and tion, the history of Oranjes- mentioned on a map by other alcoholic beverages
initiatives in Oranjestad. the first event is planned for tad began with a population Johannes Werbata. At from Curaçao, which were
June 24th,” he highlighted. situated near Paardenbaai, that time, the district was floated ashore with buoys
“Stichting Rancho is open which provided good access bounded by the salt flats, and brought to land by the
to collaboration with local For some time now, Stichting for larger ships, resulting in Paardenbaai, Socotoro, and Rancheros.q
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