Page 8 - The disappearance of a hiker fix_Neat
P. 8

Angel          :  (with a sarcastic smile, arms crossed) "Yeah, and we’ll also  meet  a bunch of

                              strangers there. It’ll be fun watching other hikers struggle!"

               Angel          : (dengan senyum sinis, melipat tangan di dada) "Ya, dan kita juga akan bertemu

                              dengan banyak orang asing di sana. Pasti seru melihat bagaimana pendaki lain

               Anggara       : (furrowing his brows, then smiling widely) "Imagine, we could be stars among

                             the other hikers! 'The Best Hiking Team'! We could make a vlog and share this
                             awesome experience!"

               Anggara        : (mengernyitkan dahi, lalu tersenyum lebar) "Bayangkan, kita bisa jadi bintang di
                              antara  pendaki  lain!  'Tim  Pendaki  Terbaik'!  Kita  bisa  buat  vlog  dan  berbagi

                              pengalaman seru ini!"

               Bara          : (grinning, looking warmly at his friends) "If you're all done joking around, we
                             need to talk preparations. Has anyone taken care of the gear?"

               Bara           : (tersenyum lebar, memandang teman-temannya dengan hangat) "Kalau kalian
                              sudah  selesai  bercanda,  kita  perlu  membahas  persiapan.  Sudah  ada  yang

                              menyiapkan peralatan?"

               Amanda        : (pulling out a notebook from her bag, her eyes full of enthusiasm) "I’ve checked

                             the tent and food. I’ve also brought some snacks—chocolate cake and chips. You
                             never know, we might need some extra energy at the top!"

               Amanda         : (mengeluarkan catatan dari tasnya, matanya berbinar penuh antusiasme) "Aku
                              sudah  mengecek  tenda  dan  makanan.  Aku  juga  bawa  beberapa  camilan—kue

                              coklat dan keripik. Siapa tahu kita butuh energi ekstra di puncak!"

               Rebeca         :  (shaking  her  head,  her  face  sour)  "Snacks?  Seriously?  As  long  as  it’s  not
                              something that’ll get all sticky on our hands. We’re already going to be in the wild;

                              we don’t need more problems!"

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