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Thursday 30 May 2024 locAl
Create museum memories
ORANJESTAD — Museums are ba's industrial history, which Aruba
an integral part of conserving began in the 19th century. The Archaeological Muse-
and honoring cultures, and The Water Tower was built in um of Aruba is located at
Aruba is no exception. Our 1939 and consists of three Schelpstraat 42 in downtown
Island has a wide selection sections: the substructure, Oranjestad. The renovated
of various museums for our the high-rising vertical shaft, historic Ecury complex in the
locals and visitors to see. and the tank at the top. The area has been transformed
Take this opportunity to learn Water Tower was purchased from a family home to a
about our island and experi- by the Monuments Fund in modern museum that pre-
ence a different day beyond 2003 so it can be restored serves Aruba’s Amerindian
the beach. Let us introduce and preserved as one of cultural heritage. This 21st
to you these museums. Aruba's monuments. The century museum is especially
Museum of Industry is part of designed to preserve valu- In 1997, the Aruban Govern- Museum Aruba disposes of
Museum of Industry Aruba Aruba Museum Foundation able artifacts dating back ment bought the complex approximately 500 m2 for its
The Museum of Industry is lo- (Fundacion Museo Aruban), to the Pre-Ceramic period for the National Archaeologi- permanent exhibit. This ex-
cated in San Nicolas—better which is a foundation set to of 2500 BC. cal Museum project. In 2004, hibit conveys information on
known as the art capital of maintain, preserve, and pro- a financial agreement was the origin and culture of the
Aruba. This museum exhibits tect the Aruban cultural sec- In the late 1980’s, AMA signed with the European first inhabitants of the island
the industrial history of gold, tor, history, and nature. The identified its need for an Development Fund and in through archaeological ob-
aloe, phosphate, oil and museum of Industry is open adequate housing for its col- 2006, restoration and con- jects and modern exhibition
tourism through elaborated daily from 9 am till 6 pm. lection and activities. After struction work began on techniques. The new perma-
displays and multimedia in- For more information, check studying various options, a the monumental buildings nent exhibit gives the visitor
stallations. out their Facebook page project proposal was drawn and the soon-to-be exhibi- an insight into the cultures
The Museum of Industry is situ- Museum of Industry Aruba. up, including the acquisition tion space. In December that inhabited the island in
ated in the Water Tower in and restoration of historical 2007, the key to the complex Pre-Historical and Early His-
San Nicolas and narrates Aru- Archaeological Museum of buildings in downtown Oran- was delivered and the mu- torical times. The museum
jestad. seum’s employees moved to also hosts attractive public
the new location. The final programs, including lectures,
These historical buildings design for the exhibit was educational projects, tem-
were formerly the property of completed in November porary exhibits and work-
the Ecury family. The “Ecury 2007 and the permanent shops.
Complex”, is a cluster of exhibit, financed by the
single and two-story historic Aruban Government and The museum is open daily
buildings, mainly Dutch co- the Union of Cultural Orga- from 9:30 am till 4:30 pm. For
lonial architecture from the nizations (UNOCA), opened more information check out
late 19th and 20th century in July 2009. the Facebook page Museo
on a plot of approximately Arqueologico Nacional
1.700 m2. At the new location, the Aruba.q
National Archaeological
Visit the island’s hidden natural pools
and food—it could take you
up to three hours to hike there!
However, when you even-
tually do get there, you will
be greeted with crystal blue
water surrounded by a natural
rock formation that protects
you from the wild waves on
the other side. Though the
pool is located on the north-
(Oranjestad)—Amongst the (Turtle’s Cove) or just Natural ern side of the island (where it, but most people just call wild northern waves crash into
countless beaches surround- Pool—is reachable with any the sea is largely rough and it the cave pool. each other. Sounds scary, but
ing the island that are well- 4x4 vehicle or by foot if you’re largely no suitable for swim- if you look down on your right,
known and frequently visited, up for a long hike. However, ming), the pool itself is very Just like the Conchi, the new you’ll see a calm, crystal blue
there are an additional two since it is part of the National calm. It’s also relatively deep, natural pool is situated on little pool in the corner. To
“hidden” natural pools that Park, you must first get permis- and you can climb up the the northern coast of Aruba. get there, you have to climb
are situated in the northern sion from park management rocks and jump in! However, this pool is much down some stairs. Be care-
coast of the island, two ideal to enter. You would have to easier to reach with any type ful when climbing down and
stops in your tour itinerary. purchase a day pass, and Cave Pool of vehicle, and there is no follow the instructions of your
receive a wristband as proof This relatively new pool ap- hiking needed. This spot has tour guide if you have one.
Conchi (Natural Pool) of payment. Once you’ve peared just a few years ago, also become a regular stop
For many years, Conchi was completed that, you are set! when a part of the dried up for touring visitors. And just like Conchi, this pool
the only natural pool that we coral floor broke off and cre- also has a jumping spot, and
had on the island. Located If you decide to hike from the ated a partition between the When you get there, maybe a rope to climb back up the
in the Arikok National Park, entrance of the Arikok Na- ocean and what is now the you won’t be able to spot the boulder.
near Boca Keto and the tional Park, this is also possible: natural pool that is hidden pool immediately, because
Daimari Ranch, Conchi— do bring plenty of protective there. Because it’s still so new, you will probably notice the Picture of cave pool is cred-
also known “Cura di Turtuga clothing and enough water there is no official name for moon-shaped lagoon where ited to RockaBeach Tours