Page 4 - Homecare Homebase: Skilled Nursing Training Manual
P. 4
6. Reschedule: You plan to see the patient this week, but on a different day within the work
week (Sunday to Saturday)
***When you are rescheduling an 11 visit and you choose a reason marked with a “Y”, this gives
you, the clinician, the ability to reschedule the visit without scheduler involvement.
8. Rescheduling a SOC or an Initial Eval (00 or 01)
First, write a Scheduler notification coordination note first via medical records, “Features”
section, indicating reason for rescheduling.
9. Then press reschedule, and choose a reason, but it will always go back to the
scheduler to move the visit. This process is NOT automatic.
10. Decline: Indicates that you cannot be assigned to the case for the following reasons:
• Patient is assigned to you in error.
• You have planned time off (PTO).
*You must discuss with your CFM or Scheduler if you are declining a visit for any other reason than listed above.
Declining is changing the WORKER for the visit. Do not decline the visit if it needs to be missed.
If you are NOT declining, then Accept or Reschedule.