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1BChapter 2 – All About Uterine fibroids                                                        44

                   the bladder and kidneys), against the bones of the pelvis, urine flow can be

                    inhibited which will eventually result in severe kidney damage.

                    101BInfertility/Pregnancy Problems

                   It isn’t all that easy to get pregnant. As a matter of fact, many experts agree

                   that a healthy woman only has about a 20% chance of conceiving every

                   month in the best of circumstances. Now, throw in a few fibroid tumors which

                   can block a sperm’s way to that all-important egg; block the egg’s passage to

                   the uterus for implantation or cause so much inflammation in the uterus that

                   the fertilized egg is unable to implant safely at all.   Now, let’s say that you do

                   manage to get pregnant despite of fibroids. Now you have some new

                   problems. Fibroids can also endanger a pregnancy (or at the very least make

                    it more uncomfortable) by:

                       1.  Growing larger. Due to an increase in estrogen and progesterone

                          during pregnancy, some women experience an increase in fibroid size,

                          which can become very painful and uncomfortable as the pregnancy


                       2.  Causing Pre-Term Labor.  Women with fibroids tend to deliver babies

                          prior to 38 weeks gestation 4-20% more often than women without


                       3.  Causing More Birth Defects. Although it is rare, women with fibroids do

                          have a slightly higher risk of delivering a stillborn child or a baby with

                          birth defects than women without these uterine tumors.

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