Page 12 - The disappearance of a hiker fix_Neat
P. 12


               HARI 2: PETUANGAN DIMULAI

               Setting: Base camp before the hike. The atmosphere is full of excitement with hiking gear neatly

               arranged. The mountains rise in the distance, inviting curiosity and adventure. A gentle breeze

               brings fresh scents from nature, and the lively chatter of friends adds to the vibrant mood.

               Setting: Base camp sebelum mendaki. Suasana penuh antusiasme dengan perlengkapan mendaki

               yang tersusun rapi. Gunung-gunung menjulang di kejauhan, mengundang rasa ingin tahu dan
               semangat petualangan. Angin sepoi-sepoi membawa aroma segar dari alam, dan suara riauhnya

               teman-teman menambah semarak suasana.

               Bara          : (cool, while  carefully  checking  the gear) "Okay, team. We’ve made it  to  base

                             camp. Is everything ready? Let’s make sure nothing is left behind!"

               Bara           :  (cool,  sambil  memeriksa  perlengkapan  dengan  teliti)  "Oke,  tim.  Kita  sudah

                              sampai  di  base  camp.  Semua  barang  sudah  siap?  Jangan  sampai  ada  yang

                              ketinggalan, ya!"

               Amanda         : (kindly, writing on a list) "I’ve checked everything, including food and water. We

                              need to make sure we stay hydrated, guys! Keeping our energy up is important."

               Amanda         : (baik, sambil menuliskan daftar) "Aku sudah cek semua, termasuk makanan dan
                              air. Pastikan kita tetap terhidrasi, ya, guys! Penuh energi itu penting."

               Rebeca         : (sharp, with a skeptical expression) "If the food you brought is good, maybe we’ll
                              survive. But don’t expect me to share my snacks. They’re for me only!"

               Rebeca         : (jutek, dengan ekspresi skeptis) "Kalau makanan yang kamu bawa enak, mungkin
                              kita bisa selamat. Tapi jangan harap aku akan berbagi snack yang aku bawa. Itu

                              hanya untukku!"

               Angel         : (sarcastically, grinning) "Oh, Rebeca, because we all know how valuable your
                             snacks are. Whoever gets to taste them must be a chosen one. Lucky us, we have


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