P. 44

1BChapter 2 – All About Uterine fibroids                                                        43


                   Bigger fibroid tumors can actually begin to become apparent as your body

                   begins to change to accommodate it. For some women this may result in

                   abdominal bloating like you may have during your menstrual cycle, or it can

                   result in stomach protrusion similar to the early months of pregnancy.  This

                   type of bloating can also give you a full feeling in the abdomen as the fibroid

                   takes up more internal room.  While these two symptoms are not dangerous,

                    they can be quite uncomfortable.

                    99BPainful Intercourse

                   Even though fibroids are not found in the vagina, they can put pressure on the

                   vaginal area, as well as the bladder and rectum, which can cause pain before,

                    during and after intercourse.

                    100BUrinary Problems

                   While not the most physically painful problems associated with uterine

                   fibroids, urinary problems can be the most stressful. The pressure of large

                   fibroids on the bladder almost always causes an increase in urinary urgency,

                   and often results in some form of incontinence, which can be very distressing

                   to most women.  However, this is not the worst urinary issues that can arise

                   from fibroids. If a fibroid compresses the ureters (those tiny tubes connecting

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