P. 49

1BChapter 2 – All About Uterine fibroids                                                        48

                    350BWatchful Waiting

                   The most common treatment offered for women who are in their childbearing
                   years is to be re-examined in one to three months while waiting and watching

                   to see if the uterine fibroid has changed in size or if some symptoms start to
                   manifest.  Note that this treatment will be offered only if you have no

                   symptoms initially.

                    351BBirth Control Pills

                   Birth control pills will typically be offered to women who frequently develop

                   cysts or if their cysts have failed to dissolve within the three months of
                   watchful waiting. The purpose of the pills is to prevent ovulation. Not only do

                   birth control pills fail to treat the root cause of uterine fibroids  but the intake of

                   birth control pills can often worsen your uterine fibroid condition and carries an
                   array of side effects.

                   30BWhat Drug Treatment Options Are Available for

                    Treating Fibroids?

                   While some women may shy away from taking ongoing drugs to help control

                   their fibroids; others would rather try medications for treatment than a more

                   invasive option like surgery. Regardless of where you stand on the drug

                   therapy issue, it is important to know what pharmaceutical options are

                    available to help you make the best treatment choices for yourself.

                   The most important thing to remember when considering using drugs to treat

                   your fibroid symptoms is that not every woman responds to medication and

                   some drugs can actually elicit new symptoms. Still, a large number of women

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