Page 3 - The disappearance of a hiker fix_Neat
P. 3


               We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the completion
               of this script. Your support and encouragement have been invaluable throughout this journey.

               To our respected lecturer, Mr. Abdul Kadir Bagis, M.Pd., thank you for your unwavering guidance,
               insightful feedback, and dedication in mentoring us. Your expertise has played a significant role in

               shaping the direction and quality of this script.

               To  our  families  and  friends,  we  are  truly  grateful  for  your  endless  support,  patience,  and
               motivation. Your belief in us has been a source of strength and inspiration.

               To all members of this group, we appreciate your hard work, collaboration, and commitment.
               Together, we overcame challenges and achieved milestones that have made this project meaningful

               and rewarding.

               Lastly, we hope this script brings value and inspiration to its readers and audiences. May it spark

               new perspectives and appreciation for the power of creativity and teamwork.

               With heartfelt thanks,

               (Baiq Patimah, Hilmiatul Aulia, Hidayatus Syukriah, Reni Mahyani, and Lidia Maharani)

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